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Status Updates posted by Alies

  1. Yeah ; Timmy C climbing into that thing on stage. Awesome, but it embaresed the hell out of ZDLR. Some say that was the last reason needed for Zack to split up with the band. But we'll never know unless he choices to tell us.

    haha, yeah. At my (after tomorrow I can say former) school our desks, wall... everything is written on. (repainting doesn't help; yeah we're that rebellion). But most of the time those are stupid words like: ... is a homo, boner and stuff. I don't really understand, I guess it's guysstuff.

    I've once written RATM on the wall of physics. On my desk at french someone drew an awesomely beautiful piece with flowers. I even have photographed it with my cellphone. I love to read the harmless texts.

    i remember the days I learnt the word floccinaucinihilipilification in about 5 minutes (writting and speaking). The day after I was like; I know a cool word!

    Friends: What?

    I: Floccinaucinihilipilification!

    Friends: What? (gets urge to respond just like matt in this legendary interview)

    I: Floccinaucinihilipilification!

    Friends: Flocci what?

    My friends later were eager to learn the word (all are about to attend Uni, so I guess they are eager to learn weird things in general XD)

    Nice attempt of my little brother: Foccinauci *laughs*

    And one of my friends said: I bed you don't will tell our teacher english about this word. I honestly give you 5%

    Well, she was like : OMG! She freaking did it! I need to change my point of view about her shyness!


    Btw, I've just seen the last part of Digimon Tamers. It was so saaaaaaaaad! *cries*

  2. Well okay, sometimes awards are fun to vote for when it has to deal with people you know and support. But a while ago RATM was nominated as the best live band. And I was like; vote vote vote! And me and some other ratm fan started being pretty hyper. And so we posted it on the Vietnow.org forum for every RATM fan to know that they should vote. And then we got responses like: Are you out of your mind? Awardshows nearly killed the band forever! Those comments sucks. Because you want to do something good and you get yelled at. Then I'm feeling pretty sorry.

    Oh yeah, the knowledge of those people. I also dislike some magazines. They pretent to be knowhows about the Hollywood scene. But when you think that Johnny Depp played Charlie Bucket in Charlie and the chocolat factory you're dead wrong. Imagine Depp playing a kid in his beginning teens. *laughs* I know that 40yearold people want to look young, but this is just laughable. No, those magazines make a lot of stupid mistakes.

    Oh!!! Well, I'm not really deep into the MUSE knowledge yet. ;) But I do know a lot about floccinaucinihilipilification. (Yes, I've written that without copypasting. And yes, I'm dyslectic :p) I impressed some of my schoolmates and my teacher english with it. The teacher didn't even know that it excisted. :p


    Your description reminds me of a schoolmate I have on school. :happy:

  3. Well, I guess that I'll come to the revelation that there are more Muse fans in the country than I thought. Probably they are just to ashamed to admit somehow *laughs* I do know that someone on this forum is going to be just one row in front of me. :p that's pretty awesome to know: that you've been talking a little bit when you see the guy or girl in front of you taking place.

    Oh I will never watch that stuff like Grammys. I don't really like those awardshows. I really got dissapointed with 2008's Academy Awards. I was pretty certain that Johnny Depp would win the prize, but he ended up being nominated but not winning for the 3th time in row. And I start yelling if someone asks me about the MTV of TMF awards; not because I thought it was awesome, but because I am terrified of it ;) Well, I guess I'm just not really mainstream, but I already knew when I was just little that I wasn't; liking my parent's albums better than todays music. I grew up with music like CCR and such like. Typical 80 rockmusic also.

    Oh I didn't know :p Probably because I have no clue where or what the Sawmills studios are. (Do I now live under a rock?)

