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Status Updates posted by Alies

  1. Oooh, I would love to go to your country and go to a Muse concert overthere! So much more fanish! So much more energy, as I hear the story.

    Okay, I'm happy I'm not the only one making those mistakes :LOL:


    Haha, yeah. Might do that. Trying to make people use it :LOL: The Simmgrin :p I'll let you know if I succee. :LOL: And I'll deff use it in a poem or something :D

  2. Yeah. It sounded a little too hard and too rough, to my taste. I remember singing along a lot, and thinking that I was the only one. Dutch audience is really boring! They only clapped along with Matthew Bellamy on Starlight! (At least, it looked like that). And they didn't even sing the melody at the beginning of KoC! I mean; if there is one piece of notes you should sing along it's KoC (and maybe the arabic tune in UsoE) And oh, they did swing their arm in the air a couple of time :LOL: But when you thought: Yeah, now we're starting! People dropped them again <_<

    Sometimes I didn't spot the special effects because I was too busy looking the boys closely with opticthing... XD

    Yeah. I liked the back of my tshirt, and wanted to buy that one. But then I found out it was the back and the logo was the front :LOL: I felt so stupid noticing that. But bought it anyway, since the logo appealed to me also :D


    We're here to introduce the new english word: Simmgrinning :LOL: I wonder, if I would use that word in a poem of proze and send it to the literaturemagazine of my faculty, would they understand? Nah... I don't think so :LOL:

  3. Yeah, same here. But even without understanding a thing of what that woman said, I was thrillled,

    Yeah I guess so. Since my friend and I were like; watching our mobile phones constantly to see how late it was XD But we did like some melodies! Maybe I should look them up. Might like them more if I can listen to it while understanding their lyrics and taking my time to do so.

    Well the thing about Starlight is that I finally could join with the clapping. Those things made me jealous on people who could go to a live concert :p We didn't even have Guiding Light! But l liked the Resistance ect. ^_^ I especially loved their intros and I loved the graphics and 'special effects'

    Mp3's/mp4s are brilliant mixers of your musicplaylists XD

    Can't remember, but I think they didn't yours at our concert... I nearly bought a poster too! If I hadn't bought a MUSE poster in London for only 3,99 pounds, I think I would have done it without question.


    I also think the music of the show is brilliant. some of my parent's fav oldies (The Who; Slade) and some I do know, but with other singers.

    Thank you. Now you should imagine me now; grinning the smile we know of John Simm :D

  4. I wanted to show you my Sam Tyler drawing, I made today.



    As you can see, I'm not in a new drawing period. But I just wanted to try it out, anyway. So it's not my best drawing, and I'm not drawing at my best at all. Next to that it just took more time than it should take, when I AM in these extremely productive periods.

  5. Oh yeah. I was under the Muse Spell for daaaaaaaays after the concert overhere. It's brilliant! Watching the We are the Universe thing of the helsinki show makes me get shivers everytime I hear it :D It's brilliant. However, at the show I went to, we couldn't really understand what they were saying :LOL: But it gave me the shivers anyway :p

    Well, probably that was one of my problems, I didn't know a song. I barely listened to one song of BC. I loved the clapping part of Starlight :D When I watch HAARP now, I just have to join clapping. No matter which weird looks I'm receiving from my parents :LOL:

    And the Knights of Cydonia thing, where Chris starts playing this famous tune on this thing :LOL: I have no clue how to call it. We call it mondharmonica, but I guess that won't make ring any bells overthere :LOL:

    So, which tee do you have :p I have this black one, with the coloured MUSE logo on it. On the back you see this resistance thing surrounded by the tourdates :p


    Well... I was wondering about that too. Cuz before he was influenced by what happened in 2006/2007. When he was overdrugged, he started 'spacing' :LOL: When he was being tortured, he was feeling all of that. Lights went out, he got blind when something happened to him.

    So, jumping wouldn't be my solution. Since I would guess he would die overthere too, when he did in 2006. But yeah...

