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Status Updates posted by futurophu

  1. maybe you just have comfy cars :(

    all the car my parents have owned have all been at least 5 yrs old :LOL:


    i wouldnt have thought it would scare me either, btu ti was horrible like they were sliding over each other.. and you know when you have a wobbly tooth and you can really feel it with your tongue? it was like that but they all fell out realy quick. euurghhh.. nasty dream lool


    oh yeah i agree on the daydreaming, i think up like most good ideas.. or well.. just most ideas when im supposed to be sleeping :LOL:


    cold feet in bed = fail..


    aww i have an aunt who does that :happy:

    i love ms paint lool, its so like.. rough and ready

  2. n'aww, i once went a whole night without sleep just cause i was ina car :(


    itd be like'ughhhhh teeth falling out AGAIN :indiff:' after a while lool


    dont the birds singing too loud outside kinda piss you off though? :LOL: i sound like such a grinch getting angry at birdsong.. but its hard to sleep throughh..

    yeah with work asignments and deadlines and overexposure to computers :chuckle: which i probably get anyway lool


    mm its so much easier with pixels as well :D

  3. can you sleep on like vehicles? i cant :( which annoys me.. it seems quite a nice thing to wake up at the end of a journey :happy:

    :eek: that sounds like a horrible prospect.. although at some point you might get bored instead of scared :chuckle:


    i think i might be like socially rubbish because i dont get enough sleep.. but im addicted to not sleeping :(

    actually i used to read a webcomic set in cubicles as well :LOL:


    weeell.. i copied it off a photo but yeah :chuckle:


    srsly the whole window changed like it went grey for a while for no good reason lool

  4. god im confused.. posted twice now :LOL:

  5. yeah me neither, i think id sleep a lot more if i knew id remember cool dreams innit :LOL:

    apparently dreams about your teeth falling out mean you're scared or soemthing lmfao, i was damn terrified after having a teeth falling out dream..


    i love staying up late, but lately ive been gettign angry at myself if it gets past 2am :chuckle:

    bloody hell 8am lool thats basicaly the morning, you may as well have just not slept haha, i think once at a sleepover i didnt sleep hardly at all..

    offices sort of appeal to me for some reason loll, zomg the sims are awesome.. hvent played in AGES..

    mahaha you slipped up on the smiley avoiding :D


    it is indeed, its out of some old ass video game.. i got bored and recreated it on ms paint :LOL:


    wtf did the message thing ust change..? :eek: that as weird..

  6. yeah me neither, i think id sleep a lot more if i knew id remember cool dreams innit :LOL:

    apparently dreams about your teeth falling out mean you're scared or soemthing lmfao, i was damn terrified after having a teeth falling out dream..


    i love staying up late, but lately ive been gettign angry at myself if it gets past 2am :chuckle:

    bloody hell 8am lool thats basicaly the morning, you may as well have just not slept haha, i think once at a sleepover i didnt sleep hardly at all..

    offices sort of appeal to me for some reason loll, zomg the sims are awesome.. hvent played in AGES..

    mahaha you slipped up on the smiley avoiding :D


    it is indeed, its out of some old ass video game.. i got bored and recreated it on ms paint :LOL:

  7. yeah it does.. dreams are so like.. interesting lol


    wow 6am :eek:

    i havent even got to bed that late.. yet :chuckle:

    5-ish is my record lool


    eurgh the one time i went to see my mum at work it was terrible.. and i would NEVER go see my dad at work, at the school that i go to :facepalm:

    does he have like an office or something?

  8. one of the freakiest dreams i ever had was underwater.. and had some sort of bear shark.. mangled piece of meat monster.... yeaaaah.. :erm: i think i actually wrote it down somewhere, with illustrations as well :LOL:

    eurghh.. it does sonds bad.. did you like see the murder? ive never had a murder dream

    /morbid lool


    speaking of zombified ive decided (unless i'm doing art or watching lost ) im gonna start getting early nights... dont know how many times ive tried and failed to have an early night.. but still.. its ridiculous :LOL: i got up at around 2pm today :stunned:


    woop, nother long post :\

  9. loooool.. gosh i shouldnt laugh.. i never have nightmares lately :wtf:

    wow though, maybe deep down you have musey issues :chuckle:


    its true.... but CE isnt even that rare *sulks*


    well i dont like 3 of those.. so ill be like quarter of te way to adult bevarge enjoying success :awesome:

    actually im jealous of you for that as well.. i hate needing caffiene to feel awake..

