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Status Updates posted by Alies

  1. Haha, Wish I was Matt :p Aah, well maybe one day :awesome: a kid can dream, can't he,,, in my case she? *last thing, not revering to the fact I might be Matt one day :LOL: But revering to the fact that my study joins the fine art thingy*

    Yeah, I would love them to tour. Because they nearly broke up after each of their albums, so I've heard. So first please a proper tour, But if they don't do an album its more reason to say... okay just stop and 'take a break'.


    yeah I know that story. But then it had to do with sleeping hours instead of studyhours :p It was with the time I read Harry Potter. I read book 1 to 5, the small ones in a few days. The big ones in a maximum of 2 weeks. When I was 14, at least I think i was could be 15, I read the Da Vinci Code in two days... on holiday in Denmark! I'm nuts :p


    Yeah, i screwed up my first test on secundairy (ironicly, that test was for the subject dutch) :LOL: I tried to hide it and then I just had to tell my mom, cuz I couldn't bare it. And my mom just laughed :LOL: and once I kept my physics test secret for a while (the only subject I had below 5,5 on my endlist) and later that periode I came home with a wide grin telling that I had a 7 on physics! And then my parents looked at my marklist and looked at me: 'So why is the average a 6?' Me: 'shit, I forgot to tell you that I had a 5 on the other test (A)'


    Haha we should.

    Btw, I laughed so loud coming to this board. I love the background :D:LOL:

  2. Hehe, they indeed will all hear of you :p But she already knows you kind of... As the one with the mum that said I should drop out of Uni and go on drawing :p:LOL: And I guess I told her more, but nothing pops to mind atm.

    Well, Brad Wilk had an interview I guess. And there he announced that they will play in South America (touring). And there he said that he would love to record an album with RATM. And if he wants that... We are almost sure Tim will. The only people were not sure of are Tom and Zack.

    Well, the fact they donated all the money to a shelterorganisation makes them look very RATMish :D Cuz they don't keep it. I wonder what they would do with the money if they indeed go on touring fulltime.

    Hehehe yeah. But I think boards like these are very stimulation. Cuz you can say to yourself. okay, If I work X minutes on this, then I'm allowed to check out the board a little. and then going back to study. But most of the time I just browse without having worked the X minutes :LOL:


    Aah, I'm having problems with receiving compliments, especially in rl. I get red and start telling how Í'm just avarage :p When my teacher Literature told me that I was pretty good in the subject (9,3 and 8,0 on scale of ten on schoolexams) I said that it was 'okay' :LOL: And now I'm studying the language, which includes that literature, and even made me receive a nomination for the Honnours :LOL:


    Yay! I wonder how many saved it :LOL:


    ARGH, my internet sucks. <_< it doesn't want to load very fast.

  3. Oh, I talked about it with my mom. She should I shouldn't even bother trying to get there, cuz it would be indeed overcrouded. When she said I already gave up :LOL: Well, good news is that they will be touring somewhere in the world, which makes them active finally. Maybe an album if Brad Wilk had the choice. I heard Tim wants it too. So that's at least 1/2 of the band thinking about making an album. This succes of RATM for Christmas (even if they don't win, and end up being second) will make them realise there is still people waiting for them to come on stage.

    So, I hope they will come to Europe again and then I'm deff going. On my own if I have to, since my parents slowly loose grip on me, since I keep on aging :LOL: Not even a Timelord could stop me. Wouldn't mind him joining though.... :awesome:

    Oh I feel like I have no time at the time too. I have to work a lot lately (as told before). And I still have to learn for my tests <_< And still I'm messaging, checking this Xmas RATM thing all the time :p

    Oh, that's what I think too. Me turning out to be some ordinairy woman at work and stuff. Well, my primairy goal always was getting through education. My biggest dream since 11 is becoming author (at age 13 drawing came on second biggest goal, now it kinda is on the same spot with writing). But still education is primairy goal to reach. Head before heart I guess.


