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Everything posted by eyduh

  1. it was so awkward when the guy said "One of the songs you wrote is pretty much all electronic, right?" and Chris was like... "uh..... no" "oh.. ok"
  2. Elton John almost joined them at glastonbury 2010, but he had a gig in London. No Irish date yet. That's about it
  3. Interviewer just said they were gonna talk some "brand new music" edit: the interview is going to be cut up and played at different parts during the 2-hour-show jfc
  4. you're terribly old fashioned They're getting old lol
  5. ma ja, ne vidim ni ja fazon u tome, a i ne bi me cudilo kad bi malo dosli u ovaj dio svijeta, ipak nisu bili ovdje za vrijeme zadnje turneje.... red bi im bio kad bi dolazili u zagreb i beograd ja bi radije u zagreb isla, jer tu imam familije pa imam kod koga da prenocim...
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