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Status Updates posted by Alies

  1. Haha, makes me think of the time where I had a nice teacher for gymnastics (Really, only the first year was a bad teacher, but it made me insecure and ruined PE for me for life.)

    But that time I got a 7,8 on gymnastics. And I was like: OMG! Nooooo!!! And the guy smiled at me and said something similair like yours. You see you can do it!?


    Yeah... I guess someone has to punish them! XD They didn't play Bliss, but I guess most of my I-want-to-hear-live songs were played. So when I start to complain (in the sense; It was awesome but I wished that they played Bliss) she is almost prepared to hit me XD She's not a real Musefan, but all the songs she likes are played. And it was freaking fantastic (like a teacher on Uni said: Fan-Fucking-Tastic!) It was worth soooo much more than I paid for!

    But I was incredibly tired afterwards. But I've a tour shirt, which I'm soooo happy about (the one with the coloured Muse text and on the back all the tourdates around the circle thing on the resistance cd) :D:D Next time I'm soooo going again! I hope I'll get standing places next time.

    Wasn't intending to take along rotten fruits (my friend's drinks were taken away from her! Weren't allowed bring along stuff, we had to buy there... <_< ) But it would have sounded kind of fun, however I would feel a little sorry for them XD They can't play everything (although I wish they could! XD)


    Haha, I had this funny comment on my David Tennant in the Dark drawing XD Something like: That sounds like a fun pornomovie XD I was like: Noooo!!! XD You're scaring me! XD


    I'll go now. need to make a assignment I had to upload about three hours ago already (added as excuse that I went to MUSE. They 'HAVE to understand! XD)

    And then I'm going to draw again, I'm here with a friend. Tonight we're going to watch the Doctor Who special on BBC! :D

  2. Well, that teacher of mine made me feel like I sucked. I was already very insecure about myself, and this didnt really help XD


    Yeah, I'm so excited! Today I'm going to see them. Yay! I really hope they will play Bliss!!!!

    Oh, yeah. I used to draw something on the birthdaycards of friends a few years ago. Even when i sended my fellow jack sparrow fan a holiday card i had to draw a Jack Sparrow on it :p I guess they like it XD I made one of jack on her birthday card too, and one of my friend was like: OMG! Now I try to buy something special for her, and you just draw something and make mine seem like nothing! This wasn't a I-am-mad-on-you kind of speech, by the way XD

    I AM flattered, made me feel like I had wings for a couple of minutes/hours. :p

    Ooooh, that's so sweet of her! That's just aaaaawesome :D


    And, oh, I made some more drawings, but I think I'm loosing the skill a bit (I have periods where they are acceptable. Sadly I have really long times they are not or I'm to busy with other things.O




  3. I wouldn't miss PE in the world for years *laughs* I hated PE. Especially the first year on secondairy school ruined it for me. I just found out that the PE teacher had been fired on another school in my hometown. Well... I wonder why... It probably wasn't because he thought every student had to be an athletic, do you think? *sarcasm* PE was fun at times. Especially when teachers encouraged me and especially especially when I had done things I was afraid of to do :p (Well, not while doing them, but afterwards).

    I hope MUSE will not dissappoint me in their concert next saturday :p I hope they will play some of the good old ones too :) (bliss!!!!)

    Thank you :) The funny thing is that I got teary when I started drawing the doctor's doomsday XD

    someone even wrote a poem about me, because he/she liked the drawings. :D So sweet!


    A for Artistic

    L is for Leonardo da Vinci, the modern day one

    I is for Intellegence

    E is for Elements that you create

    S is for Super, you are so very great!


