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Everything posted by seraphrevan

  1. I think I'm just gonna mess around with the beginning for kicks.
  2. We were talking about how me and Tofu are the oldest ones here, and about the fact that I'm the only guy.
  3. Don't say that, I'm a crap guitar player. Also, I'm totally willing to do vocals if you wanna trade.
  4. What am I going to do about the feedback at the beginning? :O
  5. I don't think you got the whole song, Calliope. I put your track side by side with the album, and you ended a measure early, or something.
  6. As soon as we add bass and vocals to Bliss, my guitar will hopefully sound less crap.
  7. I keep trying to teach myself languages, but always fail. The only French I know consists of the following. Je dois manger le chapeau! Je dois boire le fromage! A reponds... reponds a ma tendresse... Verse moi... verse moie l'ivresse... etc.
  8. BLISSBLISSBLISS It'll make me sound better.
  9. VOCALS! Unless someone already has them, in which case... nevermind.
  10. Wow, there's some crazy audio clipping. It totally throws off the timing.
  11. Ok, here's the updated version: http://electricbunker.com/Bliss.wav I realize that it is a huge file. That is because I exported it as SUPER HIGH AWESOME CD QUALITY. Seriously. It's less than 4 minutes long, but like, 80 megabytes HUGE. Also, some timing may be off, as after I finished the song, I deleted the drum track and then added it back in. Also, sorry about my still crap guitar playing. Another thing: there's an Easter Egg in there! See if you can find it! You shouldn't have any trouble, as it's TOTALLY OBVIOUS what I did.
  12. I just exported an updated version. I'll link it in a second.
  13. Oh, God. I just listened back on it after getting some sleep... I'M A CRAP GUITAR PLAYER! I have to rerecord at least two parts.
  14. Anyone here older than 19? Please tell me I'm not the grandpa of the band...
  15. Wait, so you're dropping vocals, then, Kirby? Take guitar, then. I'll try vocals. I might not be able to record vocals for a while, though. I'm like Matt when it comes to recording vocals: No one is allowed to be around.
  16. Also, I can't do the end part that Matt sometimes plays with the really quick triplets. I have to play them at half speed.
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