    And I looooooved Gene. In the beginning I was indeed like: Hold on, you rude bastard :LOL: But I started loving him in the second episode, where he and Sam jump over the table. And I somehow just love the way they treat eachother. The one moment they fight, the next they smoke (well, just Gene really) a sigaret and laugh.

  6. Oh, I want a composer on my mobile!! I'm jealous! ;)

    I tried to record some their concert here too, but it sucked XD Barely hearable, and when it was, it was cut off before the melody was finished XD Or someone talked right through it (like my friend, begging to see them better by grabbing that lunar (??) thing I was carrying around).

    Yeah, lots of dutch old literature ^_^ Van den Vos Reynearde, Karel ende Elegast :p


    and oh, I just watched the last episode of Life on Mars. Loved it, but it's cool ending is kinda distroyed by knowing they will state that he will die seven years later. I hope that the fact his body isn't found afterwards will lead to the fact he's still alive, but somewhere undercover or something. But not dead... Where if first stated that A2A wasn't really appealing to me... I think I'll have to reconsider. I like Gene Hunt. And for what I've heard, there is something going on between him and this Alex that's playing the maincharacter :D Just my cup of tea!

    I guess I;m really a romantic freak :LOL: that was one of the first things that appealed to me with Doctor Who, the thing between a male and a female, that is not shared publicly as a fact they are a couple, but everyone knows they kind of are, but they are the last to notice :p Loved the thing between Annie and Sam too :D However, it took me a rewatch of episode 1 of season 1 that her name was Annie and not Honey (which I thought was kinda weird on it's own, but I got used to it :LOL:)

  7. Awesomeness! I hope you will have lots of fun with the phone and last but not least: the freaking show! :D

    It will be recorded? I hope they have audio/video bootlegs of the shows, since I'm dieing to relife it a little :p

    Billy Clyro wasn't really my cup of tea really. Some tunes were good :) but in general I guess it's not something I would listen to a lot.

    You know, I have listened to only ONE song of SSSC! I know I'm bad :LOL:


    Zillion?! I do have to learn about 6 books (and.. well... I guess reading for Literature Historic Canon will contain about zillion pages too.... Oops)

  8. I've heard songs of the Prodigy. It's nice to listen at some occasions, but it's not really my cup of tea ;) They were here in the netherlands too (saw an article about their concert in the paper we can take in the bus towards Uni).

    Someone once told me to listen to the Artic Monkeys, because she thought it was something I should like. I've only seen the clip were this guy keeps on playing the drums. Liked the video clip ^_^ But never used Youtube to look up more of them.

    Yóu're going to Muse right? Or went?

    But it's indeed soo sad when you discover you're not able to. I had that (happily?) only with one concert. It was the first (and untill now, and maybe forever) last time RATM played in the Netherlands after their reunion. It sucked. I felt so jealous at people wearing the festival's t-shirt afterwards :LOL:

    And I guess I made one of my collegues jealous also XD I asked her yesterday she was going to Nijmegen too. She was like: Are they playing again in the Netherlands? She didn't went to Ahoy because she didn't like United States of Eurasia, and therefore never really took a listen to the CD

    And I was like: Yeah. 19th of June. And she was like: nooooo.... then I'm right in the middle of my central exams. I myself might be in the middle of my Tentamens (??) too. But I just think I have to try to manage it in such a way it wouldn't make me face problems ;)


    Yeah, I had that on Secondairy too. But now I'm on Uni, and people make me think it's so damn much harder to get good-enough grades by just studying a little.


    I guess I will start my poem (tryng to fill 3 A4 papers, in order to make my friend, who claims to fill at least 3 pieces of paper, look amazed :LOL: )

  9. Which gigs are you planning/hoping to attend? It would suck if you didn't get any of them :(

    that's my problem: I always MAKE time. Which might be worrieing when thinking about University (a)

    I watched whole Ghost Whisperer and Digimon Tamers while learning for my central exams too. I succeed there, but I guess I have to do a little more to succee the first year of Uni. So after Life on Mars, I will only watch the DW specials for a while. but I think I'll regain the urge to draw too. And I still have to make this poem for Sinterklaas <_<

