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Status Updates posted by Alies

  1. Yeah, you can expect a nice summ of money to pay if you prank one of the savety services.

    Hehe, inside the scife world everything is possible. Just call for the doctor and he will be coming :D

    I've started watching A2A. I know, bad thing, since I promised myself to study hard this month... but I couldnt help it really.

    But I really like Gene in here. He's less a badass, that's true. But I think Alex has touched him right from the beginning. I guess he doesn't want to believe it himself I think. But I thought he kinda looked jealous on this Daniel Moore (just like the 9th doc with Jack in the Doctor Dances :LOL: I just love those situations :awesome: makes me want to be that lady :LOL: )

    I kinda really dislike the mom in this story. She just wanted to befriend in order to use her! And when she didn't act they way she wanted, she insulted her! Well, Alex wasnt really polite either. I wouldn't make so clear that you think it's all imagined. I would just play the role they expect you to play. And it's highly risky to claim something form happening, even when it sounds like a treath in order to save them.

  2. Oh, that would be hilarious XD Wouldn't try it by the way. Next to be it an expensive call, I don't have the damn guts :LOL:

    It WOULD be an awesome crossover fanfiction indeed! but since Jack knows the Master and how he looks he will be kinda suspicious. And then the Doctor comes, pointing out that it's the same case as gwyneth and gwen. Time re-using faces/looks. And Gene being accused of being the Master's loudmouthed puppet :LOL: Or the master / Sam Tyler being accused of having a weakness, being intimidated by Gene Hunt :awesome:

    Oh I hadn't noticed. But I completely forgot how the theme music of Twilight went, so I need to relisten it ^_^ For the sake of Doctor Who Fanism :LOL:

  3. Oh yeah, that would be hilarious XD Then trying to confince that person that you ARE of Torchwood and stole the phoneline as soon as it was clear where had been called from :awesome: The real Gwen Cooper :D

    I wouldn't complain in the slightest :D:awesome: The SimmMaster our loved mad antagonist :p

    Sam Tyler popping by would be cool too, but kinda weird :LOL:

    Haha okay, I believe you *nodds* The music makes a big part of the movie ^_^

  4. Yeah, as long it's Doctor Who, i'm happy. The Master is okay too :awesome::D *simmgrin*

    well, that would be cool. But maybe people just see things, because they want Torchwood to exist :p

    Is the New Moon OST any good? Should I consider take it a listen?

  5. Yep, I'll try not to read before see :p (Just like I did with doctor who XD But I try not to read spoilers of The End of Time). We don't want to miss our topic about it :awesome:

    Haha, yeah, Rhys is not really a true Torchwood memberlike figure. I would love him to have some cameos. Maybe Tennant can return as a Doctor in his early timeline. Or maybe Smith is interested :D

    I guess the doctor will think: OOOOOHH NNNOOOO! WHen I thought I could take a long holiday, ther will be even more work :LOL:

  6. Yeah it was, but i still dont have a clue about what was going on; why did the government want to kill whole torchwood; what were those aliens and what was their purpose. But i'll find out, when having time to watch it.

    Oh, I just found out that I will not be able to see the 1 januari special of doctor who. Happily my whofriend is willing to record :D yay!

    Well, I didn't quite understand that either. My brother was like: No way there is going to be a Torchwood 4 season. Cuz there is only Jack, Gwen and Rhys.

    Hahaha, yeah XD When my mom says: Ach Mens! (Tss.. Human) I always comment saying: Ach Alien! It's lame, but hey :awesome:

  7. Oh yeah, Torchwood. I still have to watch the specials. I've seen day 1 and 2, and a ittle part of the last day, since my brother did watch it, while I was busy with homework. I couldn't keep myself from looking time to time, so I've seen the moment of saving the world, which I thought was very very sad :(

    But that's awesome. my parents sigh when I have it on, and my dad even runs upstairs, because he doesn't want to see either TW or DW, especially when it's on BBC, because he can't follow the spoken english (it's just too fast).

