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Status Updates posted by futurophu

  1. indeed :awesome:

    weirdly i only realised i had a message thingy when i went to change my sig lol

  2. i just had that week off now i'm back at school and veeery tired :(


    it hasnt got to the point of walking home in the twilight yet (ew now i'm reminded of the book when i'm talking about the time of day) fortunately, i never get anything arty done that time of year..


    i want more 60's stuff, and art deco jewelry mm if only all that stuff wasnt expensive :indiff:


    ahhh you are sooo lucky, if i lived in scotland i could go to whatever uni i wanted.. they're raising the limit uni fees can be per year to NINETHOUSAND pounds

    nine. thousand.

    stoooopid rich person loving government :mad:

  3. wow :stunned: sounds stressful, 'specially around xmas when you really shouldn't be awake at school times :noey: too dark


    ooh retro hir ftw (y)

    weird thinking of humidity when it's autumn ...

    i wish i could get all the work i plan to do done :LOL:

  4. ah this is going to be me at half term

    so much work (N)



    they think ill get drunk t the point of throwing up (again) but tbh i know my limits and just enjoy a good vodka shot :(


    party was goood, turns out turkish music is fun :LOL:


  5. lool my parents are trying to do the opposite lately..

    like i finally have a party on saturday and i bet they won't help by buying a bottle of vodka for me :chuckle:


    :LOL: exciting

  6. wine is nice chilled :yesey:

    :LOL: it's so true, how the hell do you get chocolately wine :noey:


    what does it say? loool

  7. mmmhmm beer is naaasty :LOL:

    apparently you grow to like it as you get older, but i cant see it happening tbh

    yeahh all the descriptions of wine like 'fruity, fragrant, etc.' and it tastes meh irl :chuckle:



  8. me too :LOL:

    whenever i start using money rom my bank account i end up withdrawing so much more than i planned lool


    yeah i wanted a nice mindfuck :chuckle:


    i had like the cheapest cider ever :LOL: such a chavvy drink

    was nice though, like beer crossed with an alcopop <3

  9. fake angst = cheese methinks :yesey:


    i try and do work in the mornings so i dont have to do it later, it has actually not worked once :LOL:

    i'm too tight with my money :chuckle: and a lot of the shops i end up going to dont have stuff i want/ can afford (n)


    yeah i def want the dvd, but it wasn't confusing, if you want confusing watch primer

    no one can get that first time round..


    i've never had a real drink of cider before then.. or i might have drunk it not knowing what it was.. but yuss cider is nomm

  10. it is the most catchy thing the internet's spewed forth in a long time :LOL:

    for like a week i had it in my head


    i couldn;t decide

    i was thinking the angsty stuff.. is angst the opposite of cheese?


    i feel really bad having lie ins lately because it means i'm not making the most of not being at school lol

    successful shopping ftw, so disapointing when you go out and dont end up buying anything :D


    wow, you are slightly late :chuckle: it's goood, not as good as the hype though :yesey:


    i'm slightly tipsy because my mum bought alcohol for like the first time ever..

    pear cider does not taste like pears..

  11. hmmm i need to think of one..

    ooh i think a bed intruder reference :awesome:


    :LOL: there should be a muse song scale of cheesyness


    *unknown least cheesy muse song*


    take a bow

    stockholme syndrome

    time is running out


    falling away with you


    neutron star collision

    guiding light


    maybe swap the last two... hmm

    yeah i just added that in because i realised it actually sounded alright :chuckle: it's not too polluted


    how're you?

  12. :awesome: do thisss

    ooh i didnt realise.. undertitle change tomoroww


    how poetic :happy:

    you are so lucky, sounds prettyful, last time i properly saw the ngiht sky was years ago in wales :(

    if i had a go at my version of my paragraph it would be like ' the sun bouncing off the bonnets of a hundred cars storming through mist filled pollution and cold air, and the icy tones of the pavements'

    suburbs ftw :LOL::facepalm:

    i would use it more often except it looks too angsty :chuckle: i'm not angsty i'm just depressed

  13. looool


    the phrase 'troll life'

    nah everything's too crappy to be not real, if it was not real i'd expect things to be going well..


