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Everything posted by jonisdead

  1. Don't forget the Psycho solo that should've been on the studio track.
  2. The Globalist (with its 2 minutes of rock guitar) is now deeply progressive rock and roll!
  3. I really am not exaggerating when I say this set is painful to watch. It hurts to see Chris/Dom (especially Chris) as bored as they are.
  4. Some guy was seriously just headbanging on the live stream to guitarless Starlight. This needs to stop.
  5. Maybe we'll get a heavy set when Muse does a reunion tour in 20 years.
  6. Muse crowds haven't been the same arguably since 2005. They were acceptable until 2009. After that, they aren't "Muse" crowds in the same way. No excitement unless you're in Japan. That's about it.
  7. The hopes that there wouldn't be an illusion of choice, doesn't even have to be crazy rarities just ones that aren't in the typical setlist. And nothing, actually. You can flood and I think the proportions would increase. Also fuck having the option between The Handler and Stockholm, this just signals to Muse that given either of these songs the other one would have to be retired. Both are good and both should stay in the set but not as rotations with each other.
  8. I'm calling it, the next options are between The Handler and Stockholm. They're going to give the illusion of choice but these are just going to be selections between tracks they're already rotating.
  9. I will not tolerate Coma hatred in this thread
  10. Greetings kids. I'm back and boy do I need you all to prove to me that non-Redditcore Muse fans still exist.
  11. True but phone numbers are private. Same logic goes for social media accounts, if they're private, you're being invasive by finding a way to access it. When has he ever "told us no"? I have no clue what you're on about. This is just a request, it's not like I'm insulting them or being obstinate. I really think you're too worked up about all this, Jessica.
  12. I firmly believe using social media for its intended purpose doesn't make anyone a "weirdo" unless what is being commented is stalkerish or some kind of harassment. In other news, let's all stop mentioning Brexit here because it has absolutely no pertinence to anything.
  13. I hope you picked up on how meta that was in all seriousness if we go by Jessica's argument then we're violating Matt the same way by sending him anything on social media ever. So I think mine holds up.
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