  10. yay! I've got tickets for the Nijmegen show! (h) I'm so happy :D I wasn't able to get them myself, but happily my dad was at home in the morning, so he got them for me :D I had some informationmeeting about the minor system, at 9:00. Well, guess what: tickets went on presale on 9:00. And the full sale will be on the saturday, but then I had to work at that time. XD And tomorrow, I'm completely free XD So I'm glad my dad was here to help me out :p

    Tomorrow eve 'm gonna have a Life on Mars marathon, since I made my who/muse friend interessed :LOL: Atm I'm watching season 2, episode 7, so almost at the end :'(

  11. Yeah :p At least she did. I guess I was the only one comment to be responded on my her with a reaction. (a) Feels Pwoud XD

    Oh, I know the idea. Being a nightperson (but have kind of selfdiscipline Aka, parents being annoying if I don't :LOL:) I tend to make 2 o'clock the lastest time to go to bed when going to school later. But then I think 8:30 is way to early to start the day, not to think of 6:30 (tomorrow <_<) so when on college, I'm tired.


    Sorry for the short post. I'm kinda with my thoughts with this HOOOOOORRIBLE movie (girl of 13 wakes up 30 :rolleyes:) and to be honest I'm kind tired too :$ Yet I can't force myself to go upstairs and sleep :LOL:

  12. Yay! :D

    Oh nows, I get so nervous when a teachers comes around when you are speaking. We have to record our presentation (bout why people should finance your investigation) next week, while preforming it in front of the class. Today there were other groups presenting. And at the end you can come up with ideas to make their investigation/methode better. And I was like; Well, if you want to compare Dutch and Belgian Dutch (Vlaams) why don't just just take a english movie (for kids) which is synchronised for both Dutch and Belgian Dutch?

    And afterwards my teacher made some comments on the presentations. And I was like; I'm so tired! Need to sleep. *hangs head and studies fingernails* when suddenly this teacher pointed at me and said: 'I really thought your suggestion was good!' And I was like: 'What?' And a friend said it looked pretty weird, because I just kind of woke up from a daydream and looked up like; IS SHE REALLY TALKING ABOUT ME?! :LOL: but hey, it was early, hadn't had my +9 hours of sleep! *me is lazy :LOL:*


    Woah! Superpowers! (h)

    I used to be this nerd too, when I was younger. Now I want to know a lot of things still. But mostly they come from bands (that's why I know proudly own the word floccinaucinihilipilification in my vocabulaire :LOL:) and other things that inspire/fascinate me. Par Example: I was always interested in the universe. So a few weeks back they couldn't get me away from the tv, watching this show on BBC 4 (without subtitles) about wormholes.

    But I think wanting to get more knowledge is something good too ^_^

  13. I would love it, if you did :D

    Yeah, like a farmer. And I REALLY REALLY hope my friend was right saying it was my mobile phone's fault, since I just dislike the sound of that voice on my recorder XD Well... the people who like me, like me even without me knowing I have that voice or not. But it's embarrasing anyway. XD

    That's just weird! XD But I indeed think the most fascinating things are played at night. Sometimes I think taht some people would describe me as a 'nerd' (wanting to know a lot. even manages to like to learn at times :LOL:) but then I talk to my friend on Uni and i notice it's all normal. At least for people on Uni or HBO (that's a 'lower' level. But in fact it's just more practical, and it's just harder to get on Uni than on HBO). I was btw also making these connections between a new Muse song (can't remember which one) to New Moon, just randonmly. I guess it had to do with Jacob.

  14. I'm sure he loved it :p I would anyway :)

    Aah freezing up happens to my mobile phone also. When I receive a message it is frozen for about a minute. I let it be, because if I start pressing the botton to open it, it will send empty messages to the one who's the first on my contactlist. and the photos aren't as good as they used to be. and oh, it randomnly records my enviroment. And in those records it makes me sound like a farmer. I was shocked when I heard that, but then a friend said: 'You always sound like that when I phone with you, so it's the phone. Not you' I must say; I was happy to hear that XD I was already ashamed XD

    :p But it freaking does work for what I need it to be! SMS and phoning.