    I did like the movie of Bridget Jones Diary (prob because of Mark Darcy <3) I didn't really like the book (but good enough to read it till the end) because I didn't feel like she was sharing the romantic feelings. It's just like; well this happened. There no 'ambiance' like the frenchmen say it. It's not like Jane Eyre where you kind of fall in love with Rochester too. But that's prob just me ;)

    Oh yeah, telephonemarketing is a pain in the ass also. I never know if I have to hang up, because they make it sound important. There is a rule in my house overhere that we, including my mom, always give the phone to my dad or tell them to call back later if he's not home. It's pretty handy...... if you knew for certain that the calls of your grandmother weren't displayed as 00000000 or ////////// when the phone feels like too <_<

    Oh awesome :p I like tight tees, but not to tight (reveals to much (or you could stay; to less <_<). Not that I'm embarresed of it, but some guys seem to make point of it *sigh*). But that won't be a problem since I can fit in S if I want too. My mom states that I have to eat more, but skinnyness in the family; fortunately not her side of it. (Well, I'm 1.73 or something and I can fit in size 36 of pants... but I guess that's different in every country. I haven't looked at my weight for a long time... but the last time it was around 53 kg)

    And I prefere walking around in jeans.

    It's rather hot in here too. That was why I was probably having a headace and why I weared my cap; for reading my book. I'm so glad that I have darked glasses too, for when I don't feel like to put in my contacts before putting my normal sunglasses on my nose ;)

  4. Oh okay ^_^ BOLA is btw my fav album of the band next to RATM debuut.

    RATM overhere is like; an unknown band somewhere on the other side of the world XD Only when you speak to people who like Pinkpop (festival) you know you are not alone in the world of Rage ;) It's how the Netherlands are. I sometimes blame my country for having such a terrible taste. Because only few know POD, Dave Matthews Band, RATM, Audioslave, Muse, Rob Zombie ect, While I get the idea that they have way more attention in the US.

    What I finally did today: Having headace. Watching some more episodes of Digimon Tamers (I'm at epi 31 now). Read Bridget Jones' Diary (must say I'm a bit dissapointed by it). Starting Rebecca of Daphe du Mourrier (or whatever her name is called). BTW I like the digivolution tune XD

    Urgh, I hate people selling stuff on the door for a 'good cause'. <_< Especially when my mom isn't able to go to the frontdoor because she's in her underpants because she's shaving her legs :( So I have to open the freaking door and looked pretty stupid because:

    - I was wearing my glasses, because I was too lazy to put in my contacts

    - I hadn't my hair into a pony tail (my hair gets too long; therefore I have to get them together in a high ponytail).

    - I was wearing my DBGT Goku cap :LOL:

  5. Oh Oh Oh! Where were they going to talk about? *surfs to vietnow.org* Found nothing... Well, it's awesome anyway :p

    Argh, I'm booooored. Tommorow JulNoWriMo starts, next day I'm going the get this important piece of paper that claims that I gratuated my school. But in the mean time... I'm bored XD I guess I'm going to watch Digimon again XD Just read another book. And I'm longing for some snacks.

    But I'm too lazy today; I don't want to move; I want to go to the library and to the supermarket to get some snacks... But I don't want to get of my lazy ass any further than the garden and bike towards town XD I hate days like these XD

  6. Okay, I'll try to look this Akira thing up, because you got me interested. (Also hoping that it isn't the same as what I had in mind for my story XD)

    Yeah, I'm interested in everything too. Which sometimes irritates my mom, because I have trivial fact for a lot of things and I bore her with them. And most people think I find my interests in the unusual places too, because they never seem to have heard of the things I like right now. But they just have to listen to the soundtrack of the Matrix and therefore get involved with RATM and have to look on YouTube for their online televisionshow advert. (but now most of it is only available for people in the USA, which makes me mad. Why? Why? Why? I start to hate the USA for always banning us as free users!)


    Yeah. I remember watching Digimon in my mealbreaks of primiary school too. And I remember watching Shinzo. I had a long time remembering this guy with with purple hair (Mushra) and this scene where this girl with brown hair (Jakumo) was kind of dying, but I 'didn't remember the name of the show. This really frustrated me! But a video on youtube showing intro's of shows broadcasted in the 90ies in the Netherlands finally revealed it's name: Shinzo (Mushramboo in other languages too)

    And I remember DBZ for being my first real obsession; in a good way I hope. It was the cause for developing the dream to become author, so I guess it's kind of good. I also remember it for me and my little brother sneaking to my parent's room after we had to go to bed to watch the show secretly XD And we mentioned it a few weeks ago, And my mom revealed that she knew it all along XD