    Martha isn't really my favourite. Neither in TW nor DW. But she's okay ^_^ I indeed wonder. Maybe she joins Torchwood? (Okay, I have this TW ringtone when I'm getting an sms now :p And LoM when being called, or did I already tell you that? XD)

    Hehe, silly jokes rule :awesome:

  8. :p In my case: Matt loves RATM as much I love RATM and as much I love MUSE too! :LOL: confusing

    My brother thought it were some girls screaming in that song XD But yeah, I indeed love the ahaaahaaaaaaaaahaaaaa thingy :)

    SIMMGRIN :D He looks funny with this blonde hair :p I am the Master *lunatic look*


    Oh, my humour is childish so many times. But happily, so is the humour of the people I send college with too :D

  9. My mom is crazy about CCR since she was twelve! She never saw them in concert though. I'm glad I did see Muse in concert! (twice in about a half year!) I once went on holiday with friends of mine (camping, distance: three hours biking). Bought a DVD with live and videoclip footage ^_^

    Yeah, it's fascinating how people are inspired by such good old stuff! Even Muse, I died when I found out that Matt was a big van of Tom Morello. And I died even more when I first saw HAARP and found out they even play RATM riffs!

    Oooh, that's such an awesome song! I got hooked right away, not because of the lyrics, but because the awesome rhythmn that smasses in right in the beginning. Next to that because it fits awesomely to LoM.

    (Oh, just a randomn thought... but is it healthy to want to see the DW christmas special so badly, not because of the return of the Doctor, but because the Master is coming! :D SIMMGRIN!)


    Well, I'm not a conversationstarter either. And I wait pretty long before I'm sure I have good enough knowledge or an interesting response before I kick in. But eventually I do. And when I get closer to them I'm less thinking about my responses being good enough, because if you want to be my friend, and want me to get close you need to havee some kind of lame (teenage) humour, but also have to be serious at times (like being able to discuss things)

  10. Yeah, I share my parent's taste too. I grew up hearing old rockish songs. Like Genesis and CCR. I still somewhat like them both. A few months ago I was hooked on Robert Palmer. Turns out to be a singer that my granddad used to like on radio.

    Led Zeppelin :p Because of LoM I have on song of them/him, and I completely love it! Immigrant Song it's called. Just love the tune :awesome: also hooked on Life On Mars by David Bowie :LOL:

    I feel sorry for you :( I connected with the friends I have on Uni, by going to this introduction camp. I started talking to one of them while eating some french fries and she turned up to be very funny and liked to discuss about interesting thinga (she could hear I was from Friesland, while I thought to have completely no weird accent in my voice. Turns up to be the complete opposite).

    How do you remove the caffeine then? Or are there cokes without caffeine on the market?

  11. True, that's why I sat a far behind the Smith lookalike today and did a serious attempt of reading :LOL: I hoped he would have looked after I stepped out, but I guess he didn't even notice :p When he started to talk to me at work I was like: OMG! *heartfailure* He's gonna ask if I'm that girl in the bus! And he was like: Hi, can I pay with cash ànd plastic? XD poor me XD

    My mum and dad at least know about both RATM and Muse. And since I don't have a headset anymore I tend to listen to the songs of Life on Mars out loud. Every so often my mom responds again with the same line over and over and over again: hey, you know that's old music right? And I always respond the same way: 1973! That's where the program is located, dûh! :LOL:

    My problem is that the friends I used to have are slipping further away (emotionally seeing). I barely have contact with them (except my best friend I guess, who's DW and Muse fan because of me :LOL:) And when we do come together, it turns into a failure. <_< (boyfriends who keep on complaining that New Moon is a girlsmovie... I mean... duh! You should have known that. Don't come along! And yes, I don't like him really. He was the reason of the huge fight between two of my former best friends. And now with our reunion I upset the other, because we hadnt asked her to come along... sigh)

    But I get along with two of my mates on Uni pretty good. Tomorrow (well... techniquely today) we're going to celebrate sinterklaas at the place of one of them. And I just haaaaaate getting the paper around the presents. Especially when the paper tends to rip apart while cutting it. ARGH!!

    Oh, I can imagine. Pretty well really! I don't like going out either! The last time I went into a disco... I really can't remember! I don't really drink alcohol either. Sometimes... mostly forced by my mum, but she gave up already :LOL:

    I rather enjoy lunching after one of our colleges with mates :D While watching a DVD par example, or have good discussions (h)

  12. Oooh, I'm so jealous :awesome: My best friend said I should ask 'my' matt smith lookalike how late it is. Responding on his answer with: Oh, damn, now I'm to late... Wish the Doctor could send me back in time :LOL: But that's just too... obvious XD At least, if he wouldn't stare at me like I'm nuts because he doesn't know Doctor Who, it would be.

