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Status Updates posted by DropletInTheOcean

  1. I do love you so much i just can't stop thinking about you it's so hard to keep control of ym emotions when i'm around you :p right now i am going to go and buy a oasis cd to prove how realistic that statement was XD


    i think you'll find unlike you i left because i was being helpful by lending my parents my amazing laptop and skills for google street view for said reason we discuseed yesterday ;) so i didn't abandon you :kiss::p

  2. Yep I know it's ridiculous but ah well it's a very helpful analogy unless you want to be more open :L


    You broke my heart again :O :stunned:

  3. Well that's an explanation for everything :L



    Really you haven't had Brie for ages are you asking me for something? :O

  4. You are indeed but you are still my awesome Brie loving little ninja mobster ;):LOL:


    Cuz you iz wellard babes ROFL *does weird hand spasm* GETTON :p *shivers* why do people insist on speaking like tha :noey:

  5. :O bitch how could you be so inconsiderate :p


    Guess who's back back again dudys back tell a friend :LOL:

  6. I don't care if your undertitles have feelings,i have feelings and now i'm devestated it's like my life is over :supersad::p:LOL:

  7. You changed your undertitle how could you?:supersad: I feel unloved :eek::p

  8. Yeah for once i don't mind getting injured XD Ah that would have annoyed me but it was almost as bad as this couple in front who arrived late 3 songs into muse's performance and then just practically sucked the other's face for about an hour i mean they can do that at home for free :wtf:

  9. That's pretty much like what happend with us because one of my friends didn't know their songs all that well and looked at the rest of us like we were insane XD Ah yeah that mexcian wave was pretty impressive actually althouhg i'm still suffering because both me and my friend fell backwards on the floor becuase the seat went back up which was funny at the time but kinda hurts now :facepalm:

  10. Yeah most of my videos are just like everybody singing the atmosphere was mind blowing :D

    Ah ok yeah so you were closer to the back of the pitch then the stage the us -that pole would have annoyed the hell out of me :L I'm still surprised at how active the standing people were some didnt't stop running around all night :D

    God when biffy clyro came on this drunk guy arrived and he stunk of aftershave and my friend was convinced it was biffy clyro and when he heard us this guy just kept yellling yeah they smell fucking amazing it was hilarious XD

  11. Same and i loved the mk jam and of coursew matt in that suit ;) Ah it's funny when bliss started my friend was recording on her camera and i played it back the other day and all you can here is us freaking out from th awesomeness :LOL: we were sat in 501 which is on chris's sideof the stage:D Where were you sat?

  12. Yes because were amazing XD that is a good summary although our use of wicked isn't exactly discreet :LOL:

  13. Ah right no i don't understand but i'm sure matt will ;) I know right it's the age and at least were celver with it if that's possibly rather then opne pereversion if you get my dirft :D Going for tea now okay?

  14. Mwhahahhahahhahahhahahahhahaha :p it is only a matter of time :D

    Awww are you ok would you like me to send matt round to help you out?

  15. Yes getton babe :p Although that in itself is a fail :facepalm: Awww am i ruining your *cough* reliable wholesome image?


    I know same even now i'm supposedly doing homework ;) check your facebook as well

  16. Hello! I'm so sorry i didn't reply to your post about how aweosme wembley was because my internet broke and the boards kept crashing when i tried to post a comment :( So what was your favourite moment of the setlist i can't believe we got bliss!!!!!!!

  17. WHAZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZUP :p:LOL::D In case you hadn't worked it out i'm feeling really random XD


    Ah that should be amazing have an awesome time :D

    Who else is paying at the Voodoo festival?

  18. Hey i'm only telling the truth and besides if you didn't day that care to explain your actions in the morning? :LOL:


    Ooh that's harsh your just a delueded citizen-see what i did there also that's blatently not true since when did you have a life :p

  19. Thank you :D Being sixteen is kind of awesome for getting a job but the resposability is like meh XD

    Your so lucky I need to see muse agian soon becuase since wembley both me and my friends are feeling a little low as the rush from the gig wears off :/ How are you?

  20. Of course not you just said you wanted me like 10 times :p I know I love making things easy for you :D Aww I'm sorry my little cupcake did I break your heart? :kiss:

  21. It was awesome I can't believe we got bliss!!!!! and I want a pair of led sunglasses so badly XD I turned 16 last week so I can get a job and of course I'm now legal ;) Are you seeing muse anywhere in America? :D

  22. I know it's been ages since we spoke!!!! I've been goooood thanks just doing loads of work before the summer for exams and now i'm back at school doing the same again :LOL How have you been? :D


    Also wasn't seeing Muse on the 11th at Wemblely just the best night of your life we had such an awesome setlist :awesome::musesign::party:

  23. Seriously i'm not joking you actually did XD I'm so hurt but i forgive you my little cupcake with a raspberry topping ;) i bet your husband will think i'm really strange now :p

  24. Yeswe did have an awesome time and because i'm a nozy bugger,can't stop thinkking about you :p just like our coolest friend and incredibly bored i like how you didn't mention telling me to fuck off while you talked about telling the others to shut up :LOL::kiss:

  25. Lol your so random it's hilarious and ciao to you too my little ninja mobster :LOL::D:kiss: also if I freak your husband out what do you think you do? :p Enjoy the smilies :)

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