    And I really appreciated your willingness to read through my work ^_^ thank you

  7. I'll just give you some links ;) (I'm bit bored, that's why ;) I feel sorry for you :(;) )


    Character Interview for upcoming Novelattempt (maybe it's nice to add it as a special, IF it's good enough/finished for publication? Nah, I don't know)



    Sweeney Todd fanfiction; Born on the Second of December (no knowledge of the original story needed)



    Poem after a story of Edgar Allan Poe


  8. Oh really? Never watched/read Akira

    I'm kind of a noob in Animeland. Because our country only broadcasted some populair ones; Shinzo, DBZ, Digimon, Pokémon, YuGiOh, Metabots. I fell in love with the first three. I now try to watch animeshows online, because they still aren't available overhere (except things like BoBoBo *hides under table, because she gets scared by the noisehairattack XD*)

    I've seen a part of YuGiOh GX and the first season of Chance Pop Session in the time I was doing my finals. Now I'm addicted to the songs of the last anime.

    But I'll check out this Akira one, since it does appeal to me (because ofcourse I only write about my own interests).

    Oh I just gave up writing short stuff :p Because I have to many ideas to work out for a short story (but to less for a novel, but I try my best in finishing the end. I tend to have great ideas for the endings, but i never write them down :( )

    Sure, I would love to read some of your work! I, most of the time, write in Dutch when it's about long stories. I do write my fanfictions in English. I could show you some. I was writing about a Twilight one. A Oneshot as they call them. And I have unfinished Sweeney Todd on Fanfiction.net.

    The story I wrote you about in my former post has to be replotted too. Or well.. never really plotted it good enough. Never did that to my stories. I always thought that imagining the beginning and the end and some middsituations was enough to write a story. But now I used the workbook I downloaded from NaNoWrimo and I really 'plotted' the story. Makes me way more certain. Because I never thought of the climax and stuff. Maybe I would do that without noticing, but now I am certain it will be in it.

    Yeah I know the feeling of thinking: This is going to be my first novel!! Being so certain and it ends up laying around unfinished <_< XD

  9. Well, making my friends read is maybe not a good describtion of it. I have some friends that like writing themselves and/or love to read. And since they almost always share an interest where I base my story on (Carlisle Cullen, Johnny Depp ect.) they are willing to read it. And I like them to read it since they can help me; they can motivate me; they can advice me.

    One of my best friends does this out of habbit. She often laughs her ass of because I wrote something a little weird. And then she lets her mom read it resulting me to feel completely ashamed because I didn't notice that the line was that bad :LOL: (Often I mean something, but she as an critical reader sees an other meaning in them).

    And yeah, maybe it's a little like: read me, read me!


    I have trouble finishing my stories too XD I was writing on a story called Morgendauw (Morningdew in english). It was about a girl/lady waking up from coma and lacking her memory. The first person she sees is a 'Carlisle' like person, however no vampire happily XD And the girl discovers she posseses powers like levitation and supersensitive ears or mindreading. And her doctor knows more about her than he reveals; about the 'accident' she's been in. But I was struggling with some emotion/action in the story I didn't like and never wrote on it again.


    Haha, yeah wrote the script (including camera positions). I played Morton Rainey. It looked really weird XD And the stupid thing was that when I was wearing my glasses; and the morning coat and stuff. I was looking very bad (for my role ofcourse) and then there came a visitor. And we kept recording and that girl kept watching XD Which made me laugh and feel ashamed at the same time XD

  10. No I ment that if she was able to study English on Uni, she must have had Biology on highschool. For at least 1 year I guess.

    Oh that's awesome! I always make my friends read the pieces I write. And sometimes they advice me things. I even have a friend that often asks me if I have something to read for her XD Even when I'm preparing my exams. Maybe I should ask my friends to help me by your methode of 'role play'. I believe they are willing to do so, because they also were wiling to help me film my Johnny Depp fanfictionscreenplay XD (which failed badly; more bloopers than anything else XD But it was funny anyway)

  11. Well, the stupiest thing of all is the fact that SM studied English on University. So I guess she must have had biology classes; which means she probably knows herselfs that she's dead wrong about her theory.

    And it hurts to see that authors who pay no attention in doing investigations to the subjects they are writing about and still get famous.

