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Status Updates posted by Alies

  1. Sometimes I just read those discussion on youtube. You have to clever ones, who explain what they think in more posts due their amount of letters. Those discussions can be interesting, since there is no way of shouting at each other; Just debate, trying to convince eachother, or just to inform about how they look at something. (Agreeing to disagree). '

    But overal I tend to skip the one phrase discussions, since those are just stupid... not worth looking at.

    I also tend to shut my mouth when I have an opinion about something. Just because people tend to yell at you. Even when I do not have an opinion and just randomnly state something, people yell at me, because THEY misunderstood.

    A long time ago I had add this reaction to a charlie and the chocolate factory video saying; And again Johnny Depp played a role we had never expected of him.

    The statement was made soooooo long ago, I even doubted if I had really made it, when I recently received a respons on it. It's respons was something in the wayof; How dare you to offend Johnny Depp! He plays fantastic roles.

    And I was like: Ho! Stop! That was exactly my point! The fact that he plays unexpected roles makes him an great actor. I used to be a big fan... Calm down a bit please?!


    And oh, I started reading those fanfictions about 9 and Rose. Just read one about 9 proposing towards Rose. It was really funny, since it was out of nowhere like:

    9: Rose, I love you. will you marry me?

    And I was like: Omg! This is sooo bad XD I enjoyed it, but it was bad, if you know what I mean. Without real reason (well.. they were celebrating Rose's first meeting with the doctor anniversery, and they were dancing a bit) he suddenly proposes!

    And I thought; I can do it better ;) I'll try to upload it on Fanfiction.net, but just as I wanted to log in, it has technical issues. I bet he sees me coming ;) *laughs*

  2. Yeah, I respect other people's believes also. My grandma believes, she's catholic. The one and only thing I dislike about religion is that it is used to make bad things right; especially when it has to do with wars and other governmental stuff. That's what i dislike. But I'll always respect the individual believes of others.

    My mom says we are atheists. My dad thought that science was more believable than the religion he grew up with. I myself think like; It could be a bit of both. Maybe there is something up there.. maybe there isn't.

    I'm not going to build up traditions, restricting my way of living because of a belief. I'm just going to live my life the way I think I should. Be a good girl/woman in the way I describe good. Respect other people. I think that should be enough.

    There could be a god, there might not. I don't know. We might see someday, but now we don't. Just be good and I think you should be fine.

    Ohhhhh, very common feeling that is! My mom used to check the primairy school's newsletter for mistakes. And, however I'm called dyslectic, I tend to look for mistakes too.

    And about the way people use internet. They suddenly LOVE actors (I wouldn't say that; I just like them; a lot maybe, but as an actor. Nothing more). They HATE some music bands (I would say; I dislike them, but more often I would say; I haven't listened to them since it doesn't really appeal to me).

    And people shout even earlier on internet. It's just sad how most of the YouTube comments end up in big unnessesairly fights.

  3. Well, I do trust smith ^_^ His dad or grandpa used to be a big fan of the show, so I guess he knows where hes talking (playing) about XD

    I think I will love him as well ;)

    One of my former friends, who used swearwords unnessasairy, once said somethiing like; you freaking never swear do you? after I changed my urge to say Jesus Christ into Jeeeetje... XD (Jeetje is a dutch word, something like the english sound Gje)

    never use God damnit (godverdomme in dutch). Instead I use Godverdikkie or godverdorrie. Never verdomme since it the dutch translation of the word to doom. ( I've heard that of a christian friend of mine).

    People are so rude nowadays. A friend of mine tried to get me laughing while her parents were praying before dinner. I just kept quiet; I do not join the prayers, but I'm decent enough for just shut my mouth and let them.

    Another thing is that we went on holiday with a group of four friends. One of them was christian. so she wanted to pray before dinner. But the two others kept doing stupid over it, so the poor girl didn't pray for over a week, just because of those stupid girls <_< Am I too kind or what? the whole principe of respect is fading or something...


    And thanks :D I'm happy you both like it :D (Did your dad recognise him? Or isn't he into the new Doctor Who? )

    A dad of my friend, who I led into the trap of doctor Who, called fandom, recognised the tardis of the show when i introduced the girl to doctor who. Thats just awesomeness. Even my mom used to watch it. However she thinks the new ones suck because it doesn't look realistic enough. funny thing is that i just think the opposite. Do like the 5th doctor. He looks cute XD

  4. I introduce to you....

    The ninth doctor; Christopher Eccleston~!!!!



