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Status Updates posted by DropletInTheOcean

  1. Yes I cannot wait is it bad to feel slightly nervous as i don't want things to go wrong or miss it?

  2. i know i really don't want o og back to coursework and shit plus i really don't wan tmy english exam back :fear::noey:

  3. aw why thank you and i know there so sweet which is stupid to say as i made them that way


    i just thought i'd make it friendly after the fights and dancing

  4. That tongue is awesome :yesey:

  5. ah ok well i know there's a train that goes from plymouth to paddington which links to most stations easily so it would be a good plan to go by train

  6. did you get that link of muse drawings i sent on fb?

  7. Red haired Matt FTW!!!

  8. I'mm pretty good and oh thank you i love that picture or any pictue of Matt/Muse :LOL:

  9. true well we haven't confrimed that yet because one of my friends parents is OCD about safety so we might be on the train we'll see :LOL:

  10. Hey thanks for the add :happy: how are you today?

  11. Lol i would but i've a feeling we live in different parts of the country :(

  12. bloody hell what were you doing with the tazer :p you know if you said that to anyone else they would freak out but tom e your weird static is normal behaviour

  13. yes if your anything like me i pity the other passnegers...... jokes

  14. ah ok we shall be in pain together well i am it's as if i have paid now for mising one :facepalm:


    well i have written some jsut dance so pm and if you stick around some bliss

  15. awesome sounds fun i've just chilled really except when dad made me go running which with monthly shit doesn't go down well :facepalm:


    also have you written?

  16. kind of becuase my dad was at a work conference in scotland but it was fine becuase he just went by train rather then on the company plane although apparnetly things are going to get worse becuase they won't be able to inport food so there might be shortages


    have you had any disruptions?

  17. good thank you what have you been doing today?

  18. indeed it did continue with some heroics from chris and tom but unfortunetly i woke up before i found out what happend :p also i have the same problem finding decent books :facepalm:

  19. Whazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzup :)

  20. ah you should have a good time as train journeys can be amusing if you rin a hyperactive/excited frame of mind or any journey really

  21. not at all *sarcasm* ah don't get me started on imagiantion thbe other day i was discussing muse dreams/random muse thoughts with my friend who was thinking about what muse did on the tourbus which led to me having a dream about the tourbus crashing into a giant sock with matt sticking his head out the window screaming for dom to help him


    also it's fine to read easier books sometimes just to relax i asume that's wha tyou meant as i have not read that series

  22. 11 th with my best friends so it's going to be awesome but i pity my dad who has voluntered to drive us up :L

  23. sorry i missed your comment and btw i don't normally behave i nsuch a childish way with certain friends *looks shifty*



    ah i see rather is a particuarly british thing to say but it's fine as i'd rathe rbe well spoken then a chav

    also abandoning muse to read hmm i don't know what to say i like reading but that's a bit too far i think :p


    also what series was it?

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