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Status Updates posted by Alies

  1. Yeah, I'm looking for those kind of books too. On the net I did see some toturials of drawing a mangafigure by first making 7(?) circles or something. Problem is I don't have much time and patience to learn all of that really.. (But I do have time to draw about 3 hours on my Simmdrawing. But that's probably because I already know I'm able to make at least 'something' out of it, rather then make it throw away material. It might not always (never) come to my expectations, but at least I know some might like it :p)

    You like the drawing? :p I just HAD to call it "simmgrin" Well, that's where I got the idea of grinning like John Simm :LOL: So I paid tribute to your idea of calling that the simmgrin :D

  2. Oh, just made this one. I thought, maybe I should share it with you. Its on A3 paper, so I couldn't scan it; its photographed instead.



  3. c9a11fe2c2f2f0cc7ada498110cf4b4a.jpg


    I think I fall in love with A3 paper :LOL:

  4. My parents bought lots of how to draw things booklets. How to draw cartoons, plants, animals ect. But I do not really enjoy them, since they only teach you how to draw certain things; their cartoons, their plants, their animals. They dont teach you how to draw an object like that in general, but specific what they have drawn before you.

    So I'm still searching for novels to tell me how to draw something, using my own imagination instead of theirs. I once borrowed this book about manga drawing on the computer from the library. That one was awesome. There used to be those books how to write (better) fiction to, but somehow they all dissappeared :'(

    I would love to write a full manga/cartoon on my own, but atm I'm not able, for not having the right skills. And I'm too looking at the details. (One thing that's superduper for portrait and fromthephoto drawing, but cartoons/mangas need to be more abstract, figurative).

    I'm thinking of drawing John Simm on my A3 paper. Not sure I will succee though :p

  5. Okay I will ^_^ ATM I mostly draw Doctor Who or Life on Mars/Ashes To Ashes. Familiar with the shows?

    Well, it has to do with just practiseing also. I started to draw seriously at age 13. Now I'm 18 and yeah, it gets better :p Not sure if the fact that both my grandma and dad draw also counts a little. I knew they did, but found out on my own I liked to draw. So I wasn't like, oh they draw too, let's try it also!


    But if you want to see some of my DW or LOM/A2A drawings, just give a shout. I have them on Deviantart, but I can also send by visitor message.

  6. Thank you so much :D to be honest, I'm pretty proud on the hair expression :LOL: I have trouble with drawing hair, and that was the one time it did work out! :D *simmgrins*

    Might do another attempt on one of our beloved Musemembers in the future ^_^

  7. thank you so much for the comment on my Matt drawing :D

  8. I followed it in the beginning, many people looked at it and I kinda liked it too, but then I stopped watching. And now I have no clue what;s going on.

    I do read, mostly because of boredom and the need to feed the shipper in me. But I don't like it when the relation goes too far (which happens in almost every fanfiction, happily I finally found one that's not going further than kisses, hugs... and yeah.. engagement :LOL: )

    I've drawn comics about a book and the BBC serie Bottom for homework, and I loved to do that! But then the BBC comic was trown away <_< And I've done some photograph comics about MUSE and Twilight (Doctor Carlisle, called McSprankle by Esme, because of Grey's Anatomie :p He being afraid to be eaten -> McDonalds :LOL: Really lame) I ones tried to draw a comic on my own, but I was inspired A LOT on DBZ. I still have it, but I was young when I did that one, so It's not pretty good :p And I'm jealous on people who can draw manga, since I would love to draw comics again. But I just suck in it. When I have time, I might try to learn to draw manga properly.

  9. Next episode they fight all over again :LOL: They even got me crying at the end of it :p

    I got lost on lost :p I'm not following any series, except for A2A for the moment. Really hooked now. I'm afraid I'll be dreaming about Gene again :LOL:

    I'm a shipper I guess. Itried to write an alternative 9 and Rose story, but stopped very soon. I do follow this 9/Rose fanfiction online. It's very very mary sueish and stuff, and Rose being engaged to the Doctor :LOL: but it's a nice read if you don't take it too serious :p

  10. Haha, might :p

    Oh that's awesome, especially that thing about that guy being of the exact age of Matt :p That what I call a conspirasytheory worthy theory :p Or at least a fanfiction alike thought could be formed about it :LOL:

    I'm so addicted to a2a. The relation between Hunt and Drake is in some ways just like that between Sam and Gene. There are moments they are best friends and moment they can just shoot each other (or is that just another typical dutch expression?) But between Hunt and Drake there is this tension that is even stronger than that one between Sam and Annie (and I thought those were perfect for eachother!) It even was this high that when Gene was gong to save her from something (I'll try not to spoil too much) and the time was going in slowmotion. It was BEAUTIFULLY filmed. This clown (in that scene it was kind of an angel/demon showing her that he was taking her from life) and Gene's face started fading into eachother. This moment you saw the clown, next you show the blurry face of Gene. And then he tried to save her. And I was like: OMG! I can't breath, it's so beautfully filmed! The tension is amazing! I was eating mama mia's and held this piece of chips in front of me for several minutes, too afraid to miss a thing. It was amasing. And then Gene started bloody joking! Broke the tension :LOL: He jsut doesn't want to see he's in love!