    I mean; I was writing a fanfiction about Sweeney Todd and I even looked up (googling) where a freaking bottle of ink could stand in a carage in the 19th century! I however did not found it. But I did the same with Hyde Park in London. I looked everything up. I read that there were deers in this park in 19th century. I looked up a map of it. I looked up a map of Cambridge and it's information. Got irritated because I couldn't always find the things I wanted to know in order to get my story accurate. I really value the accurateness of a story!

    And about sketching a picture of the first person of the book. That's why I always use traits of myself. I use the things I know in order to keep this person believable.

  12. Well... if Females can't get children, I don't understand why male can. I mean; their 'cells in order to multiply' have to be created to. How is that possible when a vampire can't grow new cells? Okay... this book is not really good when you long for scientific facts XD

    I even loose my respect for Carlisle Cullen a bit (my fav cullenfamily member) for claiming this nonsense. But I guess I should feel sorry for the poor made up doctor, who should have had more lessons in biology than I had, since it's creator (SM) made him claim nonsense sothat he now looks stupid in my eyes. I loved him for being the smart and sweet one. Now I doubt his mind for functioning well enough. Even Bella should have had some questionmarks in mind while hearing this, since she was claimed to be pretty good in biologics and even talked about mitosesstages (and therefore should had known that Edward could in no way produces the cells that had resulted in making a halfvampire baby!!!!)

  13. If werewolves, vampires and humanbeings are considered as three different kind of species they can get children. But those children (like Reneesme) cant have them. This is when you look scientific at the story. She might could have children (considering that those ARENt different kind of species) because she's half human and still can grow. I'm not sure if the ability to grow stops after they don't change in age anymore. If not; she can have kids. If will stop; she cant after reasing this certain age. But thinking of what Leah said to Jacob; that she wasn't imprinted because she's a dead end, then Reneesme should for not being an dead end herselves. but it was only a theory of Leah.

    Yeah, I was thinking of Alice to die too. Emmett maybe too, because he loves to take challenges and never takes things tooo serious. I wanted Caius to die. And maybe Alec or Jane. And some of those friends they sended, because they are not really known to the reader.

    Jacob was a good character in New Moon and Eclipse. However I hated his for just kissing Bella without premission. Not because I prefere Edward (I'm not sure who I prefere, I like both) but because he did hurt her feeling this way. He lowered his chances because if I was Bella I wouldn't look at him for days/weeks.

    I'm not sure about the imprinting of jacob and nessie.... It's weird when your mom was one of the former loved ones of the one you love, even when you know that you develop to the same age.

  14. *chookes on air* I do I do I do! Did I? ;)

    So.... we now know Zack de la Rocha does read English literature! Maybe kind of dissapointing that these catchy lines wheren't his own. Hmm... but I think I don't really mind XD I think it's kind of cool. Makes reading literature even more fun.


    Nah, massive loss wasn't really my point. My feeling told me that there just had to die some. (But not Carlisle please! And not Esme XD)

    Haha true. Vampirisme IS considered an illnes. People think it was a rare disease in the time of Bram Stoker. They had some of the vampiristic symptones. They too had to drink blood in order to stay alive. But they hadn't the teeth to kill.

    Oh yeah, of Nessie having 24 chromosomes or something. Kinda weird XD

  15. Woah, I've just read BD till the end. I think the book took me 3 days. Okay...

    At the end I thought... Okay nice story but waaaaay to protective:

    - Nobody dies except for one, but she was kind of a betrayer so it doesn't really count.

    - Bella saves the day with her second strenght: because she can also skip the New Born part.

    - Did I already mention that nobody died? To Bad... Nobody died! Nobody Died! (I'm sorry XD I had to kind of quote her thank you paragraph about muse XD)

    - Bella was kind of... Or no... the whole vampire being are so... only thinking of the sexual part XD I guess all vampires develop an addiction towards the subject XD Funny that SM makes Bella look a like an addict without ever writing about the situation itself.

    - The biologic part. She/Carlisle tries to make it look so obvious that Vampires have 25 chromosomes and werewolves (excuse me shapeshifters) have 24 and humans 23. But how the heck is THAT possible? The werewolve part... okay I can see that since it's genetic. The vampires part I do not understand. Does the venom somehow add 2 chromosomes to every living cell in their body? I like the use of scientific facts to explain something that your brain made up. But please use it the right way and do not claim things that just can't be true! Don't claim to know and explain something in a biologic way when even highschoolbooks makes you understand it's impossible.