    Oh, I don't think being proud equals being the best. I've never been the best at things... Well, maybe some tests on secundairy school :LOL:

    BTW I messaged my old mentor ( form when I was 14) a few days ago. He seems to think pretty highly about me :LOL: Made me laugh and feel proud too :) Proud is not only about what you think of yourself, but also how others think of you. Even when you think they are wrong.

    Yeah I saw the banner, I saved it :LOL: Yeah I'm weird :LOL:

  4. btw, there is rumoured that this free concert of RATM is being worked on :o that would mean they won! Im excited to find out when this gig might take place. Moneywise I think I could make it. Timewise depends on the date. Goingwise is depended on parents and a friend who said when we went to Muse she wouldn't come with me if RATM came, because its to loud <_<

    :LOL: So I think it will again turn out to be nothing for me. :LOL:

  5. Yeah, that makes you feel pretty powerless. Happily I have all sort of things I can do. I can draw, write stories, poems, I can learn for Uni (when my creativity is downhill, I have at least one argument to sheer myself up: no matter what happens with my skills, I'm already working for a way out towards another direction; I'm going to college and therefore working for my non-creative future).

    Oh, I'm sure you have things you're proud off ^_^

    Well, it's true. when my hands aren't itching I fail, or at least fall down the imaginairy stairs. Because, when I draw without having my hands itching, I just fails. (Sam Tyler drawing). And when I've had those itching hands, but ignored them; When the itching fades, and yet I'm like: ah what the heck, just try, those drawings aren't my best either (my latest DW)

    Work is freaking slavery XD I had hoped to have some good days off in order to study. But they planned me to work for freaking all days I was 'available'. <_<

    Yeah BBC knew, but they had discussed with RATM about not using the swearwords. And they said both yes to it. But RATM apparently though: NO! I think BBC also feared the motherfucker coming after the lots of Fuck you's :LOL:

    I'm excited to know if they made it! If they didn't; I'm glad for them being second anyway =)

  6. Well, yeah it obvious we have better days and less good days. I wish it was constant :p and only rising in quality instead of dropping a few steps of the ladder :awesome: But I'm okay with this too. Maybe it's better. if you're always on your best it will bore I think. When you succee now with a drawing you feel proud and stuff. And that's what you do it for. And when you're always at your best, this proud fades away. and bad days will only make you stronger, and feel you even better when you finally draw something good. So naah, just keep it with the up and downs. Even if it doesn't make proud fade away, when your always at your best; now I can take time to do other important things like learning without being bothered with itching hands.

    Oh... but then there is work that does bother you, but not in a possitive way. It keeps you from learning and it's not even hobby or something like that. It's forced on you! *dramatic sigh* :LOL: Oh well, I have to work for 21,5 hours next week (4 days). That's pretty much for someone who had a contract for 6 hours a week.

    Haha. Well, I thought BBC was brilliant. At least at making shows they are. But I hate it when they cut off people because they use 'the f-word'. I mean; just grow up! It's on the telly, it's on the street. It's everywhere. Evolve with us and our language!

    Okay, I don't think fuck is a nice word. I don't use it. I even rarely use words like that. But I won't be offended when used on tv/radio/street. and such a word as fuck slips from our lips so quickly that we don't even notice it at first. I mean: when you drop something on accident, the first thing people say is: fuck! And that's pretty much not offending if you ask me :LOL:

  7. Well,I should take more time to draw something, but I just can't. When I hear about my best friend who works on it 3 days. I just can't! I just have to finish it right away! Where she can take breaks ect, I just have to go on. Because my thought about it: What if I ruin it because the day after I started it, my drawingskills faded over night?

    oh Evil Simmgrin IS for the win! But not yet :p I have this idea of learning today *puts on glasses again, which I do have on atm, because I'm to lazy to put in contactlenses, and because I have to skip college because of the snow*

    Hahaha, well, I'm sure it is the writing skills :LOL: Well, it's that serious, but I don't really mind it. Cuz the college wasn't that important I suppose.