    I'm such a shipper at times :LOL: Nine/Rose, Ten/Rose, Sam/Annie, Gene/Alex :awesome:

  11. Well, THAT's what i call an interesting theory! Thom Yorke the long lost brother... I wonder how they got seperated though :p

    But somehow this girl really reminds me of Annie. Really weird :LOL: But maybe my brains fill in some pieces that are not true :p

    Yeah, might be possible one day, since they do register brainsignals already. Maybe we can one day from them into bits of real information. '

    Oh yeah, my laptop is really dirty also <_< pieces of eraser under the keys, doghair, maybe even chips and cottoncandy from yestterday :LOL: I should really clean the thing up pretty soon, since the button started with not wanting to be pressed this morning ( they did after a few hits on it again, however).

  12. Haha, it's not that I'm lurking on money or something :LOL: But it just came to mind, since it's something pretty revolutionairy, since I still think it's kind impossible :p But I do think people will be pretty interested! It's like sciencefiction :p Authors and artists might find it pretty handy :p

    Wow, that's pretty much I guess. I hide my schoolbooks under my bed, in my bagpack, on my bedrooms floor (to my mom's irritation) and on the dinnertable (again to my moms irritation :LOL:)

    I've written a part of my dutch poem about that matt-smith look-a-like. and a attempt about a poem about this girl in college I know, that reminds me a lot of Annie of LoM :p Wonder if she knew Sam Tyler :LOL:

  13. To come to think of it :LOL: That would be sooo jack :awesome:

    Nine must have thought: owh Gawd, she watched to much bloody Torchwood! :LOL:

    haha, yeah we should :p If it were possible, it would make loooots of money I think :D

    Tell her I'm hoping on both :p

    Oh, my mom, dad, brother and I were watching tv back in the day. And there was this belgian artist working in his atelier (a biiiig room where the artist works). And i was like: OMG! I want that too! At exact the same moment I said that my brother was like: OMG I would so not want to have that!

    And my dad looked at me and said: When you have enough money :LOL:

    I know the pessimist phases. i'm afraid I'm going to turn into one pretty soon, with the tests coming closer. :'( But don't you give up :D i'm sure you will do just fine ^_^

    i'm going to quickly ready my homework, put it online and then I'm going to sleep *yawn*

  14. yeah :p Like i had this dream where a unknown companion of the 9th doctor was kissing everyone who helped them :LOL: The doctor asked me: 'Why is she doing that?!' And i was like: Duuuh! He turned out to be the only sane person in the dream :LOL: At the time of dreaming it was very logical to kiss everyone because they helped :LOL:

    next to the password it has to have a delete function and it has to categorise dreams sothat i can delete without having to look :LOL: or that i want to show someone one of my dreams and this terrible private thing pops up :LOL:

    Thank you! *simmgrins* :D Those comments of both you and your mother are huuuuugh compliments :D Thank you so much. And no, i do not mind people showing my drawings at family :p A friend of mine does that also and even kindly tells me when her mom is dieing out of laughter :LOL:

    But tell your mom that i won't quit my study now :LOL: But i wouldn't say no to a chance to make drawing (and writing) a living :p

  15. Well, yes I can :LOL:

    That's funny XD Always some place randomn, like your own house, while they would never come there :p I remember dreaming that MUSE rang on our doorbell, because they wanted to see how the locals of our town were, and somehow knew I was listening to their music. Well, trigger of the dream was teh fact that our soccerstadium was being used for a concert for the first time around that time. Some stupid dutch singer. I dislike Dutch music! Well, I was thinking about how :awesome: it would be if it was MUSE who played there :p:D:awesome: And that's how my dream started :p

    Oh yeah, at one point it would be awesome, since you can rewind the dream and write the details if you are planning to write about it in a story. But other dreams are best kept hidden :p:LOL:


    What do you think of my photograph of my drawing of Gene Hunt? :p Damn A4 scanners... or damn the people who think they should buy a A3 sketchbook, while knowing their scanner won't be able to scan it properly (AKA: me)


  16. Yeah, its all about what's going on in your head :p

    I had this with MUSE too btw. I dreamt about the fact i was going to their concert. A few days afterwards they indeed announched they would give a concert in Rotterdam :p But I dreamt it probably because I was drawing a lot that period and I had drawn one of Matt. so I imagined giving it to him, and ended up touring with them and being coupled with Dom :LOL: Pretty weird :D

    Haha, yeah. but dreams aaaaare interresting :LOL: especially if they do not make common sense :awesome:

    yeah, I didn't like the head either... But the quality of the photo sucked too. It was vague and not large enough. so that was one of the problems. I'm now attempting on Gene Hunt :awesome: On A3 paper.

    Tell your grandma thanks :D *simmgrin*

  17. Dreams are weird things, but i'm not sure if they really tell you something about the future. I think it can only tell about your past and the things you think about a lot at that moment. That's why I dreamt about Gene Hunt, wouldn't your after watching 3,5 episodes of a2a? :LOL:

    That dream somewhat remindes me of something... not sure if I heard it somewhere, read it somewhere or even dreamt something like that myself... I think I dreamt it myself... Since I vaguely see some details into it, with going outside, seeing something.. but I don't know what. I'm looking for something... my mom, but something else also... But I can't remember what i was looking. I think it's a dream of a pretty while back. I'm not sure if it was a bomb, the thought of a plane keeps occuring too.