    I'm not sure what to think of it..... It's a fine drawing... I think... But I'm not excited about the result (yet).

  5. Oh, I guess I understand it. We have a chalet at the campside. There you had these people too. But the groups were ripped apart very quickly. And to be honest, I thought that a lot of them were rude. If something wasn't the way they wanted it to be there would be war and calling names. It happened a lot, once I was the victum... or rather... my mom. They tried to hurt me in order to make up a name for my mom. that's just sick really. How dare they insulting someone way older and more powerful? Kids can be so rude... I don't understand were it comes from. I wouldn't dare to insult someone, maybe my little brother.. but most of the time it's teasing. and when I AM angry at him it's no further than SHUT UP and ASSHOLE XD I guess I'm not really powerfull with calling names XD

    Back then our campside group splitted up because person A threw three hands of water towards person B in the summer :facepalm: How easily can one be offended?

    My best friends tend to be creative too. My two best friends both draw. One I joined in artclasses at school; she mostly likes to draw manga (which I try to learn to draw now as well). The other draws, photographs and tries to write as well. She wants to write a story with me. Sometimes I think she thinks way to high about me, looking at the fact that I love to write.


    I've seen the last parts of the 4th series. It's sad that DT leaves the show... but I've seen a picture of the new Doctor who in costum... I think I will love him as well... But CE will be my fav ;) Probably going to draw some doctor who's today or this week. I'll show you when ready :)

  6. That's just mean. For forgetting your cellphone, being kicked out of the group. I just think they weren't the best friends afterall... Never really were, maybe..

    Ohhh... the good old times XD I loved the randomn plans we had, unable to do in reallife. My friends, however rarely saying, respected me for writing and drawing. Once or twice they reveiled that; they were proud on me for drawing and writing the way i do. Makes me little :awesome:

    We used to sing those Sweeney Todd lyrics for over a few whole months after seeing the Johnny Depp/Tim Burton addaption, loudly in the halls of our school. Loved it :D

    It is interesting, but I don't quite understand the reasons for Victoria's ways. And... I didn't get the I am not amused kind of thing... is that something completely british, that I don't know about?

  7. Oh that sucks. It's a good thing that my friends know I never carry a mobile phone around really. But loosing a friendship for not going out with the group? Hmm... I wouldn't really make a point of something happening like that really. I would say; Well.. okay. Next time carry a phone will you ;) *with a teasing laugh*

    I felt hurt a little a few days ago, by an unintended action of a friend of mine. I heard of another friend she had a textmessage of her, asking her if she wanted to join her in a party at her appartment. And this friend asked me if I was asked too, in order to drive along with me. and i was like; no... *sob* Why not?! The worst thing I thought was (I feel bad for it) that this messaged friend and the other weren't as good friends as i was with the other.

    Well... I later messaged this friend of mine, saying; have a nice party. And why am I not invited? *sob*. It turned out to be the fact that she thought I would read all of my twittermessages, which I hadn't. XD Pretty stupid to have felt hurt over this.

    I couldn't go to this party anyway, since I had to work. But still...

    I remember that i was talking with those people in germanclass. and the teacher came to us and said to me: 'What a noise do they make, right?' Pointing at the other. And I was like: 'Oh yeah!' *angelic face* She never knew I was part of it too.

    Hahahaha. that's funny. i was part of this group too (friends within the bigger group). We called ourselves VTO -> voortgezet terroristen onderwijs. (VWO was the level we attended; voortgezet wetenschappelijk onderwijs -> continued science education; which allows you to attend Uni). So this VTO ment; continued terrorist education. it was really randomn. The mainpoint was that we were about to 'bomb' the school. We used to joke about this. Mainfact was that we all (including all students) hated our school (for good reasons). (funny thing is that two guys did bomb the school with those smelly bombthings. Harmless, but it smelled like hell). Anyway, later on we were planning to write about something political. Happily we didn't, since she really couldn't be serious enough.

    Ohhh nooo!!!! i feel so sorry for you, for loosing ssj Goku! :p I only have one.. sadly. I do have a lot of stickers and a few cards. And my Trunks figure (H).

    i thought it was pretty cool that Captain jack was head of Torchwood. I thought that queen Victoria was kinda weird for founding this Torchwood, after he just saved her! Well.. fear for the unknown i guess... or because she now knew that she might had to be exterminated, if the doctor knew that she was a werewolf.... which he wouldn't do if she just didn't give problems... *sigh* Humans are complicated.