    Aaah, my mom bought me some girls magazines when I was younger. Well, they are countable on one hand, maybe two. But then it had to do with Horses/animals (I'm not a horse fan really, but I had to go with the 'flow' :LOL:) and sometimes this girlsmagazines that claimed to know the hits under teenage girls. My mom bought one of then because of the interview about charmed (I was a fan when being a few years younger. ) And other times I noticed major mistakes in those magazines. (Claiming Johnny Depp was to play Charly in Charlie and the Chocolate factory; okay his roles are deverse, but playing a young boy? :LOL: Please, do your research! :p)


    Hehe, he's right. sometimes I do ask myself, why do I work. But then I see the money on my account and I think: Aaaah, for the journey through England/to Cardiff I wish to make next summer :D

  8. yeah, it's the same with me. When I'm drawing I want it to be perfect. I go on and on and on. when Iwas on ameland with a friend of mine, I said I was finished. An hour later I was still correcting it, because I didn't think it was good enough. But sometimes I just quit or hurry up (the clothings of my latest drawing) because I'm tired.

    Oh I will! The EVIL simmgrin :D And maybe the Glenister (the copycat!) simmgrin next.

    ah the salt, melting the snow. Well, I have the feeling that those saltcars didn't even came! Cuz all schools are closed. No busses were driving (happy I hadn't had to go to college today! But I have tomorrow, but I'm not sure if the busses will drive then... :( Ah well, then I'll do homestudy, just like now. I'm finishing my part of my ASP dossier atm).

    Hasn't he? Shame on him... Well, lots overhere don't even know what RATM is. Well, cool guys mostly do, but girls no way.

    Uh, to be honest I don't quite understand what you meant with the Radiohead thing :p I have an interpretationframe/implicature (yeah, I've learned something at pragmatics :D) wants to tell me that you probably ment something with them having done the same?


    Oh.. sometimes work drives me nuts. I have to work at 18 o'clock. But they smsed my at 11'oclock if I wanted to start at 12 or 13 (then I had to work for freaking 10/9 hours!) So I messaged back: I'm sorry. I have to work on my study (I have, since my day of shopping is now on another day, which I should spend on study before I found out that I couldn't go today). And I said in that same message: I can come earlier, but not THAT early.

    So I expected that they would message me back with a compris. Well, haven't heard of them since this first message... <_< Ah well, I'm now busy with school. so only when they message/call me I'll come earlier. Otherwise I'm coming at 18 o'clock.

  9. BTW, have you heard of the BBC broadcast? :LOL: It's hilarious. RATM had an interview there. And they were to play Killing in the Name. And then at the end, Zack started shouting: Fuck you I won't do what you tell me (uncensored :LOL:) and the radio just stopped playing them live. :LOL:

    'I'm sorry, We were expecting them not to uncensor it :'( ' what a freaking dumbos :LOL: It's kind of clear that when you ask either RATM or Muse to play live on your radio, that they will not take notice of your restrictions :LOL: The woman even said us to buy the other record (X-factor) :LOL:

    Man, I thought BBC was brilliant (at least with their shows they are), but they now dissappointed me a little :p

    But I still think it's hilarious. Go RATM!

  10. Yeah exactly! That's why I just kept and still keep on working on drawings and stories. And that's exactly why I let them show people. Even when it's not really okay in my point of view. Cuz I don't like my latest drawing, but i couldn't get my finger on it, why I didn't like it and why it didn't look like Tennant. Well, thanx to the people, who can look to it with another pair of eyes I now believe it's the nose that's guilty. Or at least partly.

    Yeah, that's true. Well, rain... it's only nice when your inside and looking to it through the window. Next to that it has to be at a point of year that it doesn't really rain a lot or it has to be pretty wild :LOL:

    Cuz it rains a lot here at certain times.