    Well, I guess my parents do know what I like ^_^ Because Itend to bore them a little with my 'fandoms' :awesome: But they don't know my deepest scars of the past. But I do think my parents do know me the best :D

    Yeah, my ideas exactly. When I'm around friends, I'm okay with it all. I feel happy and don't think about how others might look at me for our behaviours. But when I'm alone I am at my worst. Then I feel uncomfortable.

    That's why I have the feeling it's hard (but not impossible in the slighest) for me to become friends with people. Because in the first stages of the forming of friendship I unwillingly keep telling myself that the people I hang out with, don't like me. They don't like me because I do this, and this (that's how I keep thinking when acting my own way). That's probably because when I was around 14/15, I felt like I was around good friends. i felt populair, but later on they started to ignore me. Because one of them thought I was different. And I dislike them for that. They just can't think on their own.

    But somehow, when I befriend with awesome people, they seem to trust me very soon. They tell me stuff, as if they know I would shut my mouth about it against others. (Well, not counting my mum at times, but they don't have to know :LOL: )

  13. Done :D *simmgrin*

    Ooh, I had to simmgrin all evening at work after one person came to pay for his products again :awesome: He just looks a little like Matt Smith. And I just found out that he probably studies in the town where I study to (before I only knew him as costumer at my supermarktet). Because when I went home after one hour of pragmatics I was waiting for my bus home, and I just turned around a little and freaked out (quite silently, because I was pretending I was perfectly fine), because he was sending right next to me :LOL: While he was in the supermarket in my line I was like OMG OMG My heart is pumping soo hard XD This is not healthy.


    Yeah, we're quite hard to get to know. I don't even think my parents precisely know who I am. I can take a lot of crap and suffer in silence. I sometimes feel like I have to control myself to what others are expecting. Often feel like I'm different. I probably am... but at times I'm very insecure. (When my friends arent' sitting next to me in college, I'm getting this silent, too much thinking about how people would see me kind of thing.)

  14. Thank you ^_^ Then I'll upload it to our 'proffesional' website :LOL:

    Yeah I do get the point. I'm too kind (oh that sounds so extremely wrong to say about myself :p) so I almost never end up in fights or argues. Too soon I'm like: okay, lets do it your way if you so damn hard wish to. When I'm agry or irritated on a friend of mine, I talk about it with my mom. Then I get everything out, dont make myself explode out of emotions and do not hurt my 'victum'. And next to that, my mom can help me out with a suggestion about handling the thing.

    Half a month ago I was soo angry at my work, for not being clear enough about things and sms me at the last minute for me to fix it. I was happy it was a sms, sothat I could do like I hadn't received it yet/my mobile was off. Two hours later I was able to compose a nice message.


    Oh, yeah. I know the problem. Happily they do somewhat talk about it in our colleges. But I have to learn a lot too. BTW, when do your tests start?

    My syntaxisbook is just as big as this yellowpages thing too! And so will be the extra documents on the net for pragmatics also.

    Well, our books are very old, and not translated to modern Dutch. So I have trouble reading them at times. Sometimes the lines look very understandable in the way they are written, but then I can't get teh clue of what has been told. <_<

  15. What about this?



    1. to smile a wide, unusual smile, esp. as an indication of pleasure, amusement, or the like.

    2. to draw back the lips so as to show the teeth, The mouthangles are

    lifted higher on the face in comparison to the ordinairy grin, whereby in most cases lines of joy are

    drawn on the sides of the eyes.



    3. a wide smile. The mouthangles are lifted higher on the face in comparison to the ordinairy grin,

    whereby in most cases lines of joy are drawn on the sides of the eyes.