    The weirdest thing happened to me today. My mom just asked me if I had finished my wordthing (with which she ment the julnowrimo XD). I guess she starts to support me more and more in my creative way of letting my out XD (outlet... yeah..)

  8. Oh I did tell people, if someone asked me. Some tended to like me for it, but were lateron influenced by those who first pretended to be friends of mine and later started teasing me for being different. <_< still hate the girl for doing that.

    And yes, ofcourse at times I could chat the ears of my teacher's head. Having a fun conversation is always better than paying attention, right? ;) last year my biologic teacher went nuts of us. She laughed about it really. She even stole our drawings, because we were doing this drawing game instead of three hours of biologics. I can imagine that she was about the strangle us at times, because we were pretty loud, most of the time laughing.

    I have this friend I mostly talk about celebs with. not the top 40 (unless you call Johnny Depp, who fascinated us the most of the time, a top 40 celeb). Which wasn't really deep going really. But I did like it. I really loved being this stupid little group of friend, doing dumb and laughing our ass of about each other. But at times I felt they had to be more serious, and most of the time they were.

    I always (well, most of the time) perfere those secondairy characters. that's why I have a trunks figure instead of a Goku figure. and I sure am completely glad of having it, even today.

    Okay thanks. I did use this doll maker for creating my characters of this story I wrote in July (muse related thing) and for Morningdew. Makes it easier to describe them. Even clothes.

    And... returning to my Doctor Who thing.

    There was this episode where there was war in england (WWII) with this boy with the mask saying: are you my mommie?

    And yesterday I watched this episode where this clever boy was used by the sentaurus (??) by gassing the earth with this carsystem. And then the Doctor had to put on a gasmask. And then he says, almost unnoticed I guess; are you my mommie? I thought it was Brilliant! Those writers of the show are everything but lame and stupid

    And about the martha thing, I had a philosophy. I think he wanted Martha to join in order to not have to think about Rose. Even worse; sometimes I think (especially after the first episode with Martha) that he needs Martha (and his other companions) to have a reason for not giving up live so easily in difficult situations; since he has a promiss to keep; get the companion save at home after the adventures.

    Well, that was my rambling again ;)

  9. Well, the study while others have fun describes me in the past; 2nd, 3th, 4th and 5th year of my secundairy year. At least... maybe I was drawing more than I was studying later on. I felt unconnected to my classmates, since I've been teased in the thirth year, being called different and all. Boys teasing me for wanting to be an author made it only worse. I still hate them for it. I don't actively hate them; just ignore them.

    I had some close friends, really. They were (and some still are) my very best friends. Most of them were kind of 'weird' too. That made us cling together I guess. And we met more and more people, joining our group. I, myself was a lot around this girl in class. I know her since primairy school, so we could get along pretty good. And so I got in touch with a few classmates that were friend of her since other years. At the end of the year we were called the 'group' in public by our mentor. In class, we were pretty close.

    In the end of the last year our group contained more non-weird people. And i guess I kinda changed with them. I'm still weird, I guess... but it's more hidden for the outside world.

    And yes, in taste I know only one friend who shares it. She's going to join me in the Muse concert too, however she only knows USoE and SMBH right now. She's trying to get into it. And she already loves the USoE. And I made her addicted to Doctor Who without even trying XD And now she blames me for it ;)

    Indeed the weirdo's with their interresting issues. I loved to talk about 2012 with some guy, just because I was a little terrified by the thought. We talked about politics, communism and a lot more. Later on it started to get light hearted...

    And then our group split in two because a fight. Person A didn't trust Person B's boyfriend, since B claimed him for using drugs ....... And I was in the middle of it, trying to stay neutral.

    Frysian is a language which is spoken where I live; Fryslân/Friesland. It's related to languages as Danish. People even claim it for having formed the English language... but I don't know how much I have to believe.