    do you get it per month? i get it per week, and they email me, except they keep inventing new reasons to not give you EMA :LOL:

    like, they monitor how many days you take of sick now..



    i suppose i could use :moody:

  14. meh i have days where i just dont give a fuck anymore.. i come out with some weird shit


    i think i have some like reflex that makes me talk really quietly when i'm nervous, even if i know the person won't hear me, and i'm trying to talk loudly it just doesn;t happen :erm:

    ahh luckyy.. i hope i got mine last week...

    the deja vu was basically what i was typing :LOL: internet deja vu's are kind boring..



    poor unused smilies :(

  15. looooooool

    what happened :LOL:


    right *answers*

    yahh euros are confusing :LOL: i'd hate to change currency now..

    i only point and mumble while i'm ordering stuff anyway (english speaking waiter/waitress or not) :cool:

    my EMA form said it lasts till the end of 2011.. i hope it does at least.. i want as much EMA as i can get :p

    ooh deja vu


    the :afro: is what happens when you suppress using smilies for too long :chuckle:

  16. yeaahhhhh i know you're not on the mainland :LOL:

    but like the group of countries..

    sweden not getting the euro confuses me i think :chuckle:

    yeah, turkey especially.. there's so many turkish people that managed to immigrate here and can't actually speak english.. or choose not to i guess, still, it's annoying..

    i used to like spanish :happy: such a pretty language only did it for like 2 school years so i remember nothing though lool

    i have a biology test that i forgot about :'( and the teachers have NOT prepared me for it (n)

    how i love EMA :awesome: my parents try to stop me actually spending it.. but i just can't see how i'll need like £500 or however much i have saved up for school supplies haha

    hating coffee :noey::chuckle:

    *is clearly back to overusing smilies*

  17. yeah it does amaze me how much of europe knows really good english (sweden is in europe right :shifty:) makes me feel dumb because i only know one language :LOL:


    i spose it could work with animated films.. but they sometimes build characters around voices so originals are probably always better..


    i am amazingly free of urgent work too :happy:

    and i would be tired if it wasn't for coffee :D

    other than that i'm just hungry and wanting a good movie to watch :LOL:

  18. he looks so gleeful :happy:


    the amount of adverts with terrible lip syncing :LOL: :LOL:

    they make me so pissed off when they come on :chuckle:

    me neither.. i mean part of acting is the voice and it's like you're getting half of one actor and half of another.. not right :noey:


    hoow're you

    i'm bored..

  19. :LOL: :LOL:

    and this



    ughh i cannot stand dubbed stuff, it makes everything so wrong sort of like constantly breaking the 4th wall

    subtitles are classier :LOL:

  20. moss as an american would just be taking it too far :LOL:

    he'd probably be like.. carlton from the fresh prince of bel air which they actually still play on tv i discovered lool


    :awesome: that must look so cool

    yeahh i did always found that weird with wallander i got so confused as to where they actually were..

  21. i do worry sometimes with subtitles if like they changed some of the dialogue because there wasn't a direct translation... i guess the book was swedish too


    yyyyep.. and it looks soooo silly, like i don't think the characters really transfer onto americans very well..

    this is what happens when a country is too patriotic :noey:

    cool that they're filming where you live though :awesome: the boring suburbs are too bland for anything to get filmed here :chuckle:

  22. ooh ouch (n)

    at least (i assume) they're not massive like muse so you wont have to watch them at a stadium now :awesome:


    i didnt know it was a book.. i swear most good movies and tv sohws were books first :LOL: just shows, if writers spent a bit more time on stuff tv could be ossum..

    it probably won't be really... i find reading subtitles makes stuff creepier or less cheesy :D

    i hate it when they make pointless version of stuff.. like US IT crowd :noey:

  23. i do that sometimes :LOL:


    the white lies were good at wembley :D

    i never really got into robyn.. i remember she was on never mind the buzzcocks and thats about it lool


    i'm a'iight

    ooh i finally watched let the right one in - so good :awesome:

  24. eeee :happy:

    i noticed.. was gonna put up a 'thankyou for looking at my page so much peeps' thing but i felt like it would be copying you :LOL:

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