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Everything posted by seraphrevan

  1. So, I recording vocals to this just now. Yeah, right after I woke up. Not a great idea. I'll upload later.
  2. We're not taking this one seriously. We're replacing all the instruments with silly ones like bells and recorders.
  3. I'm gonna record the HAARP version soon, and then edit in a separate clip of me doing the scale at the end.
  4. I could try. Tell you what, I'll give the solo a few tries, and if I can't do it, you can take guitar.
  5. Haha. We average like, a billion posts a night. I love it.
  6. What am I doing? Sorry, I've forgotten what I've signed up for. All I know is that I have to sing some 11 songs.
  7. I don't think any of us have the proper effects for Map of. The Problematique, that is.
  8. I was also holding the mic too close to my face.
  9. Here's me, in the car, with the music in the background. Also, this was after I totally tired my voice out in the shower warming up. http://electricbunker.com/Micro.mp3
  10. I think people are avoiding recording this because they don't want to be the first to upload vocals, haha.
  11. Yeah yeah, I know we're not supposed to be doing any more songs. I wanted to call guitar on this, though.
  12. I'll have vocals up either later tonight or some time tomorrow.
  13. OMG, I'm some kind of fool. I went home for the weekend and forgot the power supply to my pedal.
  14. Are you kidding? You and Calliope. are so tight together, and then I'm just in there like, "OHAI! Watch me do my own tempo!"
  15. http://electricbunker.com/Bliss.wav I think. I'm not sure if that's current.
  16. I have sex with my guitar as often as possible. It keeps our bond strong.
  17. Man, I'm so negative about my musicianship all the time. At least I have awesome stage presence.
  18. There's no way you're worse at it than I am at guitar and vocals.
  19. That vibrato there in the second half is some really weak stuff. GOTTA STEP UP MY GAME!
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