    I always tend to not prefere the maincharacter of a story. It's kinda weird. But for playing with my brother in the past it was a good thing. He always was allowed to play Goku *laughs* I played Gohan or Trunks... But often to be forced to play a bad guy, which I didn't really like XD

  10. True. Sometimes I tend to be a little einzelgänger at times. At least, I used to be a lot in my late thirth year and fourth year of secundairy school, after I've been teased for wanting to be an author and being different. (not speaking frysian for example; I understand frysian, but never learnt to speak it, which I think is something good, because I would never have chosen dutch to study if I did... probably.)

    Brilliant Brilliant Brilliant. Really those season finales are the best! All those clues you find in other episodes and then it reveals something you wouldn't have thought of before it's revealed (like Jack being the face of Boo; Bri-li-ant!)

    However I do know what they mean with the epi 2 hint of the fourth season. (She's coming back, or something).

  11. Indeed. I'm proud of who I am. Nothing can change that and none will change who I am. I think that being unique is something to be more proud of than to be normal; to blend in so perfectly because you're all the same.

    I didn't really like the pedowolf thingy neither. I started to lose my respect for Jake in that book a little. (And for carlisle, but I already told you that). I thought this jokes weren't funny at all... bit lame maybe

    And about Doctor who. The season final of the 3th series, was brilliant! Especially the Face of Boo thing! I was like: OMG! That's so... freaking brilliant!

  12. Okay, I'll try to remember :p

    Haha, I'm addicted to Doctor Who soooo badly. I have the theme on my mp3player, watch the show every hour I'm able to watch a whole episode XD But now I want to watch it soo often, just to get towards season 4. Only 2 episodes to go. When I found out that this John guy was a Timelord too I was like: OMG! That's so awesome! And then he turned evil and I was like,, nooooo! Probably just like how Martha felt, but I guess I lack the feeling of guilt.

    Aboit the Jack and Rose thing; he also watched Rose grow up a little. Which I think is kinda cute. And the doctor got jealous when hearing that I guess XD

    To be honest I wasnt that emotional about New moon. I guess I enjoyed the Jacob part too much. He's the perfect best friend.

    I feel so hurt for the doctor, because of his situation. And never been in a situation like that myself; being unable to be with who you love.

    I'm not a 'can get boys whenever I feel like it' type. I guess I'm too different from the 'normal' people to have that. But I'm also glad for that. It makes love special. when you find it you feel fully understanded; like you belong otgether. If everyone understands you because you're just normal... And I prefere being unique and with one of the few who truely understand me, than being normal and being with one of the many who understand me.

  13. Okay ^_^

    It this John thing in the fourth season or in the three last episodes of the thirth season? Well.. I thought the old man is called John, but I'm not sure of that either. I'm now in this first episode of season three's triple episodestory.

    Oh yeah, I exactly remember my first step into fanfiction. Or at least when I started writing on my own at age 11. Probably already told about that a dozen of times.

    And yes, it does sound like a DW paring. Jack was extremely happy to know that Rose was still alive in this episode I'm watching. And I kinda like season 1 and 2 better than season 3. It's not only about loosing Rose in the stories (I sometimes got jealous for her; the kiss with Martha (later to be explained as thing to trick those aliens in the hospital) and then when the Doctor just 'forgot' everything and fell in love with this weird thing. I guess I only want him to be with Rose, which is impossible.)

    I've been thinking about the end of the 4th series too. (Bad me, spoilered herself by reading the Tardis Wiki. <_<). And I think it's a good solution for Ros, but I feel so sad for the real doctor. I feel so sorry for him, since none of his choices can be right. But knowing that the one you love can't be yours, ever... I guess that stings.

    Made a friend of mine watch DW XD I was like; let's show you what I'm addicted to right now. So I opened the first episode of the new DW series. And apparently she liked it because we watched another two after it.

  14. Haha, Okay. I'll wait patiently for the time that I will find out myself.

    Oh, I'm not a crying while watching type either... or at least, wasn't or is in special occasions. With titanic I cried the last 5 minutes (I guess including the credits XD). Just because I thought they were reseeing eachother in heaven. and Ghost... I think I can't cry about it, because I've seen it to much. And my first time was when I was to young to actually think of crying about a movie XD

    And oh, this is so funny XD the doctor says in episode 6: No Place Like...

    And I was: LONDON! (reverence to Sweeney Todd). And it was: Home <_< XD

    Well... it was probably not funny at all. But at least I thought it was XD Sicne I've been a ST fan for almost a year.

