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Status Updates posted by DropletInTheOcean

  1. Awesome I love it when your hyper everything seems funner and yes the inhaler is awesome... Also so glad it's fixed :awesome::happy: what was wrong and how did you sort it out?

  2. My air is fine I have been issued a inhaler for when I'm stressed out about being around you and ok feel free to delete the message codenames are good

  3. Well at least you are aware your pretentious and if you start showing off i'll change it to pretentious twat so be careful :p also check out the um 'keepers' convo with our coolest friend attention seeker much btw i accidently sent this on fb so hence if you get it twice

  4. Hey don't take the piss out of me if your not careful i'll start mentioning how far ahead you are on sam learning *cough show off,pretentous wanker*



    I love you really :kiss:

  5. Yeah natalie is in a wheelchair but lottie is normal and i have lots of other insignificent randomers as well but meh they don't annoy me and on the plus i'm owning her on sam learning I have 10000 and she has 8900 and yes i know it's ridiculous but i can't let her win at anything over me ie. dodgeball

  6. Ah yes the beloved sam learning which is currently annoying me greatly as there are for some reason 10 people on my friends bar at the top and 1 of them is gibbsy and i can't get rid of her :facepalm: (desk:p)

  7. Yes I made a promise to myself to avoid the boards during the exams but I couldn't bring myself to the lure of muse is too great :yesey::D and revision bores me :LOL: and AWESOME :awesome::happy: I shall be listening at 7:30

  8. Why hello there I have a question have you been able to download neutron star anywhere?

  9. I'm glad you enjoyed it ;) a few more words FAIL and ARE YOU SERRRRRRRRRRIOUS? :L

  10. Check out my undertitle please ;)

  11. yes of course look after yourself and i may see you tommorow but maybe not because it's sunday so probably see you at school love you :kiss:

  12. well done round of applause for workin gout alex's idnetity there is a dave in there as well ;) yes he has a new friend but i think they will stay friends if he makes another apperance -i have a idea what would you prefer?


    i really enjoyed writing that as i could just relax and throw in some interesting characters :eyebrows: but it didn't go to far and it did play a part in the story to bring as they realise their true feelings

  13. indeed i am and in the excitement i decided it would be a good idea to recreate the beginning of bliss off my bed which kinda failed epically but it was fun nonetheless

  14. well i doubt you would as they would be twice your size :p would you care to read some bliss? it has a new character

  15. indeed it would be so awesome to know others

  16. ah ok we might be near each other :D

  17. sorry for the epically late reply


    um were sitting on the 5th level but i don't know where exactly as my friend won't say to tease me and the other friend

  18. of cpurse it is and pfft you can't afford to lose more brain cells and why the hell did they do that?

  19. woah that's weird he should have more faith in you perhaps we have a psychic on our hands :O *sniggers*

  20. almos thave some fic for you

  21. ah you are very lucky that you have a back up plan but my dad's in london a lot for work so he knows his way round

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