    For the end. I would have like some more loss (and not being afraid to loose some of the made up characters. I know it's hard to let go of them. but in the end you should, because else it's just not a good story. I makes it look like today's childrens shows on television where none of the good guys ever dies. There should have been a fight with the Volturi. They should have beaten their asses, or had to come to an understanding after the fight. To be honest I just expected this fight to come. All those preperations and nothing serious happens. Reneesme and Jacob didn't even flee. They should have to come back later. They also give Bella credit for saving them. Okay she helped, but Alice did the big job by getting this halfvampiremale with her.


    And I never got the clue of the famous book (Marchant of Venice?) she had to burn. Why? Or did I miss something?


    Hmm... all those criticpoints... maybe a good thing that I want to become a publisher. :p;)

    But I did like reading the book however ;) I was kinda addicted. (How else could I ever read a book like that in 3 days?)

  16. Economics aren't my cup of tea either. I like to watch the surface, but wouldn't think about jumping into the details (unless some trivial facts or historic based like Russia and it's communism). The problem with human is that; when they have tasted power they want to keep it, evenmore: They want to have more! That's something that people as Marx don't keep in mind. And I don't blame them for not keeping it in mind, because when you fantasize about things/the theory, you don't feel everything you will feel when it's real. You can't feel hunger for more when it's all in your head and you know it.

    Somehow I believe that Lenin trusted in Marx's theory. I'm not sure, but I get the feeling that he wanted it to really work. Ofcourse I'm not sure at all. It could easily be that the era of Stalin's terror makes Lenin less crual in my eyes, because it's in the shadow of Stalin's tale of horror.


    I also heard theories about the climatechange that has to do with changing poles in the magnetism of the earth. And maybe it's a combination of different theories ;)


    Oh, I've been off the net of a few days. Was waaaaay to addicted to reading. I've read New Moon and Eclipse in English. (Disliked New Moon a lil; liked the Jacob part, but the save-Edward part and afterwards got me a little bored to be honest). Now reading Breaking Dawn, in English also. She's now vampire and I was like: OMG XD She IS an Mary Sue. Suddenly she's unique in everything a vampire does! She's stronger than Edward (but assumed that it's because she's a Newborn (funny, but the therm makes me strongly think of Muse XD)) She can resist and controle herself where New Borns, even older vampires, should face problems. Well... I'll just read along, because I do like the story with ignoring the Mary Sue points.


    And Oh! I was at town with a friend of mine yesterday evening. We were eating some icecream and then this man came in; He was wairing a Muse shirt. I was going insane in the inside. Started talking about Muse with my friend because of it, eventhough she had no clue who or what Muse even is (she must be gratefull that we see eachother less often XD) But ofcourse, I wasn't talking loud enough due my shyness. So the man walked away without even noticing my hysteria XD

  17. No no, I know that the book is not pointing out the best features of Communism. That makes the book so interresting. And I truely understand that communism is in many ways an unhealthy situation of governing. That's why I'm just interested in it and not following it. But I could say the same thing about kapitalism/capitalism. Both sorts of states are maybe good on paper/in theory, but the practical part of those theories often proof not to be as good as people wished for.

    Hehe, well... We do risk the lives of many other species here on earth with global warming. But I'm not sure if I have to believe that... There are so many reasons for it to consider. (Which does not mean that I'm not supporting the save the animals/plants movement).

    - Global Warming could be indeed our fault; for removing plants and spreading more CO2. My logical solution (however I'm way no expert, so it's just thoughts XD) is to plant more trees sothat they can handle the CO2. But no..... economics is way more important, so we will remove even more nature to build newer city and industries... But we'll see.

    - It could be a natural cyclus of the earth. My grandmother claims that when she was young they had hot summers and strong winters. Therefore it could be a repetition of what already have been done several times before.

    - It could end up as a small anti-iceage. I know people who claim that the middleages had known an small iceage. If that's true, wouldn't it be a good explaination?


