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Everything posted by seraphrevan

  1. Yep! On break from MSU at the moment.

  2. That's awesome! And here I am, just having silly dreams that I'm Matt.
  3. @Dracula II Let me guess, you think all we can do is a posh accent? I'm educated in the field of faking English accents. I'm very aware that not all English are posh. I'm fond of the Cornwall accent, myself.
  4. Dracula II: From what I can remember, Japanese Fenders from a certain period for certain models were terrific, and there are other periods where they were absolute shite.
  5. Dracula II: I probably wouldn't bid on it. I'm not very familiar with the Japanese models, though. Check over on TDPRI and see what they think.
  6. I can give you Phoenix for free... Totally legal, you know. Sort of. Not at all. I got it when Matt and Dom played 1901 on that radio takeover.
  7. That ukulele player is like, an older, ukulele-playing Matt Bellamy.
  8. It's a lot easier to just get a small jar of the right shape. I hear they have better tone than fabricated slides, too.
  9. I've been busy worrying about school. Also, I'm generally more active when other people are active.
  10. I know we were thinking about doing a cover of a Lady GaGa song, and I think we should do this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWe07krS8_E
  11. Wait, my best bro has got multiple girls and he didn't tell me? Ohoho, that scoundrel!
  12. Silversun Pickups The Sunshine Underground (listen to "Put You In Your Place") Harvey Danger (listen to "Wine, Women, and Song") I actually quite like Radiohead. They were my favorite band before Muse. OK Computer is still probably the greatest album I've ever listened to.
  13. Kiev is a city. Perhaps Matt is doing a shout out? A shout out to the Satanists in Kiev, perhaps?
  14. I'll give the guitar part a go. I've never played it before, though.
  15. Am I the only one who gets a ton of static in Tofu's recording?
  16. Backwards GL... I didn't know Matt was Russian.
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