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Everything posted by seraphrevan

  1. I'm pretty sure all of us are at least making an attempt at taking part in everything, lol
  2. How do you know I'm not playing crap on purpose?
  3. Easy. Just ask my old high school orchestra. We sucked.
  4. I would do vocals, but they'd be the live version vocals with the high part after the breakdown. As soon as I start recording vocals, you'll learn that I tend to add in the little live things.
  5. Streamable link: http://electricbunker.com/Bliss.wav
  6. I have a webserver we can upload stuff to so it'll just stream instead of having to download it, but you need to be able to use FTP. Who's comfortable with that?
  7. I'll upload it somewhere so you can stream it.
  8. I should go home this weekend to record vocals...
  9. So how are we going to decide on vocals? Are we gonna have a battle? Should just have both simultaneously? Should the two vocals alternate throughout the song?
  10. I guess it depends on how we're going about mixing. I've got everything in separate tracks on my end, so if we're just gonna have me edit this one, I'd prefer separate tracks.
  11. Guys, if it'll make things any easier, I can probably set up a way for us all to upload to my website. That way, they're nice short URLs, and none of this waiting 45 seconds crap.
  12. "The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable."
  13. Here's me mucking around with the intro: http://electricbunker.com/PIBlol.wav
  14. Oh, I can do the riff. I meant the crazy feedback whammy stuff at the beginning. I don't know how he does it.
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