    Oh sorry for the rambling now. Just typed what came in mind XD

  18. Haha well. We had to read a play in french for a grade last year. La Poutan Respecteuse. We had to read 7 pages as homework every week. But I never did (just like i never did my homework for any subject the alst 3 years. While I did do my homework eagerly the first three years). But the teacher always thought I did do my homework, just like most of my teachers did. So I never got in trouble, while others did when he checked homework. but anyway; I made the test with only knowing the first part of the story. Did get an 7,3 out of 10. But I felt sorry for a friend of mine,who did work hard and only got a 3 out of 10. She was asked by our teacher to read Jip and Janneke (children's book by... if i'm not wrong, Annie M G Schmidt) in french XD

    A friend of mine, who did read Animal Farm said I just HAD to read it for it's reverence to communism. And I remember her saying this quote: Everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others. It's an amazing quote really. The reader was just like me; bit interested in Communism.

    Thank You. I hope the Zeta's are friendly if they descide to give us a visit XD

  19. hahaha, English literature right? :p It doesn't haunt me in my dreams happily. But I haven't read 1984 of Orwell... Is it about the farm? Or is it the one about 'Big Brother is Watching You?' I remember waisting my last mathematics lesson and just making circles with my pen. And I when I watch I thought it looked like an eye. So I made it an eye and underlined it with the text: Big Brother Is Watching You. Some people were pretty amazed. The other book I haven't read either. For literature we had to read 3 books. I read Pride and Prejudice; Jane Eyre (<3) and Dracula. I did an attempt to Robinson Cursoe, but I thought the first chapter was way to boring and difficult. But I remember reading it when I was younger. I guess it was adapted to my age then.

    See here my Big Brother eye:


    And here, I'm sorry I couldn't resist, my version of Matt's Zeta (cause of drawing, physic-boredom)



    Oh those are awesome memories. My parents are not like that. They are like: If we don't act strange, we don't have to be noticed kind of people. So the last time really transform myself into something I can only remember by photo's: Pippi Langkous. (That swedisch girl with a lot of strength. Able to lift her horse. he best friends are Tommy and Annika).

  20. Oh that really does suck! Well I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and hope for the best ;)

    Those festivals are pretty cool. This year was my firsttimer. I loved it. I was 'a Cullen vampire': making myself paler than I already am and add some glitters. But when I got there I felt waaay to normal. I'm now thinking of making myself look like Trunks of DBZ next year :p If that's possible for a small amount of money I will get pretty excited!

    Yeah thanx, I hope you had sweet dreams too!

  21. Oh that does sucks. I only bring a friend of mine with me. She only knows muse by Twilight also, but she just joined me because I wanted to go so badly. Next to that she started downloading different muse songs on her own to get to know their music. She's really willing to get to know them better than that one song.

    Oh it is a spooky song. Especially when you keep repeading it and your tones get lower and lower XD But it was really fun. But I guess that one of the group got annoyed baaaaaaadly XD

    Yeah, true. I want people like online being around too! I do know some online friends who in the Netherlands also, which is awesome. Because we can actually meet. A few weeks ago I went to a festival for fantasy, manga and scifi. A friend of mine met some of her online Harry Potter friends.

    Next year I'm planning on meeting different online friends. And i'm pretty excited about that. And an online friend happens to have an aunt living in the city where I'm about to follow my universitycourses, so she want to go there for a week so that we can meet up.

    In my Johnny Depp time I met this Orlando Bloom fangirl online. She also loved to draw and write. So I spend a holiday there (she lives at the other side of the country). And the next summer she spended days overhere. That's pretty cool.

  22. Ooooh. Well, I kinda can imagine. Because in 2008 RATM came to Pinkpop. I wanted to go so badly! I was allowed to go under one curcomstance: 3 friends of yours have to join you in going! Well... only one freaking friend wanted to join me! (Who's now goingto join me in Muse). The others were like: I can't because I'm not allowed (states one who was freaking 18 years old and doesn't even listen to her father anyway). The other said: I don't even like the music they play at festivals! So why should I join you? Ugh... at times like that I can almost literally shoot people XD (well... not to literally. Maybe pointing my finger towards their heads and say: Poef!) But yeah... I was pretty jealous at the people of my school who showed up with Pinkpop Tshirts the day after the concert XD Really at times like that I do hate that almost nobody around likes the music I like.

