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Status Updates posted by futurophu

  1. yeah they're all kinda chavvy :chuckle:


    damnitttt i want a new radiohead album....

  2. my mum has too but i bet it's just cause she's kinda fat :(

    actually my dad doesn't look 60.. hopefully i'll do ok :LOL:

    i just keep thinking 'footballers=david beckham' :facepalm:

    the first one and the last one though :awesome: unf indeed


    really sucks that you didnt get one... wasnt there some thread in the news section about them doing smaller venues? you might get to go to one of them :awesome:

  3. it's so unfair :noey:

    i'm hoping by the time i look really bad cosmetic surgery will be so advanced and simplified that it's cheap enough for me to afford :awesome: *optimistic*

    i automatically assume all footballers are idiots and like their respective countries version of 'bros' :chuckle:

    rugby players on the other hand :D




    aww :supersad: it's true i'm listening to a lot more muse since wembley.. they were good enough live to make me slightly less put off by TR :LOL:

  4. its so true :LOL: :LOL:

    i think men are soo lucky when it comes to age, their faces get all defined and nice

    hmm lets seee.. i've fancied titus welliver (the man in black from lost) who's 49 and the sad version and only the sad version of keanu reeves who's 40 something i think... (excusable as he's clearly immortal)

    also wolstenholme :D and occassionally bellamy and yorke


    yeah for me it was a bad thing i wasnt so obsessed anymore for wembley but at least for you it means you're not all devastated (y)

  5. i am less dissapoint :awesome:

    also helps how celebrities are like a different species :LOL:

    edit- and mostly at least 5 years older (n)


    i couldn't hear anything any of them said :chuckle: apart from dom, for some reason his voice managed to get through..

    they really should.. i suppose they couldn't have moved the date if it's not at the end of the tour..

    they should come back at the end :yesey:

  6. i am dissapoint.


    well i sort of get what you mean.. it's more like one of the many hot celebrities who you find particularly attractive for a while ..

    still, reinstates my point xD actual crushes suck more


    yeahhh, so glad i went that night not the one before

  7. i am dissapoint.


    well i sort of get what you mean.. it's more like one of the many hot celebrities who you find particularly attractive for a while ..

    still, reinstates my point xD actual crushes suck more


    yeahhh, so glad i went that night not the one before

  8. does he have a beard :awesome:? :LOL:

    yeah crushes in general are annoying..

    at least celebrity ones you don't have to see the actual person though lool


    god you wrote that before wemberly :facepalm: soz for the late replies.. i keep missing the little notification thingy in the corner..


    it was goood :happy:

  9. this is exactly how i lost i feel at school :LOL:

    i have to do a shitload of art before next thursday :(


    this one guy has suddenly become so attractive simply because he got hairy :chuckle:

    first time the beards come it's all soft and fluffy loool this one guy kept the fluff beard for like a whole year without shaving haha

  10. it really is :facepalm: i'm putting off starting working properly as far as i can :( but when i start i'm gonna have to do loads


    my music collection is so stagnant, i need more music :chuckle:


    definately, i agree so much i had to put that in bold :LOL:

  11. luckyy

    school is worse now.. i need the one day breaks more now than i did before :phu:


    i'm arriight

    actually better than alright, i've discovered so many beard enthusiast websites :LOL: <3


  12. i used to get the rest of the day off after them.. now i just get them at the end of the day :facepalm:

    but what has being good at sports got to do with most things :LOL:

  13. innit and saying 'yeah' for me feels just like saying 'i know'

    i think if you do ok they shouldnt give you the talks xD

    *googles GPA*

    i may have got the jist of it wrong but they consider an average of all your grades?

    man that's stupid.. some people are really great at some stuff not others.. like dumb sportsmen or unfit nerds :LOL:

    unfit nerds ftw

  14. i find it really embarrassing when i have to go over a test paper i got good marks on with a teacher

    can't accept compliments so it's like the awkwardest thing ever :LOL:

    yeah i think i probably have got loads more unfit since the end of PE... oh well, i prefer this to having that stooopid lesson :D

  15. i hate one on ones wih teachers (N) it's weird.. like because i'm so quiet they feel the need to be extra sensitive...


    it's so annoying, you think of great undertitles half way through a month then it comes to the first and your mind just goes bblank :LOL:


    :awesome: i don't even have PE anymore

  16. ughh i hate when they make us do presentations.. it's so evil of them, they all know i'm shy :noey:

    and they're usually solo presentations

    mean biology :LOL:


    looool this is the problem with undertitles that are only relevant for a while xD

    mine worked in the end <3 but then i couldnt think of anything good


    how're you?

  17. nom :D


    god i would HATE that with my biology class, we did something similar... except it was a field.. and we didn't stay there :LOL:

    i'm annoyed because autumns coming and it's gonna be cold and there's gonna be schoool and i have stupid biology coursework againw hich i wish would disappear..

    and i dont get why i cant change my undertitle either :mad:

  18. noodlesaresogood :happy:

    but mostly when whoever goes shopping buys them they buy the pot noodles which are really unhealthy.. for some reason


    howre youu?

  19. it really is :happy:

    i would eat it like every day if i was rich :LOL:

    healthy as well

    so unfair how expensive it is xD

  20. nothing AT ALL lool, literally just sat around the house as usual..

    actually we did buy sushi which is usually too expensive :happy: nom

  21. ooh, *late reply* :LOL:


  22. god i wish mine was too long :LOL: but then do you not get breaks like every 5-7 weeks?

    i don't know what would be better, crazy long summer hols or more short breaks..

  23. lool ok i have that option as well then.. i could go to scotland with my dad to see his brother.. but my auntie died recently so that trip would be crazy depressing..


    i am SUCH a chicken.. i like water rides loads but crazy arse rollercoasters i cant be dealing with :stunned:

  24. ughh luckkyy

    and you get a holiday lol my mum says i sacrificed any hope of a holiday when we got kittens (N)


    it finally rained :happy: so it's not humid anymore so i'm happy..

    but my mood is make crapper because i'm sooo bored..

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