    *treasures it. Good to read when feeling a bit pessimisic :p *

  4. Aah, yeah I know the feeling of nostalgia. I have that all the time. Televisionshows like Digimon and Dragonball Z, par example. When I watch them they tend to dissappoint a little. Nostalgia DOES make them look better. and to be honest, I haven't listen to RATM for a while. I guess my fandom has faded for them. Yet I will not sell my RATM stuff in a million years. Might do sell my Johnny Depp stuff (but I will keep Secret Window). Wonder if I would sell ALL my JD stuff... would someone buy a drawing? LoL


    Btw, something cool happened again today. I noticed that my best friends drawing was added on the Doctor page of SJA Artists of the Future (Anoeska is her nickname). And then I noticed; On the left was MY David Tennant Drawing. This time with the RIGHT way of spelling it :D Me is so proud (of my friend and a bit of me).

    I've drawn a few things again today. Might do so tonight. But I'll show you the onces I made this midday.




  5. Yeah that's true. I wonder how many people lie about their age overthere.... Is this good drawing of a 13 year old, really a 13 year old? I wouldn't lie about something, but maybe I'm too honest...

    I'm glad your getting some of your regular sleep back :)


    Okay, I havent heard of it yet. People here are still panicking about the Mexican flue.

    Yeah that's the song I was talking about. Around that time I hadn't found my taste of music yet. I liked the 80ies rock, but that was because of my parents. At age 13 (I guess) I discovered RATM, from there I developed my own taste.

  6. :D I'm happy too :p Pretty cool it is actually P

    Aknowledged between children's drawings XD But yeah, I guess they do not quickly pick the drawings of the 'grownups' unless it's good. At least I keep telling that myself XD I've seen two others who were aged around 18 or 19, and their drawings were pretty damn good too!


    I'm happy you're feeling better. I hope you can enjoy a good night of sleep soon!

    I haven't even heard of this Czech flu! Is it local or epidemical? Or is it possibly just a hoax?

    If he died, we were getting this ala MJ hype again I guess. I'm not really following Elton John, but what I've heard is pretty good ( I used to love his song with blue XD)

    But since he's a Sir, I guess it would not be unnoticed when he died. Next to that, I don't want anyone to die. So I hope he lives a long long life ;)


    Oh that sounds unpleasant. Isn't there any cure or medicine for that condition?

  7. Oh Oh Oh!

    I had to add another message here!

    Just found out that my Luke drawing is being featured on the Sarah Jane Adventures website! The BBC one!





    They misspelled my name, but I don't freaking care! XD

  8. My teacher Dutch said this to me two years ago too XD Might do that yeah ^_^ But don't know how that works with copyright, since I draw existing people... I'll figure that out later ;)

    But thank you :D Me is happy :D


    That indeed sucks! I feel sorry for you. I would go to the doctor too. Just in case. I understand why you don't want to sleep But I guess that sleeping is the best way to recover.

    I can watch medicinerelated stuff. My parents would laugh in my face if I couldn't, since they both work(ed) at the hospital. When the needles are for me I do not like them. I guess I won't faint, but I just don't like it. so I hope we don't have to get those stupid vacinations for the Mexican Flu. A friend of mine already had them. She was scared the night before. Couldn't sleep ect, but the day she got it she was fine.

    I also thought that deceases was something for the old. But then you hear about a boy that used to be in class with you who's suddenly in hospital because they discovered cancer. My best Unimate was 8 when they discovered she had cancer. It comes so close suddenly. And so young! Now I know it's not just an old people thing.

    What's ictus?

  9. Wow XD That's the second today to react that way watching my drawings XD I showed the drawings to a girl who went to the same secondairy school as I. She follows some classes with me. And we had French and Art together. I took my sketchbook to watch a drawing I had made yesterday (show you later) and she saw Eccleston and she was: No! You DIDN'T draw THAT! And I was, shocked by her reaction, like... I haven't stolen it or something... yeah, it's mine? XD


    It was indeed an adrenaline kick, talking about something you like (or a reading a poem in front of your city, before the two minutes silence to think about the deaths of WO II)! I loved it! But other than interesting topics, I just get REALLY nervous, and suck at speeching. Well, even WHEN it's interesting I get pretty nervous. At best the nerves react AFTER the speech (which was the weird case of my poem).

