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Status Updates posted by DropletInTheOcean

  1. Well that's fine screw you then that's the end of what could have been a very good friendship :phu::p


    So how's your day been?


    Yes that picture is epic win :D and seriously it's in your calender :awesome: the muse calendar i have only has a few nice pictures. Also i agree matt does have sexy cheekbones but then i think he looks sexy in general ;)

  2. ok yeah i'm sorry i can't find it i saw it on the official muse group on facebook under an album called twitter pics and now that album is gone and i don't have twitter :( but i will keep an eye out for you

  3. In that caseyou have been mising out matt looks so sexy in this :p he may not be able to get away with this :L

  4. I completley agree with you regardless of what he wears people myself included accept what he's wearing which shows you the number of crazy muse fans there actually are. For example that red and black apron thing he had on one day :L


    Btw if I disappear randomley it's because I have no charge left in my iPod ;):facepalm:

  5. unlucky I don't intend to wake up until at least 10 am this morning as it's been a long day


    :) that's fine being able to recognise a muse pic is always awesome


    btw your little comment about the interent amused me greatly especially as my interenet always fucks up :LOL:

  6. Hey thanks for adding me :D how are you this very early morning or is it not morning where you are ?


    Also in answer to your question I'm sorry but I don't know where that

    photo is from

  7. Oh okay goodbye why the sudden disapearence?


    Also what's going on with the whole pm thing is confused? :erm:


    Guess who's back back, back again...

    Lozi's back back, tell a friend.:LOL:

  8. Why pm me what's going on?


    Also it is too late because my parents say if i want to play an instrument i have to give up that speech thing and i've been going for years and only now or the next few months will it pay any rewars to uni because if you take the higher grades you get ucas points so no guitar for me :(


    Guess who's back back, back again...

    Lozi's back back, tell a friend.:LOL:

  9. I am aware of that i was just wondering how expensive they are and my conclusion is it will be a too expensive hobby to start...so i think playing the guitar won't be something for me to start soon with my poor musical ability :(


    Guess who's back back, back again...

    Lozi's back back, tell a friend.:LOL:

  10. I'm so jealous of you and i don't even play the guitar your so lucky i bet you can't wait for your birthday now :L I think that's my one regret in life(yes i know i am only 15 so i'll probably have more regrets :p)not learning how to play a awesome instrument like a electric guitar or bass

    well don't expect a gift from me now you will be enjoying all this exciting equipment also £400? only that's awesome *nods in approval and bows down to awesomeness*

    BTW excellent colour choice :yesey::awesome:


    Also my parents are curious how much does a glitterati cost in comparison to a regular manson ie. what's the price of a manson as well ? ;)


    Guess who's back back, back again...

    Lozi's back back, tell a friend.:LOL:

  11. Did they apolagise for their behaviour and yes an assasin smiley would be awesome and i would keep it immediatley :L


    Also again from fb can you send me a link and may i ask the price for said bass guitar?


    Guess who's back back, back again...

    Lozi's back back, tell a friend. :LOL:

  12. Guess who's back back, back again...

    Lozi's back back, tell a friend. :LOL:


    I'm not going to lose stephens :assasain: :fear:


    I see from facebook you've forgiven someone.....

  13. They do have a tendency to ruin most things I assume you mean the sluts in the corner?:L


    Also muse gig FTW what concert were you watching?


    Guess who's back back, back again...

    Lozi's back back, tell a friend.:LOL:

  14. Yes please stay i am enjoying your company a lot :happy:


    But more importantly...


    102 DAYS TILL WE SEE MUSE AT WEMBLEY STADIUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :party::awesome::party:


    Guess who's back back, back again...

    Lozi's back back, tell a friend.:LOL:

  15. I think you'll find i have saved that rhyme on my ipod so i know what the original is and you will lose and if you change the rhyme btw i will stop sending you any of my fic updates or any lj stuff you can't access so :p


    Anyhow damn i forgot

    Lok jk

    Guess who's back back, back again...

    Lozi's back back, tell a friend. :LOL:



  16. Indeed but that's us all over i'm clearly the exciting one and your the one who sticks round with me for my exciting personality ;):p


    Ooh your going down stephens i really will own your ass because i'm the assasin


    Guess who's back back, back again...

    Lozi's back back, tell a friend. :LOL:

  17. I shall watch it in a second as i am getting myself a drink of champagne again :L yeah no i'm not that lucky i'm having some highly exciting lemonade :p




    Guess who's back back, back again...

    Lozi's back back, tell a friend. :LOL:

  18. Well you said tell a friend so


    Guess who's back back, back again...

    Lozi's back back, tell a friend. :LOL:

  19. Yeah I'm pissed off but I can't be bothered to have all the tension with her so I'll just deal I guess...

  20. Yeah I feel really bad for both of them :( and yeah you should get it ;)


    well this is what she said which kinda annoyed me due to her lack of guilt




    i know you are ;) &i know you miss me ;) &i didn't break your shoe i promise! :L

  21. Indeed what next you'll probably have an asthma related accident...



    I feel ridiculous I actually apolagised to chloe because otherwise barney might talk to her and exclude me even more unless she wants my help in science :facepalm:

  22. You should it's awesome there's a deal running atm 2 months for 5 pounds



    Cheers I will use jack and swap linda for alex so it's purely a friendship


    I know poor natalie do you know whether she can still write for exams and yeah laura feels really bad

  23. Pretty good thanks paul recently got xbox live so I'm bringing my awesome skill to the world :L



    Please pick 2 guys names or 1 guy and 1 girls name depending on which you prefer as other characters in my other fic


    Sorry for the slow reply

  24. Are you free to talk or are you working on the keeper list?

  25. What no she's like 50 and actually shaz doesn't bother me as much in the second series of ashes to ashes


    the 1st episode of season 2 when chris strips is hilarious

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