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Status Updates posted by DropletInTheOcean

  1. I think that's the best for everyone as I doubt Lou could handle you behaving like that :LOL:



    Oh yes do the accent that will be so awesome as your accent is epic :)

  2. Of course in fact I insist on it because in wicked which is wicked :LOL: Matt fakes an irish accent so if your going to be a pwoper little ninja mobster you have to use a irish accent :yesey::D although I think you ca refrain from behaving like Matt in that bathroom scene unless you really want to :p;)

  3. In answe to you question about my picture :)Ah unfortunetly not i am from devon it's from a cafe in teignmouth that I've always gone to called yeh beachcomber (Matt mentioned it in a interview once

    and I was in there the other day and I tueed round and saw that awesome picture and the owner said they had been at the gig ;)

  4. Not that I'm laughing at you it amused me how ironic it would be if a boyfriend turned out to be gay :L also I agree relationships in year 6 don't count as it never goes anywhere :facepalm:



    How has your weekend been?

  5. I love your signature I didn't know I was that inspirational :LOL:

    *feels loved*

  6. Well no it means I have dated guys in the past but things haven't really worked out in the long run and right now there isn't anyone I know/considered who isn't after the one thing which I assume you know what I mean so things aren't looking good :(

  7. I'm glad the concert went well :D


    I also hope things improve with this guy and here's hoping I actually meet someone who for once isn't a chav and only after one thing :facepalm:

  8. Ah awesome what are you playing in this school concert? and that's an awesome day to be born on :yesey: and if you don't mind me asking how are things going with this guy?

  9. Urm no I think it was with rockley watersports at la rive in the south of France ;) where abouts in France were you


    Ah yes world domination ftw:LOL:

  10. Wow that sounds awesome I'm so jealous as this time last year I was doing watersports in France which was :awesome: but this year i have to do work experience... also no shit how did I know you weren't invading France :L


    Hmm why I would I want to pay so much for a personalised notepad :L

  11. Awesome what were you doing in France and did you enjoy yourself?:)


    Not fruit but someone asked if I wanted an iPad but I declined as why would I want to pay so much for a notepad with the letter 'i' on it :LOL:

  12. That's ok it's probably best you don't talk to me right now as I'm kinda pissed off so meh :kiss:

  13. Ah ok fruit I don't understand why he was making such a big deal out of selling me some fruit?!? :LOL:


    So are Gateway's (a laptop brand i believe) a new form of entrances/exits to a private garden?

  14. I've no idea we gave them to a kid outside but i think the back was red

  15. Awesome Daivd Villa FTW and we got some of those cards free and they were all really ugly or like form the 80's so you could compare teams to see how they've changed i was very unimpressed by the lack of fit footballers in the child's card game specifically for boys :L

  16. Ah ok that makes sense now ;)


    I know as yet i haven't though of an exscuse as to why i want to watch as it's not even england and hey don't forget david villa or i can have villa for myself and i'll allow you torres and just admire from a distance :p


    I've been meaning to ask I always end up feeling guilty for reading on the lj but not contributiign as especially as there have been lots of new authors lately who are pretty mediocre and i don't want ot be one of the masses or feel obliged to keep updating?

  17. I am confused :erm: the list wasn't updated any more? although i agree the lack of assasain smilie and general failing of england's football


    Will you be watching spain play as even though i don't know the team i have a reason to watch:eyebrows:

  18. Ah christ that updated version amused me greatly as the bitches will need stiches by the time were finished with them ;) :assasain: :ninja::fear:

  19. Oh yes that obvioulsy makes sense now for those who read/write muse fanfiction well they have broken the scale...;):p

  20. Well i don't thin there's a classification for someone who has 2 :L

    Exactly with my assistance you couldn't possibly lose as i'm so sporty....


    Yeah i know typical english failing :facepalm:

  21. Indeed I am very pleased with my purchase but my family think i'm very sad :L


    Oh god i can just imagine the 2 of you having a lightsaber battle :fear: as you have me as your bad-ass assasain to support you

  22. Yelllo :D also so you'll have to wait till sixth form and even then they might even stop you :L


    Today I was so happy as I bought out of this world : the story of muse

  23. :O I'm deadly serious and now very offended


    So what the hell is a calculator also everyone is talking about pens what is this strange invention


    Oh and today someone tried to sell me an iPod please help I have no idea what it is? :LOL:

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