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Status Updates posted by Alies

  1. Well, I don't think it sounds like that, because it just the truth. Yeah last.fm (sadly its not really free anymore =( ) I'm member overthere too (AliesBr). And yes, they do generalise way to much. I mean, I was one of the 'Twatlighters'. But happily I do not claim myself a fan of something before knowing more than one simple thing. I couldn't call myself a Muse fan untill I got in touch with Origin of Symmetry and completely fell in love with that album after listening HAARP, BHAR and Absolution.

    So in my case it's just that Twilight was a door towards the Muse universe (sorry for stealing your usage of universe XD).

    It's really stupid how people complain as a result of selfishness. And why would you, the young small girl have less right to go to first row? Urgh...

  2. Yeah, it's dying race if you look at it like that yeah. But people do get more selfish yeah!

    And I 'just can't understand it. Sometimes it just feels like I'm paying way to much attention about how others will feel when I do this or that... The world is changing <_<

  3. Yeah I got them! =) Me = happy ;)

    And I'm succed my final exams :D So next year I'm on uni. They will scratch the back of their heads overthere since I'm a dyslectic person going to study Dutch XD Yeah, I'm a fool.

    Oh no, I'm not béta at all (Biology, Math, Physics and Chemics). I had to do finals in it though. And I do like it, when not too difficult. Might would have like it more if I had gone to another school, maybe.

  4. Oh well, it's quite nice to work behind counter (except my back hurts like hell after it). And one or two customers more doesn't really matter. It's just the way people force you to help them. I mean; if there are yet other counters open, why so damn difficult over one counter that's closing? Next; If you ask friendly I wouldn't refuse helping them out before closing. But when you hide things, just to be an ass, they you've done it.

    In the end, I just laugh out loud for their dumbness really. They are just sad. If you do this kind of things to get your way as an adult; then I guess their educationlevel can't be that high. I mean; if you have some braincells you must have thought of other ways right?

  5. Well, I guess every system has an amount of unfairness in them. I mean; even the democrasy isn't 100% fair. You're welcome ^_^

    Aah well, I just hope for the best for you ^_^ I never made my homework for the subjects i did finals in this year. Or well, just keep it to rarely made my homework for two years (maybe 3).

    Today I worked at the Supermarket again. It was a .... weird day. First two costumers wanted to fight each other (a few 15 year olds and a male around the 30)

    Next I had to close down the counter, because I was allowed to go home at 19:30. So I asked a costumer to place a board at the end of my counter whicht told: this counter is going to close. And next two male around age 30 place the thing on the ground, because they thought it was unfair that they couldn't be served, because they came after the board was placed. Really those man need to grow up. Their excuse was: Well, the shop closes at 20:00. You can wait!

    Well, first of all; the shop doesn't close until 22:00. And if it was true that it closes 20:00; I freaking allowed to go! I won't get paided for the time after my 'deadline'. Most of the time I even work 5 to 10 longer to finish the line waiting at my counter! Grm..

    Well, it was a nice day anyway xD

  6. Yeah right after secondairy; but ONLY if you have followed VWO, which is the highest level on secondairy school. I've spend 8 years on primairy school and another six on VWO. People on HAVO only spend 5 years on secondairy school, but are not allowed to go to Uni, unless they add the two latest years of VWO behind their education. (And the VMBO is the lowest level, but exists out of four sublevels. My little brother is in the highest level of VMBO; All VMBO sublevels take 4 years.)

    The backside of this system is that your chances to go to Uni are decided on your level on the age of 11 or 12. (11 in my case; atm I'm 17. Next month I will turn 18)

    Well, I don't know. I hope someone will inform you about all of this. I, myself, would indeed get kinda nervous about it. I tend to worry a lot really.

    Oh no! I'm already horrified for your chances to have to do homework in summer!

  7. Well, that sounds difficult to me :p I guess you won't know its difficulty unless you do it yourselves ;)

    On VWO we are all to be prepared for Uni. At least; that's the goal. The education on Uni is also called WO. And the V of VWO means: Preperation.

    But I didn't get phoned yesterday (except my boss of the new job at supermarket; which almost caused me a heartattack) So I'm finished with secondairy school! had to go to school for receiving my list of grades. And damn yeah! I really AM finished! :D University here I come!

