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Everything posted by seraphrevan

  1. Haha, you could be a one-person Muse!

  2. Yes, I do! Well... I did. I haven't really played in the last year or so. Don't really have the time with classes and everything. Been trying to focus on guitar, too.

  3. Thanks! One can never have enough random birthday wishes! :happy:

  4. I guess I should count myself lucky that my slide has never broken from me dropping it.
  5. It's because she secretly has the plague. The plague in this case = Bieber Fever.
  6. I get free shipping because I have a free subscription to Amazon Prime. WOO!
  7. Yeah, it'd be totally creepy if someone was so obsessed with a band to go on their message boards every day. It'd be creepy if they got together with a bunch of other people on said message board to cover said band's songs, too. Yeah, that'd be super creepy.
  8. Just looked it up, I was right. From that same album, they also covered Muscle Museum! _jT_u12IJQ0 I can just imagine them rehearsing that, and the director trying to explain to those Belgian girls the lyrics. "Ok, the next line is, 'I have played in every toilet'!"
  9. @Taylor Is that the cover that they're using in the trailer for that Facebook movie?
  10. That GaGa piano cover had BETTER work, since it's pretty close to how GaGa herself plays it when she does an acoustic set.
  11. Actually, I'm inclined to believe you two. I have this iPod dock/stereo in my bathroom, and I always set it on the counter next to the shower and blast Muse so I can sing/mime along. It has to deal with the moisture that's in the air, and the occasional wet hand reaching out to change a setting or switch songs.
  12. My iPod is in perfect working order. It's a launch iPod Touch.
  13. You can do whatever you want, I was just saying that lately, I've liked recording through a mic-ed up amp.
  14. No, I think he's saying that if your favorite band release a song you really don't like, you shouldn't be like, "OMG, [band] SUCKS! I can't believe they made this! I'm never listening to them AGAIN!"
  15. A wizard never awakens early, nor does he awaken late; he awakens precisely when he means to.
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