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Status Updates posted by DropletInTheOcean

  1. seriously what's a calculator :LOL:

  2. Why thank you that was a very enjoyable experience :L

    Ooh that's a good idea i should try that at some point although actually today i was made a prefect/studnet leader person so i should be setting a good example as apparently i'm a 'role model' to the younger years :LOL:


    Ah yes why attend school if you cna't enjoy yourself by corrupitng the system from within.


    It was funny today we have a maths supply teacher who's like 60 and drives a sports car and has a grey pony tail which is obvioulsy amusing enough... anyhow this girl i was telling you about who distrcted the teacher was walking down the corridor ahead of the rest of us on the way to the LRC/computer place in catering today and then someone said to the girl your skirts really short today as a joke and she turns around and screams "you disguting paedo why were you looking" (again joking)or something and just as you does this teacher waks out of the classroom and yells



    "That's disgusting language I'd be ashamed if you were my daughter I'm taking you to the headteacher" and almost drags her when she refuses to walk.(i'm guesisng he thought she was talking to him)

    Anyhow we were all in hysterics and all in all a very enjoyable lesson :LOL:

  3. Ah that's always fun we do that to teachers who struggle to log onto the computers even though we are a technology school :facepalm: so sometimes when their back is turned someone adds a letter right at the end of the log in bar so obviously they can't log on which is of great amusement to us ;)


    Also I think the most amusing lesson was when this girl who's really fun and plays up being blonde distracted her and then this really tall girl grabbed the clock and moved it forward to the end of the lesson so she let us out for lunch like 50 minutes :LOL:

  4. Ah well I don't think they can be as bad as our I.T teacher she's Scottish and nobody can understand what she is saying so we just annoy her for example when she locks the computers to show us a powrpoint on our screens we know how to disconnect so she gets like 30 messages telling her we've disconnected so the system crashes :LOL:



    Yeah I know the beehive is ridiculous esecially as the teachers think we want to look after them somehow standing on a roof with bees stinging you isn't my idea of fun :L

  5. :LOL: our music teachers a bitch to put it kindly then again quite a lot of the female teachers are :L


    at least your not a green/ecoschool so you recycle everything and have a bee hive on the roof of the science block

  6. Oh ok well at least I am not alone in my failings but I find it is more fun to quietly laugh at those who perform 'street dance' then actually partake


    Well I hope you get the choices you want as a languae is always good for uni


    I chose geography,history,german,long course r.e and catering because we are a technology and language school so both are compulsary. Obviously I understand those subjects aren't to everyone's taste but as I am unsure on what job I want I figured it made sense to play to my strengths of the exciting task of writing essays. :L

  7. Year 10 isn't all that scary really as long as you get your coursework in on time :)


    Yeah I did enjoy being able to choose subjects as music and art have shamefully and much to my disapointment never been my fortay but I shall appreciate music rather then actually play it ;)


    So what subjects are you thinking of taking for your gcse's?

  8. :L why thank you although it did have reprimands today as my parents effectively grounded me for the day to make me revise for the majority of the day :facepalm:


    I am in year 10 and just to let you know despite my previous negativity year 10 is not all that bad as normally in lessons me and the_invincible_dude don't do all that much work when were together so schools pretty awesome sometimes ;)

  9. Yeah my days been pretty good actually as I kinda said screw revision and went to the beach :awesome: so what have you done today?


    Also may I ask what year you are in at school? :)

  10. Lol normally I'd try and be supportive and say that they aren't that bad but when I'm stuck inside revising what seems an endless list for my history exam I can't say anything but their awful :L

  11. Well I'm sorry studying your own brain is very lucrative :)


    woah that's weird since when do you call me Jenny on the boards and now continuing this weird trend goodnight Laura :kiss:

  12. Well I'm sorry studying your own brain is very lucrative :)


    woah that's weird since when do you call me Jenny on the boards and now continuing this weird trend goodnight Laura :kiss:

  13. Why thank you :) it's the only thing keeping

    me sane during my gcse's


    I must ggo now as I am close to falling asleep see you around ;)

  14. Well no shit you live across the road from emma who I love so much

  15. there's no money involved if your studying yourself ;) pfft wembley would be even more awesome without you ;)you know I want you to go really....



    How the hell are muse supporting you what are you going to play :L

  16. Are you definetly moving to Wembury or is it just an idea? Because if you do you'll never be able to get me away from your house and therefore the beach

  17. Aww I'm sorry see your day would have been awesome if you had seen me;)


    I love the beach and yeah but the kids parents are both lawyers of their own practice so yeah I understand how he can afford a boat

  18. Yeah that is better but seriously let's just say some people int school are pretty slow

    so even in person sarcasm is lost on them as they don't even

    understand the concept but some were new and not all that good at English so it's undersandable



    Oh well I'm sure your going to get a chance one day :)


    Ah yes I am going to Wembley on the Saturday and it's my first gig so it should be awesome especially as I'm going with the_invincible_dude and another school friend so it's going to be :awesome::party:

  19. Ah well I have had an awesome day as we bought my aunt a laptop so we went down to salcombe to give it to her so in the morning I lazed around in the garden in her hammock which was awesome and now I want a hammock :L then we walked down to salcombe itself where we had lunch in a cafe virtually on the beach and then chilled on the beach for a bit in the sea and stuff. Then as we went to get a drink we saw pauls friend from school who owns his own boat (not his parents his own boat :facepalm: kinda one where you steer from the back with a motor so me and Paul went on that for a bit then I got out and went on a public boat with my mum and aunt onto the beach on the other side of the estuary so yeah it was awesome as I didn't have to revise today either :L

  20. Well i'm glad you understand sarcasm because the number of times I've made a prat out of myself because people didn't get it :LOL:



    Well on my iPod I have lithium and predictably smells like teen spirit


    So are you going to any muse gigs or any gigs in general in the upcoming year?

  21. Do you not remember the supposed contents of your inhaler?


    So what have you done today?

  22. :O bitch (love you really....) ;) how did you forget me I was here since we spoke on fb


    Seriously how much 'asthma' medication have we had today?

  23. ahem where's the love stephens or are you ignoring my comment below? ;p

  24. http://www.absoluteradio.co.uk/player/Muse/7621/Interview-at-Big-Day-Out.html this interview has matt wearing that jacket we discussed


    ah i'm glad i've found someone who understands my warped sense of humour as some people don't get sarcasm


    also nirvana :awesome: i only have a few songs shamefully.. do you like the album?


    Good but you are right he does look good in that picture :eyebrows:

  25. Hello here i am just to annoy you and i also hope to ahem get to know your husband :eyebrows:

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