  16. Okay ^_^ No no, you're not forcing :p I just tend to agree with ideas of other very quickly :LOL: Drives my best friend insane sometimes, because she sometimes starts wondering if I really would like to do what she's suggesting to do. And I know it can be really a pain in the ass, especially when you have to confince them that it's okay, since it doesn't matter what we do, as long as it's around friend :p

    Hehe, thanks :p I've got the layout ect of my paper done now. Some assignments have to wait, because I don't have the given material to make them yet. But there are at least three objects that could be worked on before sunday (yeah, i'm starting to plan my study like a freak, since my tentames start next month, and now they wanted me to sollicitate, so I feel extra pressure to succee in my tentames, in order to be really chosen).

    Well, I used to like those books because I had to read them for my literature exams and they were the best I had read for english (superdupperwinner: Jane Eyre) and for dutch I really liked the one about the maincharacter thinking to be family of the last russian tsaar.

  17. Ooh okay, I will change my undertitle next time (it's the first day of the month when it's able to, right?)

    Okay, I hope some more will in the future :p But I'm suprised ALREADY one guessed or even took the time to guess XD

    Okay, so we should formally write up this description, might do that tonight, but I guess not, since I'm now working on a paper for school (deadline in beginning of januari, but then we also have our tentames, so if I can do the most of the thing now, I can spend my time better learning.)

    Well, thanks. I'll try to explain more precisely :LOL:


    Honour colleges are colleges that are only give to the top 10% of the year your in. (My mom just called it the elite, but I think that just sounds snobby). We have 80 students at NTC of which only 2 are being nominated. If I get through the sollicitation, I will get more college about my subject of study. It's also good to have on your CV :p

    So I guess I'll sollicitate :LOL: When one of our proffesors asked: whos planning to sollicitate? I was like: Naah, I don't think I'm good enough for that. Now I'm nominated :LOL:

    Our teacher of LTI (interpretation of literature texts) had to nominate one. And I guess she was the one nominating me. Because at the beginning of our colleges we had this excersise about a dutch story that should ironise a genre in literature. The answer was the My Secret - magazine, which is about people writing stories about things like: My daughter has a boyfriend, but now I think I'm in love with him. Yeah, freaky stuff.

    But the story we read was about falling in love over again with the same guy and everytime it ended up in tears. Well, I saw a lot of those victorian novels in it (Jane Eyre and books of Jane Austen). It had lots of parrallels with Jane Eyre, Pride & Prejudice and Sense & Sensibility. and I tried to confince my teacher of my point of view (not it was the right one, cuz I understand that her answer is probably the correct one, but just to let her see why I see it the way I do). And she was like: yeah you're right, maybe he ironised two genres, with your idea a little bit lower on the surface. After that we discussed (well, agreed) on victorian stuff being literature because of its revolutionairy content, but being just the same as those doctor-books (dokterroman we call it; imagine doctor MacDreamy falling in love with Nurse Lovelyheart :LOL:)


    But I'm going to work on my paper again *waves*

  18. Okay :D Well, I'll keep my username for another while. Awesome, I did also. One of my studentmates thought I was being weird AGAIN. :LOL: But two others thought it was pretty cool. My best friend keeps asking when she's online: and... something happened to the simmgrinproject? So, I guess there is some potentional :p

    My parents asked: What is the difference from the Simmgrin and the usual grin (just renoticed, you did too :LOL:). And I was like... I dunno :LOL: I do know there is a difference, but I'm not sure how people see an usual grin. I thought it has to do with this mouthangles being extremely high, lots of lines too (from nose to mouthangles and at the sides of both eyes). What do you think?


    Ooooh, yeah. is that puppet really called Bubbles? I thought that girl was creepy, mostly because she looks a little like one collage.

    I've read Dracula, but i can't remember it changing in a wolf... do remember the climbing part. :p

    Okay :D That's cool to know :) Vampires are a weird lot of people :LOL:


    You know what... I just received this letter form my Uni that I could come and sollicitate for the Honour colleges. And they say that only 2 people of my group (of 80) people would get this letter. But i just can't believe that! Why would they choose me? I don't come with clever adds. When I do come with something it is a stupid question, or maybe a small argument in a discussion at Pragmatics. Next to that I'm dyslectic, and I've recently (one today) three colleges.

    It so weird. So they did say they would send two people a letter, but I think they rethought their plan and mailed everyone. Would be much more logical.

  19. :D Is simmgrinning all over again! I'll be telling everyone I know to. One of my former friends got excited already, started to get irritated by the fact she couldn't copy the URL into her MSN messenger name :LOL: Well, at least her name is wearing the name: Join the Simmgrin Revolution!