    Yay! Ta\hat would be hilarious :LOL::D


    BTW I tried to draw Chris Skelton (Marshall Lancaster?) Kinda... not proud of it :LOL: Still not back at my drawingskills... but maybe I have to get into it? Which might mean my first drawign sucks, but the next one will succe? I hope so, cuz I just bought two quite expensive sketchbooks. One A4 and one almost twice as big :eek:

  18. I only do that when I a) remember the dream at all b) if it's a bit logical c) if it's one of which I think: woawie, that could be a cool story. That's where my unfinished story Morningdew began (woman wakes up from coma - I hadn't watched LoM by then :LOL: - and slowly discovers that she has magical powers. And the only one who seems to be trusted is her doctor. Doctor Carlisle :LOL:

    And I have some random written dreams floating on my laptop. One about me being in a team that searched my house for some sort of game. And a boy suddenly plays the drums in the bathroom :LOL: And later on he taught a friend of mine ballet :LOL:

    Hahaha, I wonder if Matt is a good enough actor :p But maybe in a sort of spoof thingy, it would be cool. Doctor Muse :p

  19. Haha, that's quite a funny dream to wake up to :LOL: Dreams are weird and do influence life. At least a bit. Today I was walking around like I DID have a date with that Gene Hunt-alike person. It's not that I thought I had that date, but the feeling of that dream hunted me down at times. And then afterwards I felt so freaking jealous on my dreamed self! :LOL: I want to be in love, and I want to be loved baaaaack *sodds* :LOL::D

    My little brother is now watching The finale of DW season 3 :D:awesome: I make my head move away form it when John Simm is on screen :awesome: And I think I made my brother nuts with continue asking about how he thought the master was :p But he DID ask my why the Doctor didn't regenerate :p *me feels clever* :awesome:

    I'm planning to buy some sketchbooks and some more pensils tomorrow. Might go lookign for a real notebook too :D


    Yeah it does fit :D


    Oh I've just drawn Chris Skelton of LoM. Again it proved to be not my drawing period XD Well, the picture I used for it was kinda not good quality either :p

    I'll upload later

  20. Hahaha, yeah that's true.


    Oh, that sounds impressive indeed! The most impressive library I know personally is our University library. It's huuuuuuge. At least I believe it is. But it's not really ancient. But our Academybuilding is! And that's where I have most colleges. Hahaha, that is kinda funny XD That's why I first search on Purple Search (a sort of google for sciencemagazines, but I guess they do have papers online too)before going to the library. I've gone there once, to participate in this help-with-writing girl who had to pass some test before being able to help fulltime. And I hate the lockers, it went wrong immediately, and I'm happy to have my stuff back afterall!


    Haha, yeah, pretty weird :LOL: I guess Gene was quite younger in my dream than he really is. Cuz I wouldn't be like: OMG I WANT TO KISS HIM! If I knew he is so much older than me :p

    On oooh... I guess Im developing a crush for this Matt Smith lookalike <_< I kinda felt sad when he didn't came in the supermarket while I was working :LOL: Lame me :LOL:


    It sounds cool :D Sound of drums! :LOL: What a reverence to the Great Simmmaster. Was it the DW reverence that made you think of me, or was it something else :p I'm curious :D

  21. Hiya, I'm back again :D

    Well, I won't have internet. So there is no chance I can watch the DW Proms <_< Well... at least I can study a lot :LOL:

    I had this weird dream last night XD I guess I've watched too much A2A :LOL::D Cuz I dreamt that Gene asked me out on a date XD And I was so excited :LOL: I waited so long, while working in the supermarket, but the date never came... Working till 8 o'clock was taking place almost my whole dream :LOL: And the date after 8 o'clock never came. :'( Poor me XD

  22. Aah, I always like the Salami, peperoni and cheese pizzas. Not so fond of the ones with pineapple. Never tried with salmon :p

    Well, I thought I wouldn't like the sequel, but I do like it :D I do think the maincharacter should think before saying things though :LOL:


    Argh... I hate the fact that I will be at the campside again this christmasholiday. So I can't see the second part of the End of Time straight away. And now I figured out that they will repeat the Doctor Who proms... Call me whiny. I know people could be jealous that my parents own a chalet, but I come there since my 7th birthday. This last year my parents go of with the two of them. Last summer I was there for two weeks and the last week was a pain in the ass. I'm so insanely bored there. There is nothing. And internet is insanely high priced! So I won't be able to watch it by internet either <_< Crap

  23. Oh jummie :D

    Yeah, it needs to stay somewhat logical. I like clever Scife :D

    Oh, seems like a pretty hard job! I'm now preparing a little for my tests, but I failed today, by watching A2A. well, at least I finished another book I have to read this morning... so I DID do something (a)

    What's your opinion about A2A btw? Or haven't you seen it yet?

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