    Yep! That's the one. That was the name on the tip of my tongue! (UGH, I have the weird habbit of making things rhyme today -sigh- )


    O that sucks that you don't feel better yet :( My mind plays tricks with me too. I think its also because you hear a damn lot about deceases on the telli. Like cancer. Both my granddads died of it. A few years ago even my 5yearold dog. So sometimes I DO worry about it.

    But when I think about the problems/symptones of don't know what (probably hormones not working correctly yet) I keep telling myself that I can go to the doctor 'later'. And the fact that dementia and diabetes is in the family doesn't really worry me.... Weird

    An old school friend of me suddenly asked me: You said you could have diabetes.... but you aren't 'big'! (I'm probably the opposite, might be too skinny). That's the fun thing (sarcasm) of too much attention to diabetes. People warn you for one type of it (where you eat too much and wrong things; and get 'big') but completely ignore the genetic type. Well, yeaaaaaaaah..... the harm is already done right? So now I tell someone my mom and grandma and uncle have diabetes people tend to think they are fat (well.... wouldn't agrue about the uncle part...)



    My Luke Smith:


  10. Yeah those speeches will make people look at you differently because you get enthousiastic about something. I talked about Jane Eyre in such a speech and connected it par example with James Bond. Timothy Dalton (who played Rochester in de '83 version) played JB for two movies, if I'm correct. And the one who played Rochester in the 2006 version (the name lies on the tip of my tongue, but I can't get it out of it XD) played a villian once in a JB movie.

    Hahaha, that's pretty creepy XD But at the same time awesome :p


    Awwww.... Get better soon!


    BTW, I just uploaded two more Doctor Who drawings. I made them on Ameland.



  11. No, no, no, wait, wait, wait (sorry, had to steal that line from Drama Doctor Paul McGann :p)

    I'm going to see it the 18th of this month, with a group of friends. We used to like Twilight, but the fandom began to fade (especially after the last book). But it's nice to be around those friend you've seen last at or before getting the piece of paper form secuncairy school.

    Yeah! XD funny thing. My best friend (who goes along with me to Muse), listened to that song on the Restistance. She thought the song reminded her of something, but she couldn't put her finger on it. I watched the back of the cd while she asked; was it used in twilight? I was like: No *snort* but it will be in New Moon! I guess she sees in the future. LoL

  12. Haha, behind the sofa :p Sure I've heard of that expression before.

    Man, I barely seem to have time for my colleges anymore! I just got back from a weekend at Ameland (one of the islands of my country). It was fun, really. I was brought along with my best friend and her parents.

    14th we go to MUSE. 15th is the Doctor Who Special on the BBC, which tells me that this weekend is unusable for scholarstuff. Then the 18th we go to see New Moon with a group of old friend (originating from last year ect XD Really old, yeah)

    But, at least, I'm having a GREAT time :D

  13. Well, he's is a scientist. And he 'could' have used other children than its own, but it's way easier and more stable (the influences from outside a lesser than when the kids have other parents of their own). And it's only being filmed while trying to say words. Which is at some cases hilarious, because the boy's getting an own will. and the whole investigation is about following a child in it's developing from the Dutch language. You çan't just got somewhere, pick a child and test him once or twice. You need to test him regulairy.

    I always thought it was forbidden for teachers to have relationships with each other on schools. But I know there are at least two couples on my former school. They however do not have kids. But you do see a lot of kids running around there who do have a dad or a mom working there. They 'don't follow lessons in their classes, but their friends will. And so do their enemies.

    I guess it comes in handy to have a dad or mom who is teacher; she can train your skills about the subject even at home when you don't get it. Or you even know more about everything then all others in the classroom, because you hear a lot of mentions.