  15. Well, you'll never know what the future beholds ;) And I'm excited to find it out, time by time. Bit by bit.

    Indeed! Tennant was in his position when he replaced Christopher. I was like: nooooo!!! (And this was just a couple of days ago, and I knew it on beforehand ofcourse XD) And now I love him! (Well, the role he plays... his acting skills)

    John is Captain Jack right? I loved him too. He was funny XD Especially in making both the Doctor AND Rose jealous by kissing them both on their mouth. Hilarious!

    And I've just seen the last episode of the second series. I CRIED. I cried so loud. It's been a quatre hour ago, but still I feel like crying when I think about it. *sighs* In another quatre I have to be at work. They will be glad with a emotional crybaby overthere! *laughs* Sometimes I get over emotional over television shows. Rarely, but it does occure.

    I'm gonna splash my face. *waves*

  16. I wished I had a great mind. I first have to prove myself, I guess XD It would be awesome to have a great mind, though...

    Indeed, we should let it be. But I understand your opinion. And yes, RATM excists because of the political messages they spread. Muse kinda tries at times... but I guess it kinda fails. We tend to see those songs a 'just songs'.

    I think UsoE is political orientated... but I more see it as a song with a damn good melody. (However I did dive into some information; I heard about the influance of George Orwell's book, what Eurasia was in history (before human kind that is).)

    You know... we should just wait and listen. It's like the eleventh doctor. We kinda dislike him, because he replaces David Tennant. We just have to wait and see what this guy is up to, before we judge. And so is the new stuff of Muse. If Matt really wants to rap, which I do doubt, we should just give him a try ;) (How could we not, really?)

    The Who knows Who song XD I listened to it on Last.fm often (when it was free). It's was fun yeah. It's kinda dissapointing that we didn't hear Matt a lot...

    To be honest; I don't really like LOVE songs a lot. I do like novels and good televisionshows using romance.

  17. And Oh! I'm just watching this episode where the doctor and Rose are stuck at this planet under a Black Hole. And it's awesome. Just when he hugs her for having her trapped in this place (awhhhhh!!!!) They freaking play the balero! I mean... owah!

    The Bolera is something special XD They use it in a lot of great television shows. There was this day that they played it on televion. Where I said I recognised it from Digimon (a movie) and my brother recognised it from Dragonball Z and my mom from a movie she had seen when she was younger, but never was able to find again (but my dad and brother bought a downloaded piece for her 50th birthday ^_^)

    And now it appears in Doctor Who! (Okay... it probably appears everywhere, but I like the idea of appearing in good televisionshows).

  18. Well, about the mixing up thing. I agree that when it's way to obvious, and just like copying, it's wrong. It's unoriginal. But if it's not tooooo obvious I think its okay. Because... don't we do it all the time? Mixing up sounds and other stuff in order to get unique stuff? Don't all guitarist use guitars, which preduce a sound that one man once invented? Dont all artists use paints and techniques that ancient artists discovered or invented?

    I'm still doubting if the Queenthingy is too obvious... Well, they aren't exactly copying, since they use it differently and with another line. So.. you could see Queen as the one inventing the guitar and Muse as the one using it for the first time after them (which I do doubt... but you'll get the idea). And maybe we'll hear a lot of Queenies in the future! Just like every rockband uses the guitars..

    Well... I guess you lost track here. Welcome to the phylosophical mind of... yeah me.

    And yes, that's true. If something isn't like 'Muse', it's every single song and album that's from their previous carreer! (Maybe some exceptions maybe, but then we should talk about evolution again XD)

    Experimenting is needed. It keeps the fans excited. It keeps the band gaining more fans, since there is something for everyone... or at least for everyone in the rockgenre... and maybe a little beyond.

    Hmmm... well... people can change as well. IF he felt like writing a love song because he's in love... I agree with him with doing soo.

    I mean; when I was younger I tought of never writing adultnovels, since I loved writing in what I knew. Back then I was a kid. I thought I would be stuck in the kidgenre. But now, I don't want to write childrenbooks. My goal is, in first place, to write a novel in general. But my ultimate goal is to write a novel that is good enough to be called literature; adult literature. I don't want to be a lecture writer. Why? I don't know... Three years ago I didn't even know the difference. But now I know, now I appreciate literature for what it is and like the english literature that survived time... it's my goal. And so might be Matt... He wouldn't want to write a love song, because he never did, or never was able to be in the position to call it the right time to do write a love song. And so am I; I love writing and reading romantic novels. I even wnat to write a doctor who like novel right now, because I love the relation between the doctor and Rose (I prefere the relation between 9 and Rose). In fact, I started this morning XD Writing in my one hour break. And ohh.... this all is just my vision on it ;) You don't have to share it. If you dont; we just agree to disagree ;) And that's all just fine right ;) *giggles*

    Ahh okay, I guess I start to kinda understand.

