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Everything posted by lil'blulalo

  1. You're more than welcome in my car from Lievin to Amnéville following the bus !!!! OMG that would be so funny if we were able to do that !!!

  2. woooooooooooooooooooooo ! I'm so hot ! I've just seen Muse on TV (Taratata on french channel Nr 4)playing with violins (even for Feeling Good) that was soooooooooo great, the interview was so nice and funny. Now! I want to be in Lievin NOW !!!!!! I'm SO much excited I can't wait !!! I'm eager to meet you and all our resistance cell, I'm feeling that it's going to be EPIC fun and joy !!!

  3. Hi ! What great idea ! I've downloaded all these vids in my Realplayer ! I often end my hot nights by playing them loud and dancing like a schizo !!! :LOL:
  4. WOUHOUHOU !!!! Je commence les préparatifs !!!!! j'allais justement t'envoyer un message privé... à tout de suite !

  5. this morning on french tv channel M6 during TURBO (about cars) it was a festival ! they played undisclosed desire, MK Ultra and some Uprising chords. And the day before yesterday, I saw the ad for the album for the first time. It was very nice with artwork from the box.
  6. Oops ! Sorry! So I can still hope ! yepee ! In fact, at the moment I'm just hoping to receive my boxset and don't care that much about what number it will be. I just want it NOW !

  7. Here it is ! On French tv at last ! This morning during a report about how to find a job they played a bit of I belong to you and a bit of Uprising (Channel France2, Telematin). And, this evening for the first time I saw a Tv advertising for The Resistance and of course they played Uprising for it (Channel M6) Woooo Hoooo ! I was beginning to think how they'd sale the album with no advertising?!
  8. hey you ! How lucky you are ! I expected soooooooo much too get the 1984th boxset !!! I AM JEALOUS!!! In fact, I have no number at the moment ... Still waiting ! You make my wait worst 'coz now I have no hope to get a number I would have liked to get :) Anyway, CONGRATS ! Cherish it like the most precious thing :) :) :) cheers!

  9. hello ! just read on the musemums love boat your boxset is number 666 !!!!!!!!!!!!! Is that true ??? so scary but awsome!!!!!!! Well done sweet musedevilmum !

  10. Hello chicago !

    So, Eilean, I think I can't make a review of my teignmouth gig because I lived this like a dream, I mean, It's kind of surreal for me. Here is a link of my pix. It's in French but it tells I woke up at 4 am on the 5th sept, took the Eurostar, had time to visit London, have been VERY excited the whole day, night and morning after... The marmot is the mascott of my royal mojito drinker band... http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewPicture&friendID=495966357&albumId=705917

  11. My internet is in total black out since wednesday. Have to post when at work but don't have too many time for pleasures in my job ! I'm so angry to miss all the aftergig chat ! I'm going to post quickly what I saw when Matt arrived on stage in the PMT thread.

  12. yeah !!!!!!!!!! I've been there... at the barrier !!!!! OMG OMG OMG is the only thing I can think or say till yesterday night !!!!!!!!! THANKS TO GIRL ANACHRONISM !!!!!!!!!!! It wouldn't have been possible without her help.

  13. YYYYYES ! Now I am stuck on Virgin Radio, my phone round my neck ready to call, fingers crossed !!!! And my heart is beating too fast !

  14. Well as you said... being a french Musefan of 43.... It really feel like being an alien! It's the first time of my life I registered on a board and in the beginning I just didn't dare to post, hiding my age and fearing to say something wrong for very young musers (+ my daughter of 15 makes me feel guilty of my crazyness)... But now I don't mind anymore! I think what is important is that we all love Muse and that should unite us all whether the colour, age or country we are
  15. Hi everybody ! Never said hello here but joined this group some times ago. Clair, I supported you, so hope you'll get your chance.
  16. Eureka, I'm done ! But 6 days were too short for me to do something good ! All the stress I had to perform something worthy reminded me of the treasure hunt... Good times... Now I'm eager to see the final video, I think we'll all end in the Lolz thread !
  17. Hi everybody ! I'm in if you don't mind. One thing I still don't understand is in which format my video has to be?
  18. It was just as "background" music but it's so rare : I heard Take a Bow friday night on "secret story" on french television and 2 weeks ago there's been Microcuts:eek: I don't watch this show but I think I'm going to record it to check what Muse song they play as they seem to play one each weekly prime time:D:D I think one of the production guy is a fan !
  19. I don't have any posters on my room's walls 'coz I'm too old for that but I have some safely kept in a folder, does it count ? And the day I discovered him I thought "Now I can die!". I do think, whatever he says, does, sings, plays or is, Matt is sending us subliminal messages such as "Love me" AND it works !
  20. hello ! I really have no words to say how much I love this song ! it totally bursts me and this surely the one who addicted me to Muse ! The very thought of it makes me shudder.
  21. Hello, I play piano, still trying to do something worthy with electric guitar and i just started ukulele (hoping it will be easier and a bridge to improve my guitar skills) . I love bass so much that I'm just waiting to earn so money to buy one and I think next step I'll try drums.. I LOVE MUSIC!
  22. yes ! but I still hope to be able to play some epic muse guitar solo one day ! So now we know ! There's at least one piano song on the resistence ! The discussion is not very lively here... are you posting about piano things on another thread or another board ?
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