    But your case sucks pretty hard too! I would faint if Muse or RATM would play in my city! I dreamed about it though, because they tested our footballstadium for a concert. (Guus Meeuwis, Dutch singer. I hate his music. But since we live pretty near the damn thing it was kinda noisy. We could just sing a long if we wanted to.) But it would be damn cool if Muse would play there once! Unless I can't get the ticket. Then I just have to get out of my place before I go nuts.


    Haha. My friends got annoyed by me three years ago, because I didn't know any of the lines of the songs they played while we were biking towards our small holiday. (We were camping and got there by bike. About 30 km I guess. It was pretty cool :D However one of them started to dislike us for biking this much. A friend and I started singing This song from PotC 3 (the boy singing). I used to impressionate Gibbs with his Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Rum XD)


    It is sad they are not really like, around, those fans. I did find some boys liking RATM though. One has been my former boyfriend. Another had been a 'loveinterest' but he moved away for his education, sadly.

    But I really like the thing that you meet people all over the world. I wish to meet some of them when I'm older.

    The funny, ironic thing is that I go to Denmark at summerholidays a lot. And we were near a bridge last time (or the time before). We could see it from our holidayhouse. After two weeks I went home and got online. I started talking with this Danish guy I know because of RATM. And guess what? He lived behind this bridge! I could hit myself so hard when I realised that XD We were able to meet for once and then we don't know that we are both there!

  23. Oh really I would scream out loud if I heard that they would play there. I would jump like a lunatic and then... or no at the very first beginning I would be come rediciously quiet near fainting XD

    I'm not sure, but I think that most top 40 music is no music at all. Most of the time even lowleveled. I don't like the most of it at all. Only the rockish songs. And I did like the Bob Sinclair songs, with the cute little boy.

    Maybe we missed much in sense of ordinairy life at school and such like. But I think we gained a lot more. I don't even like it when a lot of people are fan of a band I like. I mean; it has something special to be part of something a little smaller, but larger than just one country.

    I like it that I don't know many people who even know RATM overhere in the Netherlands. I guess it makes me feel a little bit more special. And the contact between people who like RATM as well is so much more special. If RATM was known overhere I wouldn't become Vietnow.org moderator. I wouldn't have met people online form France, Denmark, Mexico and other countries (which makes my homefriends a little bit jealous XD)

  24. Kind of bad luck yeah. I used to joke that everywhere I come services change their mind and want to be paid in order to get rid of me *laughs*

    At the moment I use a lot of soundtracks to get to know more bands. And I use YouTube and Finetune. Oh yeah, I really dreamt about being the DJ of my own party. There would be so much better music! But I guess most schoolmates wouldn't appreciate my anti top 40 taste XD

    I had even asked the DJ once for a RATM song, but he didn't even know who the were <_<

    Yeah I like Matt's eyes also. My mom and I had a fight about the fact that black hair and blue eyes match or not. I thought it did, my mom thought it didn't.

    Ah, for me RATM is just RATM ;) I thought Hyper Music had a little of RATM. And I loved the fact that they played RATM riffs in concert. I hope they also do that in Rotterdam. Secretly I hope that RATM is the special guest. But I highly doubt it somehow XD

    Have nice dreams!

  25. I don't mind at all. ^_^ Oh I remember having Pandoro for a few days/weeks before it went only available for USA. Next I went to Last.FM not really a long time ago. And now I'm not allowed to use the service either. (GRMF!)

    Haha, funny thing; I did had a small thought of Mr Satan when you said it. But I did get the point XD Oh SMBH at a prom would be a dream come true XD I always hope people play RATM or Muse or something like that at schoolparties. Never happened *me gets sad*

    Haha, well... I remember falling in love with RATM because of downloading the wrong clip after getting to know them by the Matrix. I thought I downloaded bombtrack but I downloaded bullet in the Head instead. I literaly fell in love with ZDLR's hair XD Really stupid. XD

    And btw, I called myself a Justin Timberlake fan for liking about 3 of his songs when I was at that age! XD I dislike JT now, unlike you: You still like Muse.


    Aah, not yet really. Promiss to do soon. I've just downloaded the DBZ soundtrack. A little bit scipping into the 1,9 GB of music right now. But now i'm closing down. I really need to get my sleep XD

    (As you may see because of my growing amount of spellingmistakes XD)

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