    2 July there will be the gratuation thing where you get your final list of grades, which is really important. I'm excited! Especially because I thought the chance of passing this year was kinda low :D But maybe those where my nerves talking ;)

  8. Hmm... yeah... Well about 20% of our people in this country follow high education. This means that they can do HBO (Higher Job Education, roughly translated) or even University. We already separated children by their education level at age 11 or 12. So I started following VWO (Atheneum to be more specific, but Gymnasium is also considered VWO, however they have Greek and Latin, where I follow other subjects) at that age. It's comparable with Grammarschool; it allows you to do Uni. If you do HAVO (a level below Atheneum) you are allowed to follow HBO. And if you really want to do Uni, you can follow the two last years of VWO after it, or you can do an exam for the course at age 21, but you won't receive money from the government in order to complete your course.

    Along the way I have seen people fail; being brought back to HAVO; failing one year and have to redo it. And I really hope I won't have to do that this year.

  9. Well, I hope to sucee too. But atm I'm pretty much starting to get pretty nervous.

    My Pre-exams (schoolexams) were fine; except from Biology and Physics. But the final exams, who are know to be easier, were really hard this time. And we don't know why. I do have a theory however; we are the last year doing these kind of exams. Next years finals will be different. But for the ones failing this year there will be another exam being in line with this years way of examening. My theory is that they want to have enough people failing in order to make this effort of making the exams worthy. But yeah, it's not really a plausible theory is it? XD

  10. I'll watch whole digimon 3 soon ^_^

    I like the name too ^_^ Sounds like a good story. Might check it out ;)

    URgh, I think I'm going to have a nervous breakdown. Tomorrow the testresults are known. And if I have to redo an exam or just failed the year, I'm about to be called :( I want to pass this year so badly in order to go to Uni. But I hadn't had a supergood feeling of the exams I've made :s Well we'll see ;)

  11. haha yeah,

    The maincharacter is like: Oh no, I'm not allowed to have a pet. So he hides it. But the fact that he didn't show up at school doesn't even reach his parents?

    At the moment I think Reika is kind of... having a unnice oppion about what digimon really are. But I'm at epi 6 right now, and I have read in comments that she is about to change. And Reika, the name, reminds me of an anime I watched in my days of exampreperation. I watched something called Popsession or something close to that on YouTube. It had a high sentimentlevel (Best friend, and secret love of one of main characters dies in caraccident when saving a little boy; maincharacter find out they are sisters and their mom is the head of this new school they attend). But there was a famous singer in the show also who was called Reika.

    I think I identify most with TK. I always had a weak spot for him. And maybe Kari. That's probably why I think they are such a fine couple.

  12. Yeah true. Having started writing by writing a dbz fanfic myself I should know XD I even made Tobias Ragg fell in love with Johanna (from Sweeney Todd) in a fanfic of mine :p

    Oh that sucks. It's better that the story tells you which character you should use instead of the character tell you which part of the story you play.

    I'll check the site out right away ^_^

    Oh it really sucks they also change the soundtrack <_< I'm trying to find the Digimon soundtrack, but I have trouble finding it. I guess I'll download from youtube ;)

    Oh and I'm now watching Digimon Tamers. It's kinda weird, but i kind of like it. I love the red dragon <3 He's cute ^_^ My parents wouldn't mind keeping him as a pet, would they? *imagines herself having puppyeyes asking her parents if the digimon could stay* Hahaha.

  13. yeah, DBZ has a lot of humour involved. But it seems that people who don't actually watch it just see it as an violent show. Maybe the themesong has to do with that. It's way more... violent sounding than the japanese one.

    Oh true, I dislike the 'Oh look at me types' most of the times. And being Austronaut is not really my dream job either XD But rockers make my hands itch (of wanting to play too)

    Well, I thought that Davis and Kari shouldn't be together, however Davis was in love with her. Haha, how you can discuss about the marriages between some make up characters :p Still I love to discuss it.

    Oh I wouldn't mind playing a game orientated to DBZ or Digimon either. And I didn't feel childish when drawing Matt a year ago because of longing back to the time :p

    Oh, well... So Kari mentioned it in the series? Still I thought it was kinda weird ;) wouldn't forget about something like that in a lifetime.