    Woot! I hope we'll go, and there is someone who can buy tickets for us (my dad par example)

  15. Haha, I never want to know who has me to pick a present for. I think it spoils the surprise. But well, I tried not to think about it this time, but I tend to think a lot and so we were all giggling about 10 minutes later looking at eachother, untill one was brave enough to ask: we already know who's got who's name, right?


    Oh, that just sounds so amasing to receive. Very creative :D Stuck in the turdis XD *laughs out loud*


    Awh, I feel sorry for you. I tend to be very carefull (not including; laying it somewhere to find it back week later) with my mobile. I've had only two in my life, starting at age 11 with my first. And the second being the one I still carry with me.


    I can't believe it! Muse just freaking announched another preformance in the Netherlands! I saw the headline on the board about three shows being added. And I laughed in myself thinking: if the Netherlands is among them, something is wrong. It just can't be XD Well... I guess I was wrong XD Still discussing the plan to go with a friend of mine. She's about 70% sure. But the tickets go on sale next saturday, at a time I'm at work... Thinking about saying I can't work....

  16. yeah, same here. But i'm excited to find out what the other student bought for me (since we already know who buys for who, since there are only 3 participants.)

    Oooooooooh, I'm really liking that idea! (suddenly has the urge to start typing something similar, because it sounds so much fun to do :p)

    BTW, I just ordered two Doctor Who magazines. The newest and the one where they tribute Christopher Eccleston because of his departure.

    My lil brother (almost 16 XD) is now watching my Doctor Who dvds. I saw him watch it whole midday, snce he had to use the computer downstares. He's now at Satan's Pit.

    And I just found the installation cd of my mobile phone again. I can finally get my pictures from my phone on the computer and upload things from my laptop towards my mobile. Now I have the Torchwood Theme on when I receive a SMS and the Life on Mars tune when someone calls me :p

  17. Aaah okay. It's sounds cool :p But I guess you need to have different mediums for that :p

    I need to think of some present too. We celebrate Sinterklaas and I need to think of something for a uni-mate I barely know half a year.

    I'm thinking to do something with alcohol or something. Because she's part of this group that goes to bars every tuesdayevening. As a result she comes in college the next wednesday, looking like she barely slept. (We call her stoned :LOL:)

    So my idea was; buying some alcohol (not sure which one) and design an own label that says: Sleeping Drug/Medication.

    But not sure yet...

  18. Well, I was with friends (but the reunion of us wasn't as nice as I espected it to be... <_< The one I was most having fun with was the one I don't need to have reunion for, since she's the one who went along to London and Muse ect.) And this one was team Jacob too. When I said that I kinda liked Sam to one of the (former) friends looked at me, and said, that I was crazy. Oh well...

    Yes! Me too! I want more Carlisle!


    I don't quite understand your idea... but I think I like it in the way I understand it. So you're going to 'radomnly' choose subject and talk about that in different forms?


    Oh, something more than a week ago, I got a weird comment on my 'database' of picturs of John Simm. Well, you know I draw a lot. And Simm has a lot of beautiful expressions on his face, playing the master (but also as Sam Tyler, but at the time I wasn't watching LoM yet). So I saved a lot of pictures of the same scene, sothat I can choose which one appeals the most when deciding to draw. (It's all about choice! :LOL:)

    Anyway. I was screening through those pictures to show my uni-mates some of the pictures I might draw in the future. And because I was kinda bored, since we had 15 minutes off to eat/ drink something.

    Suddenly this girl, who's following Dutch Language and Culture also, claims that John Simm was my boyfriend. It would have been funny if she was a friend and said it nicer, but she wasn't and didn't. I actually felt accused of something. I was like: No, I would wish! :LOL: Trying to make it more light. But she answered: He's kinda old isn't he? And I was like: *sigh* It's for the expressions, sothat I can draw them. :rolleyes: But she didn't believe me for some reason.