    Hehe, sadly I don't. Would love to, but I dont play the drums :p

    BTW, I can't buy my brother a preesent today :'( Since it snowed last evening/night/still. and the busses don't drive anymore :( So I'll have to get it later and give him a belated present :( Oh well, then he's celebrating his birthday twice this year :D

    Oh, I found a picture of Philip Glenister simmgrinning! :D I'm so gonna draw that one! :LOL:

  11. Hehe, yeah. Another said the nose was weird :LOL: So I think my drawingperiod slipped through my fingers again yesterday. :) But you won't hear me complain, since I now can spend my time learning *pushes glasses better on nose*

    It has something special, that snow. The feeling you get when there is snow. It feels almost magical. Even when you do know how it's created by the weather :LOL: (see, I start rambling again :LOL:)

    Yeah, we'll celebrate together. Have no clue how... probably MSNing like: yeahh!! Just took a glass of champain! :LOL:

    Yeah... or it's just me, who takes over his mind and programs him to like things I like *evil simmgrin*

  12. Oh, a little update. My brother came downstairs, because it snowed :D It's awesomeness! It white. Our little dog likes it :LOL: She's now the living snowball XD

    But that wasnt'really what I wanted to say. I was already back to the laptop (gathering awesome pictures of Philip Glenister, John Simm and maybe, if findable, some of Eccleston) and my brother walked in the room. the conversation:

    Sicco: I've found some new cool serie! It's pretty awesome!

    I: Which one *is interested, since I have to find one for after my tests, since dw doesn't start until march and a2a not until april*

    Sicco: I've forgot the name. *nerviously simmgrinning*

    I: What? .... wait... is it called Life on Mars?

    Sicco: Uhm... no... it's not mars.... uuuhhh.. yeah.... it's the American version!

    I: Nah, the American version sucks.

    Sicco: *walks away* Okay, Okay! Its the UK one. but not with 'The Master'

    I: Huh? Oh, but it is with the person who plays the Master!

    Sicco: *walks away without saying a thing, but betrays himself by having grinned like mad*


    What did I told ya? I'm goooood (h) :LOL:

  13. Hahaha, I will, I will. Maybe I'll something for his birthday tomorrow. He's becoming 16 tomorrow, but I hadn't had the time to buy something. But I planned a shopping day with my best friend tomorrow, so I can buy something pretty cool I was thinking about something with alcohol, but if I find something else cool, or teasy, I'll add it :LOL: We're not really celebrators, so that's why I don't have to stay home. But I'll make my friend think with me about a good fitting present. :D

    Hehe... I'm already forgetting :p What did you exactly say? :LOL:

    Oh, I rarely watch the simpsons. Only when I'm really bored :LOL: So I don't know if it's gone downhill.

    oooh, that must look very cool :D


    Hehe, I'm not really fond of my latest drawing. But it atleast makes me do homework without having itching hands, which want draw badly :LOL: Yeah, next time I'll draw the Master. (Funny how they make him look more evil with just a bit of eyepensil :LOL)

    Yeah, I've heard! First here on this board. And then my friends on Vietnow.org (I used to be a mod there) told my on MSN today. They are on #1 atm. If they actually make it, I'll be having a party too :D

  14. haha, maybe I should :p But first I need to think up what I should do to punish him with :LOL:

    Haha, well, I'll keep on writing, that's for sure. Hehe, are you now making me imaginairy? :LOL: Or is this some outerspace biography :p

    hahaha, what a brilliant argument. Would loved to have seen that :LOL: And point it, you are so damn right about it! XD

    Ah well, let it sonw let it snow let it snow ;)


    Oh btw, I've the drawing online.



    Not really liking it though.... <_<

  15. Happily my brother was wrong, because the damn thing knew that that was the way to piss me off/ keep blasting the same question towards him on an on and on. Yeah, I guess I do have some power over him *evil simmgrin* Pulling the strings of the puppet :LOL: but it's obvious! I'm just known for having good taste! *coughing reeeeaaaaalllly hard overhere!*

    I'll tell him :) I think he'll like it, knowing who you are or not.

    That guy went even angry :LOL: It's quite funny really :p I don't want to piss off people, but it did say something about the drawing I guess. :LOL:

    Oh yeah, it was Henry :p I haven't seen the next season of Digimon, since my lil brother said it was nothing worth watching. Oh no.. wait... I watched one episode and I though... quite weird.


    Jingle bells jingle bells! It's below zero too. They even say it might snow this weekend. Shocking me, because the bloody journal kept saying it was to hot for the time of the year (making people worry about the climate changes again...)