  14. I'll check some out! I'm now downloading the DBZ Japanese and English soundtrack. Maybe I'll find some new awesome bands. (I seem to get to know my fav bands by Soundtracks.)

    You're right. I didn't know how else to name it without pointing out what I ment. And I really do appreciate those bands :D I remember being amazed by the live preformance of Rock the Dragon (which is confusing now, because Rock the Dragon was used in the Western show of DBZ, while the live preformance was from a band in Japan. I guess that the dubbers stayed close by the origin of the show by still picking a band of its country?)

    I do understand why they change names. I mean; I guess I would have a hard time remembering their names. But maybe, if I grew up with the original names in the shows, I wouldn't have had a problem with remembering them at all. I like the name of Krillin in DBZ in Japanese. And I had to laugh about seeing the original name of Piccolo in the dubbed show: Piccoro. But the be honest; I do like it. And really, sometimes I have to laugh about their meanings. I mean; come on! Trunks, Bulma; I guess they have a good sence of humour overthere; because they all mean underpants XD And Gohan; Rice. Vegeta: from vegetable. Kakarot: carrot. Brolly: broccoli.

    No, I don't know Death Note. Never been broadcasted here. But I hear most mangafans speak about it a lot. Hikaru!!!! <3 She's awesome. I just rewatched the end of Digimon 2. I just thought that Kari was meant to be with TK! Ah well, at least my alltime favourite, TK, became author. (Which is funny, because I liked him since season 1. And now, years later, it's my own goal to become author). But atm I tend to like Matt more. Also like how he wants to become a rockstar. I wished a lot of times that i could play an instrument in order to play in a rockband. Maybe when I have to money to get a keyboard or something XD But I guess I'll just focus on my study.

    Haha, maybe it's a way of honouring Digimon or something? :p Or the other way around.

    Oh now, I always tend to love someone or something that's not a mainperson/leader of the group. I think Angemon is beautiful and i remember that I cried when he died in the first season XD And the evolution of Catomon is awesome too (again a clue for me that Kari and TK should be together. Sad it didn't turn out to be :p)


    wowah that's awesome. I guess I would have drawn digimon and stuff. Or I would have written down a description of how the feeling of being sucked back into the time you used to love that show.


    And I have watched the Digimon movie; I didn't like how they claim Tai and Kari to have met this Koromon before. Because when watching the show itselves, Tai was like: Where the heck am I? And who the heck are you? Looking at Koromon. If the part of the movie was true he should have shown a sign of recognision.

  15. Oh O.o! I'm so jealous on you! Well... maybe not. Because I like both songs. The one I grew up with, just because I grew up with it. And the other because it's the original and sounds incredibly cool ^_^ I would love to sing along, but sadly... I don't understand a thing of Japanese. And I do not like the German dub. (And I guess I would have hated the Dutch one too, if they had dubbed it).

    Famous bands? Famous in Japan and such like? I guess I live under a rock and I should come out and listen to some good Japanese music. I hear more people about those bands. And for what I have heard in my fav manga shows; Me likes it :D

    I have a friend who loves One Piece. She 'forced' me to watch it too (online). The one I follow is subbed instead of dubbed. I like it. And yesterday I watched the first epi of Digimon season 1. I was shocked to hear that Matt wasn't the original name of the blond guy! Well, shocked... I guess I already expected it ^_^

    In my younger years I loved TK and his digimon Patamon and it's evolution. And I liked Catomon for her line I still remember. It was dubbed into dutch (gladly DBZ wasn't dubbed... well.. in english then). But catomon said something like; He's so stupid as the back of a pig. And in dutch we know the saying: So stupid as the back of a cow. And somehow I keep remembering that line. And back then I felt very proud of correcting her XD (And ironicly I'm now about to study dutch XD)

    I found whole soundtracks of Digimon and DBZ on YouTube. If I can't download by Vuze, I'll download form there. Digimon also used the bollero (or something) in one of their movies.

    And in the christmas holiday our family watched a musicshow on television. And they played the bollero. And I was like: Nooo! that's from Digimon. And on the same time my brother shouted: That's from DBZ!

    And my mom looked at us; sighed: 'It's the bollero. It's a classical piece of music.'

    Next thing my brother and I did was looking it up on YouTube XD

    And all three were right.