    I guess she's never fan of something? I might look a little extreme with saving photographs and thinking about the stories and theory's a lot. But I guess that's to blame my hobby's for :LOL:

    Cuz I can't draw without photo's and I can't write without ideas and nice theory's to think about. Things I became fanish about inspire me. I guess that's why people might think I get a bit obsessed, but it's just that when I'm fan and inspired, my production of proze, poems and drawings is much, much higher.

  19. Hhahaha XD That's hilarious XD When I saw Aro, I pressed my friends shoulder and I said... 'Hey, he looks like Willy Wonka!' :p So it wasn't just me I guess XD

    I loved the scene were you watch Victoria run in the woods and you see this crow flying. Beautiful! And I laughed at the end lines XD Edward: Will you marry me? Bella: Huh?! Carlisle looked better yes, but we didn't see him enough (me = team carlisle if we talk about Twilight... so XD Thought he was awesome in Twilight already).

    Museville! I would so move there too! XD Or at least take LOOOOONG holidays overthere!

    There was? Here in thet netherlands we do not have lots of remakes... I think. Those shows on tv... yeah Lots of them. X-factor, Idols, so you think you can dance, Holland's next top model, Holland's got talent... and stuff like that. But not those real television shows.

    Tennant is brilliant :D But I also long to find out how Matt will be :D (But that's probably a little because a guy who buys at the supermarket I work in looks a lot like him! It's just weird. If a interviewer would ever ask Matt Smith if he could say something in Dutch and he does... .)




    Life on Mars


    I feel like none understands me

    A stranger on earth

    I'm like an old monument

    Not even receiving a stare


    Is this another world?

    It's to old for me overhere

    And yes, I do know

    Somethere here it's wrong


    It's making me worse

    The two parts of my brain

    They keep on dreaming

    Like they don't want to be awake


    Sometimes I can't take it

    And then I almost give up

    Hear familiar voices

    Tell my thoughts to stop


    Then I close my eyes

    And silently ask myself:


    Is there life on mars?


    I'm not sure I should give you the translation of the poem about The Waters of Mars

  20. Yeah. It's weird. And when you say to people you barely know they a) don't know what Muse is (one even asked me where it was located XD He thought it was a city) or b) they freak out because I managed to get tickets while they didnt. Haven't had any respons on my MUSE tshirt however... but i guess that was because it's to cold to wear it without something covering it.

    Oh, I love it too. It's brilliant! And funny XD Wouldn't want to see the American version though. I don't know/understand why they had to remake it. It's freaking new already and freaking english!

    Haven't seen Ashes to Ashes either, but it doesn't really appeal to me right know. I know it's about the same show, but it feels like they lack inspiration... Might think different about that later.

    haha, was it really about THE Tom Baker? XD

    I watched this humour show where Tennant was a guesthost. And they were like: Who was your first doctor? And Tennant was: Tom Baker was my first. Those guys were thinking about that reaction very wrong XD And then Tennant even said: And he was VERY good. *naughty smile* XD Hilarious really


    It's very irritating indeed! I hate it when I'm not certain about what to do.

    I've written some dutch poems (forced really for the 'schoolpaper' of my course). One was about Timelord Victorious :p and one about Life on Mars. Would have loved to share then.. . but i don't think you understand Dutch XD

  21. Yeah... I kind of tend to like music the 'normal' youth doesn't like. But when I want to attent a concert it's easily sold out... weird.

    I'm now watching Life on Mars. It's brilliant (I guess I'm turning into a BBC fan or something, or is it just the actors?) John Simm is brilliant! And good stories :D Love the idea of timetraveling by coma.

    And how he reacts towards Gene, brilliant :)

    My little brother (who said; doctor who is childish and boring. TW is so much better) is watching my DW dvds since a few days. He didn't even want to dine below, but had to dine while watching the Ninth Doctor on his computer screen XD Brilliant how he always tends to say that the things I like suck, while he falls for them time after time :p

    Oh I'm happy I have a laptop. Took along the Resistance today. Was of great use in the bus, because some guy and his friend sat next to me and decided to have some beer while spraying it half over my laptop bag <_< Viva Football

  22. Oh yeah, I know the feeling of having to watch everything on Youtube or download it. People overhere do not play Muse (I've see a small piece of uprising when the vid was just out, but that was it). They do not mainstream listen to RATM or anything I like. I was shocked when one of the digital channels were broadcasting three songs straight after eachother that had my real interest (one of Angels & Airwaves :D) But then we had to have diner, and my dad wouldn't let me have to tv on. (Which is kinda hypocrite when you think of it, because he sometimes keeps it on, without my mom noticing it, and secretly watches shows like Law and Order while having diner).