    But I'm excited to find out where this will take us. ^_^

    We should discuss about a formal description of the word :p


    Oh yeah, I would too. It's funny, a friend of mine watches Angel a lot. And in London they had the real puppet of him (in one episode he's turned into one) and she was like: OMG OMG! She took a photograph of it, but didn't buy it. If only they had those clayman of Sam Tyler and Gene Hunt, that would be awesome :LOL: I would soooo buy that! I dont know why those things, living for only a few seconds on screen get so much attention. But i do know, I thought the scene was hilarious and brilliant, so that's probably why ;)

    Hmmm.. yeah. Bram Stoker really left us wondering after his book became a succes and Dracula was born (but was that really the first vampire in literature? I'm not sure). But it's nice to think about ;)

    Exactly my way of looking to my selfcreated monsters ^_^

  20. Oops, I messaged myself again :LOL:

  21. Yay, Evil Teddies rock! (H)

    I do like those crazy stories ^_^ But I just can't stand people TRYING to be believable, almost like they believe it themselves it's true, claiming something which just isn't possible. That's why i always try to research about the ideas I have. I even worked on the problem that vamps needed blood. I was thinking about the fact that blood contains a lot of food. They also contain those DNA pieces that can be chained in order to make enzymes or whatever. That was my idea of vampirerealisme, but it the idea didn't really work anyway :p

    But how do you like the site :LOL: I'm now trying to describe the word in dictionairyterms. Just added the IPA way of saying it.

  22. I wanted to inform you: I was just looking what the options where for a simple and free website (while thinking; the whole idea will end up nowhere, but I like to try anyway, now I'm kinda motivated :LOL: )

    And Google was just amazing. Look what I found and somewhat filled in already :phttp://sites.google.com/site/thesimmgrin/home


    I've set the date to Simm's next birthday.. not sure what will happen then, and where the deadline is for, but we'll find out along the way, if we want and get this off the ground.

  23. yaaay *mwahahahahahahah* Feels like the evil teddies of uprising :LOL: You know, that would be so superduperawesome! Meeting the High Lord Simm himself :p But we could really try :p We're students for a reason, and who knows what happens next :p So, what do ya think? An old friend just added the word to her vocabulair she said, and I will get at least a few more willing to do so :p So there will be at least a few stories :p

    Zombies can be cute :p Good thing to think about yeah :)

    Yeah, and don't know what made me think of that. Probably the same thing that made me think up the idea for our Simmgrinning :LOL:

  24. Yeah, I was seated too, and didn't dare to go standing, since none of my neighbours did. Next to me there was this 40 yearold guy, who looked like he wasn't enjoying himself at all! My neighbours finally stood up at one of the last songs too. I felt so jealous on the people standing, while seeing them jump like crazy and me sitting, only able to just sing along. But I had the time of my life anyway :D


    Oh that would be cool :p Then I might be Simmgrin the second :LOL:

    Hehe, yeah and then spreading it on Uni ect. :LOL: I might do that :p Maybe we should try :LOL: *is suddenly planning this weirdish plan :LOL: * But we could, hypoteticely, start this website, completely about the word Simmgrin (Simmgrinning), explaining what it means, where it's originated from :LOL: and then tell our goal (people using the word) and ask people to mail cool experiences using the word :LOL: Really, I'm just making this all up. Might be the case that when I reread this, i think it's a bad thing :p

    Lol, that sounds awesome :D I've started with the poem for Sinterklaas. It started with the girl having done central exams last year. Then it's about Sinterklaas being an old man (talking a lot without saying a thing) Now I made him the new James Bond :LOL: And it's 46 lines long, and counting :LOL:

  25. I want to go mental too!!! I love to behave without thinking on those concerts. I hope that the 19th of June will be a better oppertunity to go insane :p Oh, gosh, I'm gonna lose my life next time :p:LOL: There are only standing places ;)

    Aaaaah, that's just awesome. Maybe his secret twin :LOL:

    Yay! We'll start the new revolution of the universal word: Simmgrin! Walking back to the busses to day, I was thinking about describing the word in a poem :LOL: For others to use too :p

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