    Oh, that's not fun. Well, my dad works as a ambulance 'nurse' (That sounds just weird). anyway, then you hear a lot of things about death and decease, really. You hear the weirest things. Happily he's forbidden to say a lot, but sometimes you do hear things vaguely. It doesn't terrify me, but it can make you think about your health.

    Yeah! Breaking Dawn: I really thought the same and was a little dissapointed that everyone lived. Even in Doctor Who, which is watchable from the age of 6, it's hardly the case that none dies.

  14. Well, It could have some downsides to it yes. But I think it makes it way more exciting, for the students and the teacher himself (the son is not among them). It's something HE investigated. Something he did and can share with his students. Here it's kind this a kind of unwritten rule not to teach your children. (At least that was on the secundairy school. I guess its getting harder when you share the same interest on Uni).

    Oops, happilly that hasn't happened to me yet. I would be like: oh no's! I did come to late once, because of the bloody bus that was overloaded and couldn't take me with to Groningen. But the teacher understood. I didn't sneak in when I was there however. I quietly waited until they were having break time.

    Funnily the boy that takes the same bus as I do (but get in it way before I do, so has more chance of staying in it), was too late yesterday. I wonder if he could manage to deliver his dossier on time! Because we had to give it before a certain time to the secretariaat. The idea I now gave it away and it will be judged scares the hell out of me. Because it's about Academic writing, and the fact I'm labled to be Dyslectic and I have to fullfill the same norms as anybody else, gets me uncertain.


    I would get lost too when i get somewhere else than the Central Station or the street I get dropped of in case of Tuesdays ect. Good thing is though that we students can travel for free (at least, it depends on the kind of card you carry with you: I carry a week card, which means I can travel for free in weeks and I have to pay 40% in weekends. But you also can have weekend cards, that could be if you live in the town of the Uni and only have to travel in weekends to get to your parents and stuff)

    yeah... I tend to get things a bit darker than I intended it to be XD i'll upload it asap, but I'm pretty busy atm since I'm going a weekend of (yes, after london I'm having a break AGAIN) and stupid me said yes to go working on Thursday; which is my only 'free/quiet' day and so I have to miss Sarah Jane's Wedding :(

  15. Yeah he did. Must emberass the hell out of the boy right now, since he uses the clips in his colleges, but it's cool

    Man, that sucks :(

    Well, I only know the way from the Station to my two faculties (Academie and Harmonie) and a few roads I take to get to the coffeeshop (which is a coffeeshop in the positive sense of the word. Only coffee and no other stuff :p) And the road that I have to walk on Tuesdays, since I have to take another bus, because the usually taken bus is overloaded by the time I should get in.

    Sounds pretty creepy to me to walk there.

    The sudoku is on the bbc doctor who website. So I was a bit bored and tried a lot of every thing found there. Also those jigsaws that revealed unused dialog. And when I unlocked it and read it, I was like: okay................. so this is the big secret? I don't even know who is suposed to say it! Totally lost without its context.

    And oh, I'm again using the comicmaker from doctor who XD But the problem is I can't print it out anymore. And I guess the doctor sounds pretty depressed and suicidal XD which was not my intention XD Especially Jack mentions it. I made him say: 'You're freaking picking the wrong times to get suicidal, doc!' Which is suposed to be a typical jack-joke. But because I made the Doctor respond to it with: I'm not suicidal! It's like he is. And next I made the voice of nine say: I brought you here to sort you out, not to give in to your deathwish. It sounds even worse. but again it was intended as a kind of joke. A hyperbole or something. But 9 brought 10 back to Gallifrey, in mids of battle. so I would get kind of 'suicidal' too, which is equal to trying to save Gallifrey with knowing you can't interfene with the sonic screwdriver and so only by using your hands. I'll upload it later ;) might make more sense.