    Well, to be honest... I dont really like the drawing at all... It just doesn't LOOK like him... Wouldn't send it to them if I had the chance, so to speak XD I would send the older one (the one in my gallery) though.

    Well, I guess you just do one step (or two, three) behind when you're not on your finest. At least that's my theory.

    I'm lazy too! I haven't done a lot of things for my course on Uni. In january I have my first tests. Just started marking things in one of my books today XD I, however, have made almost all of my given homework, but I always make it while traveling towards the Uni on the day I have that college. (A)

  23. Oh you should watch it! But i'm jealous on you for having a Muse special on TV! We don't have them here. There will be some kind of proms on BBC 1 Thursday for Children in Need. But I dont know if I'm going to watch that, since I have to work (but i try to change that, since I was planning to go to New Moon, but they asked me if I could work. At half past nine in the evening, my head doesn't think clear anymore).

    I don't know why they should censor that stuff XD Sometimes I dont get people...

    Oh, that's not fun. Happily we have a wooden table. My dad once hit it so hard it cracked, but it's still standing XD

  24. Yeah, Bliss gives me that special feeling too. Never bores or dissappoints me in making me feel that way.

    The Master is brilliant, and my best friend, who's 10th doctor fan, hates me for pointing that out all the time XD She thinks the master will end her beloved Tennant's carrere as the doctor XD

    Have you seen the doctor who special today? At some point my friend and I were like: we'll slap you in your face if you go on like that, Doctor! We both, even the tennantdoctor fan, thought; if stay this way, maybe it's better the eleventh doctor is coming. We felt guilty afterwards. She was afraid to tell me she thought that, and was relieved when I reveiled the fact I thought of that scene that way XD

    And after he was being so stupid, I felt soooo sorry for him. I even had to remove some little tears, while my friend started laughing at him for pushing the door of the tardis shut that fast XD


    The drawing isn't really good, huh? :p I guess I have to take a break on drawing, making sure I don't get pessimistic, thinking I can't do it anymore XD

    I hope I can now finally go study without thinking: oh, wait. I could write/draw/do other things too!

  25. That just sucks. I hate demotivating teachers. I have on for pragmatics now.... <_<

    Yeah... I really wished they played the song! It's also MY Muse song, since THAT song made me interested in Muse. (SMBH introduced, but Bliss was when I thought: They are really good!) Still feel like I can fly and jump when I hear the song on mp3 or stereo.

    Yeah it was my first time :D It was BIG. But it was also my FIRST concert (not counting the one time I went to something Dutch for a good cause.)



    OOOOOH!!!! That Movie I Have To See! My fav Doctor and My fav Villian! :D :D

    However the preview did scare me a little of the master. Since his head suddenly changed in a skill-like thing. And my friend rolled over laughing, because he was blonde XD

    I already knew, but I guess she didn't xD

    Oooh, when you start, you watch it till the end XD I know the problem.

    BTW yesterday I watched this program on CBBC about animals. It had John Barrowman in it. And I was laughing sooo loud! It had so many BAD jokes in it! (like he wanted to click on this computermouse. But it was gone. So he traced the cable (suddenly they can buy it kilometres long I guess) and found it dissappearing in a cat's mouth. And then he had a had, being dissappointed that he didn't get a rabbit out of it, but a young cat XD)


    I tried to draw Matt today. My friend forced me to use A3 paper with relief. So scanning the thing is horrible XD I did try, but suddenly the chin of him looks giantic! I'm still not sure, but when I look at the original drawing I don't see the bigness.

    Well, here's it for you to judge:


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