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Status Updates posted by futurophu

  1. mm same


    lool it does sunds weird.. dont know how you'd make it better though..

    they look at your portfolio then if they like it you're in haha, and also you have to be better than loads of other people because that uni gets shitloads of applications :(


    I really like the word peninsula :D / random :chuckle:

    yeah i guess so.. but then if we're talking humungous then we're a ball of rock with some water pulled onto it.. the whole planet is an island :eek:


    me too, been such a boring week :LOL:

    ooh have fun :happy: i really need to see some live music..

    oh wow, lucky haha, I'm the only person in my family with a passport :facepalm: really annoying, and their excuse for never going abroad on holiday :indiff:

    i spose.. i was

  2. ohh fail, why is the notification thing so small, i forgot to reply lool


    nopee.. just frustrating things.. i'm waiting for:

    1) my new earphones so i can listen to the new RH album

    2) a letter telling me whether i got into a uni i reaaally wanna get into or not


    your island?

    wait sweden isn't an island is it..... *le google*

    ah no... almost an island thoughh *attempts to redeem self after geography fail :chuckle:*

    oh man i look even dumber there than i thought i did, i knew norway was attached.. but then technically if we're going on single countries as islands then i'm not on an island either :awesome:

    ok i feel better having explained my dumbness :LOL:

  3. they used to do stuff like that at my school but by the time i got into this year they've decided it's all too expensive :facepalm:

  4. ahh that sounds awesome... i actually really like lectures.. i had a day of biology once and that's the most i've ever got out of my school (N)

    wooow lool i thought you were going to say you got UP st 4/5, that is some sleeping skillz :LOL::p

    i wake up at like 2pm after 12-ish hours of sleep

  5. yeah it is true, sometimes they work up to the hard questions but they only test some concepts or whatever in the simple ones..

    yeah i really do know what you mean, i can see why so many people just went and got a job now, before this year i wouldn't have dreamed of it but now i just cannot be bothered lool, i'd still hate to stop being educated though... they need to give us a year off or soemthing :LOL: that would be just perfect <3

    can't wait till summer at least :awesome:

  6. how slacking off for you is jumping straight to the hard questions :LOL: nah i am major slacking off, my school is pissing me off just too much, i wish i was rich enough to go to some posh private school lol

    i think everyone in education right now needs a break, we've been doing work for aages and now there are exams to revise for for pretty much everyone D:

  7. me too, i've just also been slacking off on here :LOL:

    we were sooo close to seeing costa brava and hnce dali

    btu alas, no , costa del sol, oh well lol

    god you sound ridiculously clever :chuckle:

    i've realised lately i cba to try and be clever anymore, it's so sad xD

  8. one of my friends wants to go to a festival, the other lot want to go on holiday to spain or somewhere else chavvy..

    :LOL: wow, i get like that in psychology sometimes, like i can remember stuff i need to know word for word..

    yeah that's why i neever took physics (or chemistry tbh) because i couldn't be asked also taking maths so i could actually understand it :chuckle:


    ughh i can't even think about work lately.. i have so much stuff to do :facepalm:

  9. this is why i want to go into graphic design, (but probably won't lol) everyone can appreciate it :yesey:


    i wish my sister had better taste in music and movies and stuff :LOL: i'd totally drag her along to places my friends cba to go to

    ughhh i hate when that happens, because there's really nothing you can do to stop it apart from revise everything really well which would make anyone's brain explode..

    physics is harder than chemistry isn't it? you'll probably do good in chemistry too :yesey:

  10. you ordered it from the uk?? lool i swear the post here is terrible i sent an application form, it got there like 2 weeks later :stunned:

    i felt the same lol, then i had to write a whole stupid essay on art, now i can spend ages looking at the sam thing.. which i suppose should be a good thing :LOL:

    i always get them mixed up with white stripes :chuckle:

    are they good? never bothered listening to em..

    i have no proper exams for aaages <3

    i think...... hope.....

  11. :LOL: i bet top shop is the same everywhere

    but cool, edinburgh is good for art isn't it?

    only ever been in a car driving through it :(


    i don't get a headache, i just get really ramble-y, and really like.. out of my head :LOL:

  12. yeah beach holidays are boring.. i assume.. i dont think i've ever properly been on one..

    oh wow functionalist architecture is lovely :awesome:

    :LOL: i'm not even going to read that ramble back to see what i wrote.. 4 am is not a good time for me when it comes to writing coherantly :chuckle:

  13. three weeks?? i think anything over a week is usually too much for a holiday, like after a week you just get bored and it loses it's novelty :LOL:

    that said last time i went on holiday was like 3 years ago..