  16. Yeah, my teacher is awesome. he studied his own son when growing up. And he reminds me of some belgian carabetier (joke maker xD) It's known to be a difficult subject, but going there too college is a pleasure, nicest hour of the Tuesday's :)

    Tonsils sounds familiar yeah, but i couldn't think of the word XD I guess you'll hate icecreams for a long time afterwards xD

    Yeah, that's the problem of a lot of succesful things: they milk it way too much! (which is a real expression here: uitmelken: 'milk out' or something XD)

    Yeaaaaaah :p Oh I want to go to Cardiff tooooo!!! (seriously.... there is a building on my way to Uni that looks like the Torchwood building in Cardiff. And I'm like: torchwood! Torchwood! Torchwood! XD Every time I pass it I keep repeating that word in my head xD with the big fantasy in my mind: they might pick up my secret knowledge or something XD Really, I don't believe it myself, but it makes traveling way more fun. And you know how I like to fantasize XD)

    Okay cool. I just played Doctor Who Sudoku XD


    And oooh! I suddenly feel addicted to the Resistance (not good, when it's called the resistance <_<) At least the first few songs anyway :p since my parents aren't home it's blasting out loud these days XD

  17. Oooooooh! I want that tooo!!!!!!! <_< XD Well... ended up having 6,2 out of 10 anyway... but I would have liked that for Physics (a) XD

    Aaah don't say you hate fonology! (I like to subject so far :p)

    One positive thing of fonology, we don't have books for it (h)

    Maybe you should take away the things we call here 'amandelen'. Those are in your nose and in your throught... not sure though ;) I'm no doctor

    Oh, yeah the mary sueish beginning stories. XD I tried to explain what a mary sue is to a friend of mine (show tries to write too). and since she's a fan of Star Trek I took Wesley Crusher as example (I read on Wiki that he was). But she started gathering arguments for the fact he is not.... so that didn't work XD


    London was great! London was some kind of Heaven!!!

    My friend and I started photographing the Canary Warf like lonatics and other passengiers were looking at us like: WTF is so important about Canary Warf?! XD

    I have bought so many things!

    To much maybe. But I finally bought all my Muse CDs including the Resistance (h) and a Muse poster :D Yay!

    I'm now trying to tape it on my room XD

    And Doctor Who!!!!

    I have to new dvd's (without subtitles, but I watched it all online so I understand it without subtitles)

    The last book I needed to get my Rose/9 novelserie complete and book about rose and 10 (with authograph of the author!)

    The shooting scripts of season 1 :D yay! The Magazine, Compenion and Allies guide. A little quizbook and a calendar and a 'things I learned from Doctor Who'poster :D

    Me is nuts, and me knows it. XD

  18. I was around the age of 11 or 12 when the whole school was tested (only first and second years of secundairy school). and so they claimed me to be dyslectic. I just read that I have difficulties with fonology (which is funny, since I just learned what it meant at my Unicourse.)

    'Dutch language and culture' has a studentgroep, which has a website too. And there we were able to buy the books. So I have them for a long time. But still missing some old literaturebooks though.

    AAah, I have problems with catching colds lately too! Had one, almost over then the next appeared. Right now I have to cough <_< I hope it's another cold in row.

    And yeah! Muse is almost there! For me it's counting weeks really, but less than a month anyway ^_^

    Haha, if I ever come across my first fiction story (Annemarie and the Ghosts; at age 8) or my first serious fanfiction (Dragonball TN) I guess I have to resist the urge to burn it XD

    Be well!

  19. Hello hello ^_^

    how are you?

  20. Jup, dyslectic, me. :p At least they claim me to be. My parents lost my proofpaper, but the good guys of the testingcentre mailed them back to us. When I read it my day couldn't be broken, since I was full of laughter. I'm happy for you that your classes are nice :D

    :O really, a friend of mine is having a sore throat for about 2 months. She's worried a bit.

    Those lines sound great :D

    And oh! Love the proze afterwards :D


    I will :D

    got to go now, cuz I have to work at freaking 8 in the morning <_<

  21. Sorry for being silence for so long!

    I've been working on a lot lately.

    anyway, everything fine overthere? I'm feeling great. Monday till wednesday I'm going to be in London for the very first time. And I've heard there is a huge store with Doctor Who (and other scifishows) stuff, and since both me and my best friend love DW at the moment, that will be great.