    I'm not really into electronic music. Except from the Chemical Brothers. I do appreciate their music, most of the time.

  16. Woops! It's a band. I seriously didn't know XD Haven't heard of them.

    Oh yeah, I love the Butterfly song of Digimon! We had another song in place of it <_< Still like that one though, probably just because I grew up with it. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpP93z0ridU)

    That's probably why I still get the shills from the Rock The Dragon opening of DBZ. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqfnfIG8AoI)


    Oh, I'm now all rewatching/listening these songs. Man, I long back to those times right know! *cries* XD


    I really like the Japanese openings because they actually sing and don't keep repeating their lines. And it's real music! And I love how they tend to use english lines but fail completely due their accent XD

  17. Oh awesome. I like those secret messages :p Yesterday morning I played the Da Vinci Code game with a friend of mine and her mom. I really sucked. I nearly got 3 points (out of 30 I guess). But I didn't loose; her mom had zero dot zero points :p

    Kraftwerk... Sounds a little German to me :p

    Oooh I remember hearing this rapsong called: Hey Digimon! XD It sucked (I hate rapped themesongs. Just like the American themesong of Dragonball GT. I prefere the Japanese/translated from Japanese. But I do love the (Dutch) intro of digimon.)

    Oh, I was planning to watch those other, never broadcasted seasons in the Netherlands of Digimon. But yeah, if they are changing the digiworld from how it is in the first and the second I'm probably going to enjoy it way less also, I guess.


    Woaw, I'm jealous on your ticketfreedom! :p We can't buy those kind of tickets, sadly.

  18. Haha, well I still have those colouringbooks from Digimon. And DBZ magazines. i was hooked on them, and I keep them all at one place. I do not intent ot throw them away. And in our chalet (some kind of holidayhouse) I have two DBZ posters. But I haven't been there in ages. My parents do go there, but my lil bro and I stay home ^_^

    Which movie? I've seen several of them online. I'm only known with the season 1 and season 2 Digimon however.

    Yeey! I'm so happy for you! What kind of ticket do you have? Sitting or standing? Well, you still know the code? (In case you want to buy things like tickets online again ;) )

  19. Exactly what I thought too. But yeah, I kinda understand the reactions, because Digimon was way more populair. Even more populair than DBZ (A boy in my former primairy school class thought I was a weirdo for liking the show that much).

    I drew Matt from Digimon last year after being a little bit nostalgic. I gave it to a friend of mine who's little sisters had a Digimon poster on their room.


    Yeah, the Matrix made me discover so many bands. RATM was the very first band I liked on my own, without my parents listening it first. I also discovered POD, Dave Matthews Band and such like. And even the Chemical Brothers, but that was because I searched everything matrix related. And Kazaa (which I used back then) came with Let Forever Be of The Chemical Brothers.

    I guess I'll have to retry. The problem was also that the one that uploaded me a few songs, was kind of a weird boy. He had a girl already and yet he was acting waaaaaay to nice towards me.

    Oh nooo! That sucks! :( Is there no chance at all? Can't you order by cell or something?

  20. Aaah Digimon XD Always when I summ up Anime's I like I only get a reaction like: OMG! Digimon! I used to watch that! Once I got the reaction about DBZ: Oh that was with that pink dude right? I LOVE PINK! I thought that that reaction was completely randomn. Buu (the pink dude) is only one saga in it, so I think it's funny that people tend to remember him.

    We used to tape Keanu Reeves movies, because I liked him after being an enormous fan of the Matrix (where I discovered RATM; I <3 those soundtracks ;) ) but nah, those movies do not interrest me anymore.

    I will, I will ^_^

    Haha, no I didn't mean to link Mr Leto to the story. It was after naming the people that I realised there is a Jared that is also the lead of a band in this world :p I wanted to switch names because of it. But I thought that Kay and Dylan weren't really Matthew names (Okay, this sounds weird, but I hope you understand). And I already fell in love with the Dom-Dylan name switch.

    Yeah SOAD, I know this band (The lead works with Tom Morello on Axis of Justice right?) I tried to listen, but I gave up (I guess way too fast).


    Hehe, I'll remember that line! I think it's kind of funny. ;)


    Don't worry. I tend to use XD in every line also.

