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Everything posted by eyduh

  1. Hoping it's just for a song or two, I'd like to see them just perform the music. Also, sounds to me like they felt the TR arena tour was way too much so they want to scale down a little bit.
  2. Last night the NME had a radio interview with Chris. No new information, just talked about why they all decided to move to London and record there and all. The girl that interviewed him said they'd put the interview up today but so far I haven't seen anything... lol Matt's voice was never sexy to me.
  3. ovaj video su valjda uklonili iz warnera, iz ne znam ni ja kojih razloga... sreca pa sam ja tolika fangirl da sam ih sve odmah skinula... jedva cekam chrisove pjesme, da budem iskrena.
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