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Status Updates posted by futurophu

  1. :chuckle: i always forget how you spell it


    i'm keeper of chris' coccyx :awesome:

    ahh internet sarcasm never works as well as real life :LOL:


    i should be saying fml every 2 seconds tbh..


    you good?

  2. strawberry blone is also keewl :p

    i hurt my coccyx (:chuckle:) on the ice and ever since ive HATED it :LOL:


    yeah it is a bit. mehhh.. i HOPE i wasnt laughing at stuff like it is now when i used to post in there..

    'somewhat' is right loool, i make terrible conversation


    'I wish it wasn't the way it is. I don't even know what I want, I just want something else.'

    +111000101001000 :(

  3. zomgg :eek: ice skate? man, even though i hate ice skating, thats pretty cool.. :chuckle:

    blonde is keeewl :D all the plastic girls at school bleach their hair :LOL: they look like clones.. natural blonde is better tbh


    i have the same thing :( people dont know me in lolz anymore.. ive lost my fangirly lolz making fuel.. banter dont know me either.. just mehh


    im unhappy cause i really am discontent with my life, painfully discontent, the fact i dont like where i am seems to play on me like every second it's horrible.. im not even sad, just REALLY discontent :LOL:

  4. arghh god feet are just the WORST :LOL:

    pale is alright when you're supposed to be pale but not on me.. though i might dye my hair blue-black again, it'd work with my paleness :chuckle:



    im not happy..

    howre you?

  5. eurgh dont you hate it when freeeezing wind blows on your ears? i swear mine actually froze today :LOL:

    i really cant wait for summer :D :D

    plus i look pale and ill in the winter :LOL:

  6. i be here




  7. oh LOVELY :LOL::awesome:


    well.. it was a young american so theyre excused :p


    ughh its snowing again :indiff:

  8. eww :LOL: actually i cant talk i like that stuff as well, squeemish though i may be lol


    'deliciously british' :awesome: i didnt know 'bloke' was a britishy word till someone didnt understand me :(:LOL:


    i think my heads too big for hats.. probably why wearing hats feels weird for me... lol

    i kinda want at least one wonky tooth.. they looked boring before :chuckle:

  9. :LOL: i dont think i appreciate 'scuba diving' to its full awesomeness.. i like emm.. 'rhetorical' 'amoeba' 'arse' :chuckle: dont ask about arse, just saying that instead of ass makes me feel so british xD


    innit like when you take a hat off and it feels all weird.. but on your teeth :erm:

    ive realised lately my left canines gone a bit wonky.. kinda late for braces soon though :(

  10. kudos for using the word wahey :awesome: fuckin love that word :LOL:

    and n'aww yay for you, i remember how happy my mates were when they got theirs out as well xD

  11. you're probably less likely to have a fire at school than like in a match shop :LOL: i swear theyre fire proof..


    :chuckle: just ewwwww... yellow... i dont like that colour.. its the colour of gross...


    haha i can imagine if i got really out of it, thought friday was wednesday and got all happy cause i thought that was happening :happy: that would actually be a nice way to look at the week :chuckle:

  12. once it was real but it was such a small fire they didnt bother sending us home :LOL:


    still though :chuckle: eeeeeeww


    oh god... TWO wednesday in a row, first lesson i've written the date 'monday' :facepalm: first time round the teacher actually saw me and said ' thats a bit worrying..' :LOL:

    probably cause that lesson makes it FEEL like a monday morning :indiff:

  13. oh god like the boy who cried wolf... i actually dont like being kicked out of lesson to go stand a round for no reason anymore.. once the teacher actually told us to not bother going cause it was only a fake :LOL: if it had been real lool


    ewwwwwwwww :chuckle: man... nice..


    yeah i cant think straight some days :erm:

    ahh i just remembered its a saturday and i have no school tomorow :happy: love when that happens

  14. yeah that can classify as a while :chuckle:

    zomgg really?? people used to set it off all the time as well i didnt realise they had to pay... though is that cause the firemen actually came to your school when it got set off cause i dont think they actually came to ours..

    eww :LOL: thats like disecting a roast chicken :chuckle:


    i think part of the reason im so shy is cause i dont get enough sleep.. but oh wells..

  15. omg loool i JUST realised its in makeup :LOL: its actually cuute


    oh man all the way back in eighth grade *assumes its a while ago* i really hate how our school doesnt fork out for anything interesting :indiff:


    i think i've gotten used to being zombified lool, since im shy and dont talk much anyways it doesnt make as much of a difference :p

  16. ooh forgot to mention the av last night :eek:

    new av :awesome:


    apparently we dont even get to disect it cause our school's so budget they could only afford one heart and it had to be reused.. and we're the last class to get it after being defrosted like 3 times :vomit:


    :stunned: ok that would've made me jump like a mile as well xD


    i went to bed at like 12:30 :O thats early for me :LOL:

  17. they did :LOL:


    ahhh we get to poke our fingers through sheep artery valves soon :awesome::chuckle:

    ooh and i once watched my dad gut a duck ahaha


    looolll xD i lvoe how it wasnt a ghost you got scared by on a ghost train, it was a giant gorilla :chuckle:


    if i spelt stuff wrong its because im exhausted :sleepy:

  18. she just has like ONE facial expression of like... bland suprise? i dunno what it is but its annoying :LOL:

    did you know they had to paint on his abs? :chuckle:


    yeah its like you wanna look cause its kinda.. interesting.. like you wouldnt normally see shit lika that :LOL: but then you dont wanna look cause.. eww

    someties i feel a bit sadistic if i get too interested :LOL:


    loool i went on one once.. it was hilarious.. it was like.. pirate themed :erm:

  19. lmao.. posted it on my own profile again i see :facepalm:

    yeah god i heard they were gonna kick bella's actor off the last movie but decided not to.. she really is bad..


    and lool im the same, ill watch saw and hostel and so on and so forth and be fine but i watched some cheesy ass ghost movie which even had a happy ending and was scared of the dark for weeks :chuckle:

  20. yay for using the board at school :awesome::LOL:

  21. my god that actually looks awesome.... its better that theyre not attractive teenagers.. creepy ass children with their blank stares.. ooh i like it :LOL: i might have to watch that at some point..


    saw 6 is a bit meh...

  22. me too man. theyre like crocs! just eurgh.. ALL my friends have em :chuckle:


    ooh its a creepy film :awesome: whats it about..?

  23. innit me too :LOL:

    gave up on trends ages ago, i STILL havent got ugg boots :cool:


    i've heard of let the right one in.. yeah it's true remakes suck.. like american version of the office or top gear or whatever..

  24. did i just spell program all french style? loool.. oh dear..

  25. ahh i still havent seen hot fuzz.. but he was awesome in dr who and shaun of the dead as well back in the day :awesome:


    yeah and what sucks is the best clothes there are the expensive ones.. the cheaper ones are just average and you could get em elsewhere..


    ahh man :LOL: slient witness was just rubbish.. at least the first episode was anyways..

    yeah and wallander was set in sweden as well.. it really confused me :LOL: they were all british actors .. my dad fuckin loves that programme lol

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