  21. Haha, awesome. Not a lot of choices to use, though. And funny how they add Naruto XD. And how they do add Trunks, while he was only there for a few sagas in the anime, but they do not add Gohan. And the person you had to dress up made me think of Ten. I love how they also add Turtles in the game (character in one of the DBZ VHS I own. Since I'm back in the DBZ mood I would love to watch those videos again, but I have no clue how, since we do not have a fuctioning VHS player at home anymore. Damn XD)

    I'll look them up! Both the book and the music ^_^ When I find them and listen/read them, I'll tell you how I think of them, keys? ;)

    I love to link things. Especially in titles. Or at least I did it once and fell in love with the 'cleverness' of the title, so I try to this more often. I don't like the titles like Morningdew anymore, because they tell you nothing. And I also called a story Township Rebellion, after a song of RATM, but again; it doesn't tell you a thing.

    The title of my Muse story reveals something, but doesn't become clear untill you're reading the story and ended up reading the climax.

    Owh Gawd! Tokio Hotel XD First my story tells way to much about Muse, because the band inspires me. Then I thought it could be related to 30 seconds to mars by readers because Matthew is called Jared (Leto, wasn't my intention to do so. I just used a site with babynames, so it wasn't inspired by Leto either.) And now you bring up Tokio Hotel! Gaaaaa!

    But I guess it's a good thing that people see different things in stories. 30 Seconds To Mars fans will think of their fav band, you will think of Tokio Hotel and MUSE XD

    But I myself think of Muse, however the characters start to get their own shape now. And the gaything formed when I randomnly thought: What if Dom wasn't gay, but just pretended to be? Why would he do that? How did people think it of him? How is he going to make sure that it will not effect his life, when he DOES find his love? And then the thoughts were more pointed to my own character Dylan.

  22. :o Is there a game to create your own DBZ characters?! Awh, I didn't even know :p

    I remember drawing my own comic too. I still have it somewhere in my closet. It was a little like Dragon Ball. Including being alien, a grandpa dieing (of decease however).

    Awh, I always make photocopies of the drawings. (At least last year I did). I'm not sure why, but I guess that I'm always proud after drawing something, so I have to photograph it.

    Is there really a book of I am Legend? Sounds kinda awesome. I'll see if I'm able to borrow it from the library ^_^ I thought the Sam goes infected and dies part very saaaad *cries* I just love dogs way to much ;)


    I will deff take a listen! I'm a little bit familiar with In Rainbow. But which 'galaxy' do you like most?


    And oh, I'm now starting in writing my 'Muse' story. I've called it Portrait of a Lie (but then in dutch: Portret van een Leugen).

    The Portrait displays the drawing; the object that results in the fact that Caley gets in touch with the band.

    The Lie represents Dylan's lie; having trouble with finding true love and therefore not fighting the fact that gossipmagazines claim him to be gay.

    The lie also represtents the lies that gossipmagazines spread about the relation between Dylan and Caley (maincharacter). For example: they claim that Dylan falls for Caley because Caley is kinda 'flat' and therefore looks a little like a boy.


    what do you think?

  23. I remember drawing those pokémons too. But DBZ characters were my favs. I designed some on my own too when I was younger. (I drew my own characters from my first fanfiction) I used to love to draw Cell (one of his early stages) because I thought it was easy to draw and I was quite proud of it. And now I think I don't have a single copy of those drawings anymore

    I would love to see your Bootstrap Bill drawing!

    Yeah, I shouldn't say no to an offer to discover a new universe! I mean, it can't hurt ^_^ So yes, I would love to be given a key ;)

    I've seen I am Legend and 30 days night.

    I thought that the end of 30 days night wasn't emotional enough. And I was like; they could have saved the maincharacter so easily! If they really want him to die in this story, they should have given an argument to tell us, the watchers, that what would be a so obvious way of saving him, wasn't a way to save him from the dead this time. And yeah, it could have been way more emotional. The movie was okay, but the ending didn't really satisfy me.

    I am Legend. And again the movie was good, but the end left me unsatisfied. It was way to open. The cure for a decease is found, but can only be found in someone's blood. This blood is handed over to people who might be able to prepare a good cure of it for everybody. It's only handed over, it leaves me wondering if the decease will be cured.