  19. Well, I heard that too before listening it form other members. And... in some way it does... but on the other way... it does not :p Somehow it would be awesome to sound like Doctor Who, since I'm now completely lost (aka fanatic, I guess) because of it. But on the other way, I prefere Muse to be original. Just to be it two seperated things.

    Well, they did warn it would be different this album. Next to that, anything new is never like Muse at all. It's new, so it has to grow on you before you put the Muse lable on it. Ofcourse you know the style they use, but bands do evolve too, right? Ugh... there are aways two sides complaining... *sighs* You will never get both sides content about something.

    And to be honest.. I like OoS and Showbizz better than either BHAR or Absolution.

    Hmm.. what did the mars volta exactly do? I've heard of them (a lot really, because of RATM. But never really dug into it and listen to it).

  20. It's a pleasure to have joined your group ^_^

  21. Wah, all about the money right? Just like people keeping on writing sequals to make money out of their first succes (SM!! Especially the last book. However I did like to read it, it's deff not her best).

    About the DBE movie; I liked to watch it, but now I've read a huge part of the manga I start to dislike it for having the DB name on it, while it's just something different.

    Awwwhhh. I really love that show. <3 The ninth doctor is soooo awesome! I love his smile XD

  22. Yeah I know it was non-canon. Toriyama had to do with it, but was restricted. Must be pretty weird, starting a classic and then you are pushed away from it and others take over...

    Dieing in Dragonball (z) is indeed something good. Well, at least it's not as dramatic as people think about the happening now.

    And Ugh! Thank you for introducing me to the Docter Who Universe! I was thinking about Rose and the Doctor all day at work. Pretty disattracting you know! *winks* I love the show. Completely love it. Is it just me, or is the Doctor in love with Rose at first sight?

  23. That's true. I knew that Gohan was supposed to be better, since he is a mix of human and saijan. (Urgh... why do I forget how to spell it right now? XD). And Yamcha was already gettign weaker in DB. Krillin was almost equal. And yeah, they all die quite often; also another Gary Sue subject, since they keep coming back! It's almost terrifying!

    But I think GT made it even worse. And I don't really mind DBZ being a Mary sue/ Gary Stue, since it was my first serie that I really fell in love with ^_^, next to Digimon maybe, but about DBZ I was a lot more passionated.

    Oh now! I used to watch that too! Now I think it is lame (if that's the word XD)

  24. Haha, Go Fearion! Well, now you say it *grins*

    Haha, sounds fun to read. You know, I have to feeling that DBGT turned Goku in a Gary Stue really... Since he now is the best worrior and can come back when needed and stuff... Kinda weird really. I was never really fond of cheerleaders, since it's something typical American to me. We don't know them here.

    Sounds like a funny contest really XD

  25. Welll... I draw a lot of droodles, as I learned that is how we call them. Most of the time I start with just a few randomn lines and then I see something in it and then make them more detailed in the things I see in them. And if I like the drawing I copy it a several times in different forms. SO I designed a cat with his eyes on top of his head and without the pointy ears. And that eye I showed you (the big brother one). I used to draw a self designed Johnny Depp manga a lot. More than two years ago I drew my own Johnny Depp comic in a notebook. It was called the Metrix, because Johnny Depp was first choice for the Neo part. I drew about how I thought the story would have been if Johnny was involved. (Ofcourse it would have been the same, but I just changed... a lot to make it more interesting for me to draw).

    I also wrote a story called the REal World. It was my vision of how the Matrix could have been if I was to choose what happened. It's about a guy called Duc. But his real name is Daniel Bickler (:O I didnt know I still knew that). He gets caught by these agents; espcially Agent Barkof. But then he is saved by a team with on head Fearion. And this girl is with him; Coldina. But it's not really like the Matrix, however the introduction and the summary tend to look a little alike. I still have it somewhere.

    I hope I will use my notebooks wisely at Uni XD but I think they will be the victims of my creative hands again.

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