    Just received my Dyslexiafile. (Since my parents somehow lost it <_<) It's so freaking funny XD


    Wrote an Shakespearian sonnet about it


    I'm breaking the rules of my condition.

    Doing all the things I shouldn't do.

    Having fun in playing the contradiction.

    And gently laugh at confusing you.

    They expect me to quit my German.

    Where I voluntarily follow French.

    And I astonish all the gentlemen.

    Claiming it is not at all a wrench.

    I study my language with a smile.

    Where they think I should fail.

    Doomed English according to my file.

    O, please laugh and take an ale.


    The claim is floccinaucinihilipilification.

    Or else my dyslexia is on a lifetime vacation.

  22. Thank You for your comment on my drawings :D

  23. Ah okay ^^ It's a good thing to just sit down and take a good look at what you have to pick from. Ooooh I hate that, having to run after everyone before something is done for you. I had that sort of thing when they had send me introductionpapers for Dutch and Languagescience (probably named differently in english, but whatever). After calling them hunderds of times, I sended an e-mail; within two hours I had a reply saying that I should ignore the introduction of LS <_<

    Congratulations! I'm so happy for you for passing it! Yay! :D *dances around*


    Oh, really I'm bad in explaining things. Yesterday I had to describe where I live in my city. I was doing that very abstractly, while I could just tell him where to turn and stuff... But that briliant idea came afterwards ofcoruse <_< And I'm bad in calculating in my head... At times like that I hate being one of the Grafic Calculator Generations <_< xD

    Cool! Have you really heard of something similar. *sighs* XD Well.... I'm going to write it anyway.

    And no, I haven't took it a listen yet. I couldn't get my hands on it yet. But have you? What do you think of it, if you did? After the 30-seconds opinions... are they still the same?

  24. Oh yeah, I guess it does sound a little familiar.

    I don't care... yet. I mean; I'm going to choose something when I have to. Before that I just orientate on what I really like about my basissubjects so far. I 'think' I'll do something with literature, but I'm not sure yet. There are so many cool things at the moment. Academic writing and presenting (however I hate presenting stuff and the listeningcolleges were a bit boring). 'Klankleer' with fonology and stuff like that. We're going to write words by sound instead of spelling, which is cool. If you are going to specialise into that you can work for CSI, investigating who had phoned by the use of the sounds. (Can't really explain, as you might have noticed).


    And Oh, I'm having another idea to write about XD A warning at first; it's really Doctor Who inspired.

    But once upon a time there was this city where people go to University. One day the alarm of the building goes off and all students are forced to gather on the street, noticing that all students of every other faculty (who do not follow lessons in the same building) gathered there too. One of the students was suspicious and sneaks out before all the students are even gathered. While getting out she meets Christopher McGann (okay, seriously... I haven't got a good name yet, so it's to be changed very soon) They both witness how all the students suddenly disappear.

    McGann, who's a timetraveler from the future (one of the few, it's forbidden after an incident, but since he went to freelance after his timetravel eduction he doesn't let them stop him), tries to find the lost students. But he discovers that they are taken away from time and space and can't find them anywhere. Later the students suddenly return like nothing had ever happened... But there is something suspious about them.

  25. Okaaaay... sounds interesting :p I'm excited to find out how Digimon fits in place there XD

    Well, only attending college overhere isn't enough to make it. You do have to learn something XD And guessing on what I have to do for next week, only counting one subject, it's pretty damn much!

    Well, they are human themselves too, right? we have teachers who give their own opinion about things, but also one teacher who makes his classes freaking interesting by taking himself not to serious and adding funny stuff into his college.

    Haha, well, wish I could do that when I have to decide, since I have no clue what I'm going to choose!

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