  10. i had a dream about that once :happy: i felt like such a muse nerd when i thought about it later though :LOL: it really wouldve been good.. they were so much more interesting live back then..


    me too :D even though my rarities wont be as good as yours lool


    off to get coffee for a bit (y)

  11. i just posted on my profile didnt i :facepalm: lool

    it sounds good.. like around abso period here maybe..

    i SO wish i as old enough to have liked then in the good old days of oos :LOL:


    it really does.. not that wembley wont still be awesome because of thi :happy: ooh i cant wait

  12. urgh you really are lucky.. i dont like how popular they are in britain :chuckle: all that means are them just playign the boring singles and giant ass venues *sigh*


    :eek: hoodoo as well! you guys are gonna get interesting songss :( damnit lol

  13. i like sober ! :chuckle: i used to proper obsess over it though ahaha, its catchy..


    i should really do like art for the first week then go on to the academic stuff..


    imma be SO jealous if you get hyper music man :LOL:

  14. ughhhh :mad: you get hyper music and fury.. *jealous* :LOL:

    CE is almost definately gonna win the wembley one.. probably followed by bliss.. then showbiz.. i love them songs.. i just wish we used the oppertunity to get more interesting songs that theyll NEVER play gain.. liek sober lool


    ughh lucky.. im properly gonna start tomorow i think.. thats when my holidays technically start :yesey:

  15. ughh damn lucky.. the wembley ones so boring.. well not boring but obvious.. its liek CE, bliss, showbiz, and the 2 exogenesis bits we havent heard :rolleyes:


    ugh im still not pleased lool even though im off, i need to be revising.. not that i even could be going out if i wasnt revising but its sos annoyign :(.. *rant* :LOL:

  16. idiots keep voting for like plug in baby :noey: theyre gonna play that already damnit...


    n'aww firefox is SO the best :D and the logo is cute aswell :chuckle:

    ahh going back to bed at 7am.. you off school as well?

  17. wow.. long post there xD

  18. aww.. lucky.. im nto really happy my first concert is in a stadium.. ill probably actually have to get glasses.. maybe binoculars.. if im gonna see anything.. and apparently the sound isnt good..

    i shouldnt complain lmao at least im going..


    i was tempted to vote spiral static.. but i cant imagien thatd be that good live really..

    i really cant wait to see if we get any interesting songs :D

    gonaa be good.. i bet they play like.. GL every gig now to make up for the goodness..


    as you can see :chuckle: i havent been bothering with spelling right lately


    urgh i hate waking up in the middle of the night infront of the comp lool

  19. i know.. mehh .. thisll be my first liek concert as well so maybe sittings a better idea anyway :LOL:


    its so unfair only giving us 3 choices damnit :chuckle: i was gonna go through all the gigs choosing different ones but i couldnt be bothered..

    how cool would it be to be there the first time they played falling away with you :happy:


    man, its weird you go back to IE after having chrome or firefox and start realising how bad it really was lool.. so slow :noey:


    i think i'mma go to bed now, night (y)

  20. innit.. imagine being the first person there.. youd feel so special :LOL:

    yeah.. i can imagine getting pushed like right to the back.. with my alck of assertiveness :erm:


    i chose RBS, HTAILY and hyper music :D although now i think about it htaliy might now be so good in a stadium.. oh well it wont win :LOL:


    may i say you're doign REALLY well not using smilies :chuckle:

  21. urgh camping? .. i am so gonna end up just sitting :/


    damnit.. youre lucky :LOL:


    oooh what songs did you choose for the pick the songs thingy?

  22. i REALLY wanna queue.. i think itd be hilarious lmao.. and how cool would the barrier at wembley be :eek:

    but y'know.. probably have to get there like a day before :chuckle:


    yeah they do haha, thats why my sister has to make do with her pointy ass canines...

  23. oh gosh the lengthy discussions we've had :LOL:

    but theyre a lot more persuasive and theres too of them.. i bet we end up sitting lol..


    lmao, memory skillz :rolleyes:

    my new posh dentist actually talked about the possibility of braces for my sister not on the NHS, she seemed dissapointed to learn we're poor :chuckle:

  24. not for my short friends :chuckle:

    but i wanna stand.. its just them..


    urghh ill school is just not what you want.. its like one ordeal PLUS illness as well :LOL: fun


    ooh.. hang on didnt you get your braces out aages ago.. you said something about it...

    someone i know JUST got braces.. seems kinda late but what do i know about teeth lmao

  25. well we got general allowance so either really.. but i bet we end up sitting lol



    me too... except i usually just try and persuade myself im still bad enough to stay home :LOL:

    i get scared im gonna miss something thats hard to learn at home..


    urgh i HATE science essays *assumes its a science essay :chuckle:* stupid biology one i had.. i hope i got an A :(


    i've had a really pointless day .. most was sleeping then i got up.. did a bit of art.. came on the computer. and i should be doing moe art now but its just not happening lol..

    my teeth hurt now cause of the stupid dentist poking them...

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