  24. Last year I used to draw on the birthdaycards I gave to my friends. Because just giving money is so... not personal; so I draw a quick drawing of something they are interested in. So I also drew Jack Sparrow for my fellow JD-fanfriend (Who likes him most because of Jack; but I personally don't call myself a fan of something if I only like one of his roles/song.)

    And she really liked it. My friends on that birthdayparty looked at me like: ugh! You always have to be over te top XD

    I ALWAYS draw people I like, because then I have the most motivation and enthousiasme. And I believe that those are nessecairy ingredients for making a good drawing. And yeah, I draw for fun too. I only draw when I feel like to.

    Haha, yeah... I think eraser is more used here. A rubber tends to become something different very soon, however I do know what it means in your context ^_^

    Well, I always tend to look for 'errors' in my drawings. Even the one I'm most proud of I can critisize. But this doesn't mean I'm extremely proud of it! But I also tend to compare with people sometimes. Those people on deviantart par example. At times that makes me feel miserable; I'm not good enough, that kind of thoughts. I know I shouldn't think things like that, but sometimes they do accure. Secretly I do hope that my drawings will become more than products of a hobby. Secretly :p

    But when I did my exams, I had the feeling that I had to watch my latest drawings at least once a day. It told me that I have enough skills and hobbies I love to do, so failing this year in exams wouldn't be that miserable, because I had enough things to do where I do not fail (at least; you just can't fail, because none labels you for it).

    Well, I only know the song 15 step of radiohead. Maybe I do know more, without realising though. But I do know how Yorke looks like ^_^

    But having caught a piece of him and translating that into a drawing IS something to be really proud of!

    Take a Bow reminds me of Bombtrack XD For repeating the Burn part :p RATM is always very political, and I think MUSE sometimes tries to be too or something. But they indeed just keep on the surface without me really understanding what they mean.

    In my point of view I like two kinds of lyrics:

    - Lyrics that have a meaning behind them.

    - Poëtical words; things that make me wanne write them down on every page of my workbooks. Things that sound nice. (like POD wrote: Even if there would be the army was against me, My heart would not fear. )


    Top 40 music most of the time do not place themselves in those categories. They are the thirth category called; I like to repeat one single line. And I just don't like that.


    But hey, I've got to go! My friends is about to feed me with vampiredvds. Excited to know which ones she picked!

  25. Haha, well I must admit that I had a hard time not to mention that Johnny Depp had his birthday that day too, in the Matthew Bellamy's Birthday Tread.

    And I'm not even a big fan of JD anymore. Or at least, I guess, because the latest movie (Public Enemie) doesn't really make me want to go to the cinema when it comes out. (But I also had a feeling like that when Sweeney Todd came in Cinema, but a year later I was still addicted XD But back then I was excited to go watch it, eventhough it didn't seem to really appeal to me. Now I don't really have this secret excitement about it. And I used to draw him A LOT; but my latest drawing of him was in february '08 as Sweeney Todd in Epiphany.

    Now I draw other idols, like Matthew Bellamy, Peter Facinelli and such like. I just draw known males that get my attention ;) I'm thinking about drawing 'Eli' and David Conrad of Ghost Whisperer too, if I have time. Drawing them doesn't mean I'm obsessed about him (some people tend to think that). It just means that I respect them for what they are doing.

    I think i'm the kind of person that believes that true beauty only shows when you get to know someones character. It's not only how the person looks like, but mostly about how they are, how they think and how they behave. I think that Matthew Bellamy can be called beautiful, he's not modellike, but he has an awesome way of talking about things and behaving.

    And really, most of the people that are called beautiful, I don't like at all. I don't think of them as beautiful. They have good looks, okay. But you can see that most of them have an 'air'. They think way too good of themselves. That's probably why I don't like the big Hollywood stars, but that I prefere the stars that are kind of different.

    Well, enough about my philosophical thinking ;) (Which got waaaaay of topic XD)

    I try my friends not to notice too. But I always seem to talk to much about my fandomtopic XD I shared my Johnny Depp fandom with a good friend of mine, so when she started I had to join and the other way around.

    With Muse. A friend started mentioning MGMT, so I had to talk about MUSE in response XD It's really stupid, because I mentioned Matthew's Zetas, so now my friends believe he's a weirdo. I guess they take his songs waaaaaaaaaay too serious XD

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