    i think i'm sort of moving through the decades from the 60's onwards in terms of taste (not fashion though, no money for buying retro clothes [N]) vintage is really nice, twenties and thirties i think are nice decades because they're before ww2 and the economy was good so art and culture got all :awesome:

    the 60's 70's and 80's i like because they really help with art lately.. i have these broad sweeping judgements of how each decade was like in my head and i end up pretty much inventing how society developed, and peoples mentalities changed and culture changed and it's so inspiring lol, i make up contexts for ideas and images and stuff and it just makes everything feel so much more relevant :LOL: like half basing stuff on reality and half on stuff i make up, t'is very fun


    this is what happens when i get tired :LOL:

  14. yeah i have people like that at school :LOL:

    although you can go abroad probably cheaper than going to .. i dunno the scottish highlands nowadays lol


    oooh iss shiny..

    i've been watching loads of movies set in the 80-s -70's so now old but not that old sort of cars are appealing to me :LOL:

    for instance


    old-ish bmw s they're like everywhere so i might actually manage to get one one day :awesome:

  15. yay for living near school ^^

    i dont mind it either really, but it makes me feel so inadequate,

    i mean, most of my jeans came from primark or h&m and they're wearing like, loaads of topshop or all those expensive abercrombie and fitch type things

    and it's like ughh, where do you get your money from, if ou're that rich why are you going to this crappy school?? :LOL:

  16. :LOL: it's true, and then after xmas i remember all the stuff i wanted, luckily people just give me mney now <3

    almost same as me tbh, i dont get people who get up at 6 just to go for school for a couple of hours lool, unless they go out afterwards.. i suppose they might..

    i'm dreading art uni, because everyone there is so well dressed lmfao, i went to an open day and felt so scruffy :chuckle:, they're all hipsters

  17. :LOL: m sister was like the opposite, she refused to tell m mum what she wanted except like stupid things.. i mean, how weird, it's our chance to get a gift and you dont choose :erm:

    i suppose i'm almost the same in that my going out clothes are the same as my school clothes but both are bland :LOL:

    i do actuall think, at least the people i see who make a lot of effort, look pretty cool, not so much the ones that just wear a loads of expensive abercrombie and fitch stuff :noey:

  18. happens a lot, damn missed oppertunities :LOL:/:'(

    aren't they just <3

    i don't have the nerve to wear anything but converse to school.. i feel overdressed if i make too much of an effort :chuckle:

  19. ok slighrly dtunk so excuse my crappy spelling,.

    i could've bought hot fuss on dvd for like £3 a while bacl but i didnt (N)

    yeah mostly sam rcokwell crush is because he's such a good actor, jake gylen haal is just because he's plain pretty lool

    yes they are, because if you like wearing heels then why the hell not :phu:

    wahey typed the phu smiley properly

  20. tv is better at new years than xmas this year

    sad thing is i'm depressing i'm going to miss it :( lool

    i looove cds and dvds :happy: i think i'm slightly addicted to dvds though.. i mean i dont actually need to buy them, there's enough free ones on the internet :chuckle:

    i'mma get confessions of a dangerous mind and donnie darko though,

    partially (apart from the fact the movies are ossum) because i've developed a slight crush on sam rockwell and jake gylleniueherugnwillprobablymisspellitanyway

    ahh there's loads you can wear with longs legs though, you're lucky, my sister pisses me off, she's got crazy long and nice legs but won't wear anything but manly jeans.. not even skinny jeans, and they look great on skinny legs..

  21. i don't think i'm eloquent enough in english either tbh :LOL:

    i never read them.. last time i read i think was the (british) election... but that was/is interesting, they totally weighted the law away from julian asuihusgsddfcantspellit's favour..

    same lool, the time has gone lightning fast, i've only done one painting when i should've done shitloads more by now.. and i'll actually have a life and be doing something tomorow..

    ooh those are noiice :happy:, i so wish i was in the mindset that would buy clothes for xmas :chuckle: i'm so nerdy i'm planning on buyingg loads of DVDs instead :p

    bloody hell size 6.. i really wish i was little (wait the word is petit isn;t it..) a lot of the time, especially if i look in topshop, all their stuff looks crap if you're big :LOL:, or at least not great enough to be worth the high prices :noey:

  22. innit.. i use the last movie you watched thread to look for good movies

    current affairs makes me feel too dumb to post, but yeah, interesting read, especially when something big and important happens and people get all enthusiastic over it :LOL:

    only test i have is psychology.. luckily i've given up caring abou that subject already lool

    i got a camera, but it's not as good as my dads so it's a pretty pointless thing to have.. i just use his :chuckle:


  23. the gallery is so depressingly slow moving :(

    i've been so-so, untill the xmas holidays, not i'm ultra stressed because how much work i have just dawned on me :LOL:

  24. you too :rudolph:

    where've you been then ? :LOL:

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