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Status Updates posted by DropletInTheOcean

  1. Hey :D Here to annoy you :p I joke I am here to check something. :)

  2. Awesome :D Our corrupting shall start soon :D:LOL: Hmm perhaps he is in our form and pwobably doesn't know many people if he's resorted to talking to that :p


    You know you love my inappropriateness XD :kiss:

  3. :LOL::D :D :D: That video is epic :D :D Also what song is that in/where does it happen as I can't find it on youtube? :D
  4. Unfortunetly not he's taking the IB :) He is my favourite Soroity Sister :p:chuckle: Good we will plan this corruption soon XD I also saw a guy with red skinnys :D on the lessons day being accosted by that creature which pretends to be louise's friend so perhaps rescuing/corrupting is in order there as well? :p:LOL:

    Right back at you sexy ;):p


    Ok goodnight my dear ninja mobster,talk to you tommorow. :D I love you and thanks also for the awesome conversation!! :kiss:

  5. Hell yeah :D:p The guy with the awesome beard?? XD :p We should make an effort and maybe corrupt him at the same time? Doesn't he know my new best (guy) friend as well so I think were on route to corrupting :LOL:


    Hi Dom :p Also in case you didn't realise I'm Matt Bellamy :chuckle:

    Dave Grohl truly is a Godlike Genius :D:happy::thumbsup:

  6. You know what I mean I'm not as friendly as you :yesey: Aww I'm glad you think I'm awesome :D:kiss:


    Oh well any of the haters,our coolest friend and the girl with the 'cousin' :ninja::fear:

    Of course I'll accompany :DWE SHALL BE VICTORIOUS!!!!


    He is EPIC :D:LOL: :LOL: :LOL: He may be the nicest guy in rock but do not mess with Dave Grohl...ever ::eek: I love how they obey him completley :D Although in another video he introduces a guy who proposes to his girlfriend half way through a song :happy:

  7. Any time cupcake besides you love my compliments disguised as insults :D:LOL:


    Your neutral all the time, I can't think of a time when you offended anyone.(Your evil uncle doesn't count :fear:) Your a better person then me :yesey:


    On another note Ninja-ify (ing) people FTW :awesome::ninja::fear: Some of them deserve it if I'm honest.


    I did link the Dave Grohl video below ;)

  8. Awesome :D :D Thank you I thought I could do with a change ;):awesome:


    Could you link me your avatar or upload to me in facebook pm please? :kiss:


    Awww :kiss: *pats on head* cupcake i bet your really helpful :p:D


    :LOL: I'll copy that into the thread for everyone to see the rude buggers XD :p

    Indeed sort them with your epic ninjaness!!!! :awesome:


    Also search on youtube dave grohl throws fan out-he is a godlike genius :D :D :yesey:


  9. I'm a assassin how would you have known I would show up...unexpectedly XD


    Let's continue the main conversation on facebook :D ;awesome: I'm just going to annoy you on here with random comments XD :ninja::musesign:


    What do you actually do on the keeper thread?

  10. Hey Darling :D :D :D You shouldn't have told me you were here XD :cool::awesome:

  11. Yep I had no idea what you were talking about so I just made something up because we talked about that on the boards from a while XD


    I've no idea unfortunetly,hopefully she is :D

    That's ok have fun and keep your iphone with you but on vibrate/silent and i may send you some amusing messages to distract you from the :shifty:...visitors XD Speak to you later on facebook my ninja mobster :D:kiss:

  12. It was either TIRO or New Born :happy:


    I quote: I wouldn't like to come across those eyes down a dark alley... I assume this is who/what you were refering to XD :shifty:


    I think we must have spent most of the first term of Year 10 English laughing at her :chuckle: *has a halo*



    That actually made me laugh out loud I just had a image pop into my head with me and you with lightsabers and skinny jeans stanidng opposite a massivecat like the bears in Uprising size XD

  13. Because your epic and remember these important things :p:LOL:


    I think we may just end up replacing a certain 2 people as the married couple minus the inappropriate groping etc. :LOL::$


    How could we not be that cool :p:cool:


    I'm listening to the HAARP CD and I quote "That's the biggest mosh pit I've ever seeeeeeeeen!!!!" :awesome:


    Cat alert...:eek: *grabs lightsaber* :fear::p

  14. I'm joking or am I? Mwhahahahahahhahahahahahahaha :p Love you really XD Were worse then a married couple we must mock each other and then make up about 10 times a day XD :kiss::LOL: because were cool... :awesome::cool:



    Also because I can/just remembered this:



    MY LIFE,YOU ELECTRIFY MY LIFE!!!!!!! :D No prizes for guessing the song XD

  15. Hey I'm not changing my undertitle your the one who ignored my ' amzing gesture of friendship' :mad::p:LOL: If you hadn't worked out I'm enjoying the wide range of smiles XD

  16. How will I cope, I wouldn't mine if you hadnt changed yours to the highlander so one of my keeps doesn't make sense :phu::facepalm: I'm so hurt :'( :p

    Love youuu :kiss:;)

    I wonder how our coolest friend is doing? XD

  17. Indeeed it is cause for celebration :D :D :D :D :kiss::musesign::ninja: :ninja: :fear::awesome:


    Also how do I change my undertitle?

  18. Hello cupcake ;) Miss me? Oh because i haven't for so long :ninja::fear::awesome:

  19. Well of course but we both know it's awesome because i'm involved :D

    Yes we shall I can't wait :)

    Yep no surprises what he did in the toilet let's just quote muse and say 'i have played in every toilet'

    I must go now as my grandparnets are taking us back to thier house for the night because we spent the afternoon here with internet and it just shows how i miss broadband and video streaming XD Love you :kiss:

  20. Well that is awesome but if were going to make it really awesome I have 2 things to say/do:

    1.Smiles like in englsih to trigger your scary grin

    2.Why Hello There your pretentious ****** ;) Oh and :D:LOL:


    Lol our conversations are so random it's awesome :awesome:

  21. You have to be careful with coffee I might even adovcate violence XD Honestly her ridiculousness amuses me to no end :D


    I know by the time my 2 years mark comes around we will have finished year eleven and all our exams becuase prom is on the 1st I think that's such a scary thought :O


    Also it's nice to see your using me as a news bulletin for lou on facebook ;)

  22. Ooh semi colon's and red ferrari's why hello there ;) That was epic three suggestive comments in one now where's my coffee? :thumbsup:


    Damn I've just looked at posewetals account she hasn't been on the boards since Christmas 2009 have we really been here for so long? :O XD

  23. How did you do that thumbs up thing!?! *is impressed*

  24. Ok I shall do some 'research' ;)


    Goodnight my ninja mobster as i'm pretty tired now so either see you tommorow or if not have an awesome christmas :D I love you :kiss:

  25. Yep it's your loudness and the fact i deafen myself with my ipod daily XD :LOL:

    Oh ok fair enough and eww that's awkward i don't blame you *hugs* besides you would never leave me would you?:cries:


    Also may i as his name because i'm a nosy bugger XD

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