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Status Updates posted by futurophu

  1. last time i payed attention to who won propery was when i was like 7 :LOL: i think they won sometime around then... w/e


    maybe you just almost fainted.. hmm.. i've never fainted.. i'd kinda like to faint at home so i can deal with it better if i end up fainting in public sometime :chuckle:

    and bless :happy: so there's like.. hedwig?


    a bit better.. i didn't know how much vet bills are :eek: there should so be an animal NHS..


    awwww! i got well scared about mine as well they were underweight apparently.. poor kitties..

  2. brazil always wins innit :LOL:


    it's actually got nicer since this morning here :happy: hence i am happy

    grey weather ucks the most really.. rain is interesting at least..


    eee kitten reference :D *keeps reading*

    oh wow that is weird.. i get that head rush thing as well.. i think once i felt sick because of it but almost fainting sounds dodgy indeed..


    speaking of kittens mine were ill for a while.. sick kittens are the most depressing things ever :supersad:

  3. we suck as well :LOL: people get all optimistic about winning but it hasnt happened in like 50 years or something lmfao.


    i swear summers come really late here as well it's rubbish.. like it hasn't started properly yet..


    ugh it's horrible.. what's worse is if you sit cross legged then have to get up and you stumble because your feet are numb :LOL: makes you look a bit of a tard xD

  4. arghh im like 4-ish weeks away from summer holidays :( and have boycotted the world cup :LOL: i don't like the sort of people who use it as an oppertunity to be all patriotic..

    so not that much interesting for me lately

    i sort of agree.. but i think i'mma do a LOT of relaxing this summer :D

    and painting.. should be nice to finish stuff..


    whyyy is the weather like this all of a sudden :[[ it was so nice for a while now it's all rainy and overcast


    my left foot keeps getting numb really quickly compared to my right from sitting cross legged... hmm :LOL:

  5. indeed :awesome:

    i have a new online comic to lose my eyesite from reading for too long :LOL:


    how're you?



    and now i cant delete this same post from my page :chuckle:

    le fail

  6. indeed :awesome:

    i have a new online comic to lose my eyesite from readin for too long :LOL:


    how're you?

  7. it really was blatant :LOL:

    but i guess that wouldve made it good like back in the day when it had just happened lool


    :eek: hang on you're getting two kittens next weekend as well? that is seriously weird lmfao i am as well :LOL:


    my throat hurts and i've slept too much and not revised (y) good times


    i like him as the doctor as well.. probably helps i wasnt THAT into tennant

    the crack is a nice storyline, i cant believe they havent done it before..

  8. animal farm is awesome.. apparently when my dad was little he didnt realise it was a satire and still liked it lool


    that and muse in september :D

    howre you?


    hehehe.. crack

  9. it is lool

    and of mice and men so now i kinda hate that book :( which is a shame..


    :awesome: :awesome: something to look forward to

  10. puns when everyone realises theyre bad are lolzy though :chuckle:


    i suck at it as well.. it just seems so pointless...


    i hope there is :happy: the series havent actually gone down in quality much either and its successful.. itd make sense to make more :awesome:

  11. satire ftw if you ask me :awesome:


    ohhhh lol i just realised you mean english language.. probably cause my friends been moaning about english literature exams lool


    my new ava is denholm reynholm from the IT crowd :awesome:

  12. that is such the best thread :awesome:

    kinda took over from muse lolz for me :LOL:


    oo err 15 mins lool how did they go?

    i have a day off today because of the election :D :D

  13. that is SO weird lool i was thinking of saying the exact same thing today :p

    and holy cow.. is your av a horse? its scary :LOL:


    i've been alright-ish .. still spazzing about exams but no it's biology not art haha


  14. yuppp :( biology's in a month..


    me and friends lol for some reason we all end up coming online at different times..


    omgg the worst thing is when you come out of a test and it was easy :eek: i always thinkt hat means i've failed..


    so tiiredd.. need coffeee :LOL: i've begun to like survive on it..

  15. and psychology... psychology was SUCH a stupid choice :noey:


    i can never tell if i'm blushing.. but it feels like it :(


    we're online at the same time a lot of the time which is annoying..

    ive totally abandoned msn :eek:


    art is fun but art as a subject isn't :indiff:

    i hate the point after you finish revising where you feel like you've just forgotten EVEYTHING you just read :LOL:

  16. me too :( art which aren't bad exams.. the preperation is wayy worse lol


    i had to give a tiny little presentation and that happened.. i feel you pain :noey: stupid weird body reactions..


    omg :LOL:... i think i may be the same.. maybe.. theres day i talk a lot to friends over facebook but i sometimes neglect them for the board :chuckle: its not good lol


    :D *loves the fact i never have to do complicated maths ever again* lool

  17. i had my latest exaam spaz last night :( :(

    im well nervous..


    :chuckle: sorry.. limp tongue :eyebrows:

    i shake uncontrollably.. even when in my mind im not nervous and my voice starts shaking... so ghey :indiff:


    innit! i actually went into the PCT once at school :happy: i was brave loll


    i need to do MORE art :sleepy:

  18. C on a test.. and it doesnt even like influence the finaal grade :indiff: it just makes me look bad..

    ughh im dreading next year :LOL: i hear it's hard..


    i get paranoid people will see y username then find out i bitch about people on here :eek:


    god i could use a coffee..

  19. eurghh worst thing is i did really abd on one test because of a dumb mistake, now its affected my little report thingy so it says im getting a C :( but damnit i got an A in the last exam and the coursework..


    your lucky lol i have stupid man arms..


    i love going on the board at school :D get paranoid though :chuckle:

  20. lool it was a long post :LOL:


    i always end up hanging around B+/A and then when people get like Cs and stuff i feel bad for moaning about a B..


    nah you have to prepare like a project leading up to the exam where you make a final piece and i am SO unprepared its ridiculous :LOL:


    i have muscles.. theyre just rubbish and weighed down by fat :chuckle:

    internet > phones any day :yesey:


    i have school tomoroowww id ont wanna go :( :(

  21. oh god thats horrible that feeling :supersad: i always made dumb mistakes in tests and then people are takling about it afterwards and im like hang on ... shiiiit..


    im getting progressively more nervous about exams.. got and art one in a week :eek:


    i exercised a bit yesterday as well :happy: i felt SO unfit afterwards though lool


    ughh do you do biology?

  22. if i'm honest that bit used piss me right off :LOL: damn goalie..

  23. :awesome:

    someone noticed :happy:

    it's hard photographing the TV.

  24. i'm a'ight :happy:

    still spazzing over exams etc..


    howre you?

    how did i only just get this post... meh w/e

  25. ooh i know what it is with me, i always have to share the backseats with my sister.. who sleeps really well in cars.. which is annoying when you REALLY wanna sleep


    yerr i do that.. and i worry like hell about everything.. and i picture how things would be if i werent so damn shy :LOL:


    you LIKE cold feet? eurgh.. ive worn like 3 pairs of socks once :chuckle: cant stand it..


    me neither .. btu its fun lool


    howre you?

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