  16. 4zuwso.jpg


    This is the paint drawing. I was 16 at the time. Spend two days making that (including having to go to school ect.) I was especially pround on the st.paul. when going to london we visited the real st paul, and my friend said: Didn't you draw that once? And i was like, damn you're right!


    Oh jusr found out the drawing says i drew it even less than a year ago, making me 17 at the time... weird, thought it to be much longer ago! Thought I hadn't draw jd since february 2008 also.... hmmm...


    Oh well, I didn't use a drawing tablet anyway. Only mouse,

  17. Okay, My little brother (who turns 16 this thursday :D Planning on buying a big bottle of alcohol for him :D ) has a PSP. He had all these twilight songs (including SMBH) on it when I was one of 'them'. :LOL: And he hated me, when he found out Twilight was pretty okay. :LOL: And he was always saying how childish DW was. How stupid TW shouldn't be. And now he has seen them both. (all new series, he is now watching the Planet of the Dead special I think, and then he's finished, if he hasn't already). :O Talking about DW. My brother claims he's seeing the end of time part 1 right now! :O :o I think he's joking, but it would be completely rubbish if it was online already ;'(

    Well, why download more than you have all. when you need something you can download it another time ;) Right?

    I'm not really a gamer. I prefere reading, discussing and stuff.

    Oh that's pretty awesome. I made one drawing of sweeney todd on paint when ST was in cinema. I'll show you. (someone who saw it online, claimed It wasn't of my hand <_< Bugger :LOL:) Took me two days.

    Accepted (just stating the already known information :LOL:) I was pretty tired at the time. And when I'm tired I tend to forget that someone said something I hadn't reacted on :LOL: Have the same problem when intending to draw. Was chatting with an old studentmate of mine recently, and was suddenly so busy with my Simmgrindrawing that I completely forgot her :LOL: I'm terrible, I know :LOL:

    I haven't seen the end of GT to be honest. I can't think of the actually ending right now... Didn't really like GT anyway. And Digimon Tamers! OMG, I cried! I thought it was so sad! Loosing your friend. And the bluehaired boy (I lost his name, it's on the tip of my tongue though) looking at his father, shaking his head: 'no, it won't be alright' :'( I would have liked it better when they were able to stay ect. And I didn't really like their Digiworld.

  18. I do have to full package. I do not use all of it, but it turns to be very handy. Receently I had this dvd on my computer downstairs of the musical/concert of Sweeney Todd in 2000 or something :p I couldn't get in on DVD because it counted almost 8 GB. so I looked at the DVDVideoSoft thing, and guess what, it could convert the DVD into Avi. And I was happy, watching MUSE's HAARP while they comp was busy converting.

    Well, I just prefere Window's own Word. However the thing I dislike about the 2007 version is the fact it has this stupid standard things I hate. Like when you start with typing it double enters after you press enter once yourself, and it creates a bigger 'gab' between to lines, when not entering. It's easy to undo those settings, but I get irritated by it, having to do it every single time I open a new worddocument for simply noting down the colleges.

    Oh you can add me ^_^ You can find the adress under contactinfo :)

    Well, things I am afraid of is the endings of some stories. Like Ashes To Ashes. I like the fact that there will another series, but I'm afraid they will spoil my idea of both LOM and A2A by explaining everything. I like the idea of mystery and I love to thing about it myself. To form theories and stuff. Secretely I do want to know what's going on, but on the other hand I dont because it might spoil my thoughts about it. Like they are going to explain who Gene Hunt really is in series 3. And I'm afraid that I won't like what they made of it. Hope I will though.

  19. Yeah, I like those free programs too! especially DVDVideosoft is awesome, since it can take clips/music from Youtube. and you can get screencaps of video's. And so much more awesomeness!

    Ah Open Office... i downloaded that too (because fanfiction.net was promoting it.) But I didn't really like it. My dad has OO also on his laptop.

    Oh yeah, I do use MSN. Quite a lot really. I have it opened quit a lot at least, but I never really intent to start a conversation, because of being busy with other stuff :p


    Oh no, I'll try to keep cryptic about it :p I hope I didn't spoil something already (a) You. Watch it. NOW! *impression ala Gene Hunt :LOL: * No, just take your time. ;)

  20. Okay,

    I like to play with fonts too. But I care about a more general thing: the layout in general. But I do download some fonts for my use. I used to for my photofilter creations, but I don't make that suff anymore. And I like the standard font in Word 2007. Its better readable then Times New Roman. I hated that font. It just looks... messy. Don't like it :p

    Oh that sucks. with that I'm happy with my legs. My problems lie more with T-shirts, for not having much to fill up the 'gab' :LOL: That's why I love those tees from concerts; they fit perfectly.


    BTW I've watched the last episode of A2A today. I'm soooooooo wanting to have series 3 out NOW! I was quite scared of Gene in the last scene... :'( From episode 7 everything in my perfect A2A world went wrong :'(

  21. Kays, maybe I should watch it sometime. But I guess my fandom is lost forever *drama* :LOL: Well, maybe it's better this way, since I was driving people insane with me liking Johnny Depp. Even my teacher of Art used to joke about it. When we talked about typography and he said that the font of letter can mean something, I came up with the letters of Sweeney Todd (metallike and bloody). And one of my first individual projects was showing how you see yourself. In the middle you had this selfportrait, and you had to show what you were and what you want to be. So I drew on the background this red carpet (idea of a friend of mine, who had joined this classes too) and around my neck I had this movietape stuff, with on each frame another Johnny Depp character. When I took it home with me, I first had to go to Chemics. And the teacher really liked the thing. I guess she somewhat liked johnny depp too.

    Happily i wasn't the only JD fan in my group. One of my (former) best friends was too, and I guess that fact caused that I was a fan for a bit longer.

    Yeah, I think I need to download some 'background' music myself I guess.

    Talking about old pairs of trousers. Well, I used to have this one I was pretty happy about. But then it was ripped on the knee or on the back. I can't exactly recall that. But anyway. My mom and I went to the shop where we had bought it. But the trousers weren't in my size. So we bought a bigger one. And guess what... It still doesn't freaking fit :LOL:

  22. Yeah, my JD fandom slowly died after Sweeney Todd. Sweeney Todd was really brilliant, was fan of it almost a year. But then i stopped drawing JD since february... And when Public Enemies came, I wasn't like: omg, i have to see that! To be honest, I still haven't seen it. And however I DID mention JD playing the matthatter yesterday, while we were discussing a story that had a motive 'alice in wonderland', I just think he looks kinda silly. Not that its bad, but the fact I start noticing these things, tells me it died.

    BTW, speaking of that story I mentioned. The funny thing; the maincharacter's name was Alice (namesake of a mate on uni) but then suddenly the mother in the story called her Aliesje! (je stands for making the object smaller. like brother would be little brother). I was reading that, and I was like: What? I didn't read that good enough did i? Cuz most of the time i think I read my name, I misread

    Oh, I used to love the POTC soundtracks! Might still do ^_^

    I'm thinking of selling some of my JD material. But my old stuff (DBZ, Digimon, the matrix ect,) I can't sell for sentimental reasons

  23. Okay, to be honest I only read one story of Stephen King so far; Secret Window. I like the story :D But probably also because that was the story/movie I got to know Johnny Depp from. And it's still my fav Johnny Depp movie. But I'm not a JD fan anymore :p Just an ordinairy watcher. :p

    But it sounds cool, that book. Is it a triller/horror serie? Or just historical/fantasie?

    Oh,I really need to clean out my room myself :LOL: I've been thinking about selling my stuff on the dutch ebay site (marktplaats), but I think my mom won't agree.

  24. What is the Dark Tower series exactly (from what you said, I guess it is a serie though).

    Well, I 'studied' manga a bit last year for a artassignment and in last summerholiday with the digitalpainting thing.

    Yeah, it's the original simmgrin :LOL:

  25. Well, thank you :D

    Yeah, but they all draw different things :p My dad draws animals after bookletpictures and my grandma paints, but I don't know what she exactly paints.

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