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Everything posted by The_Poison

  1. Yeah its so cool right? :p


    How'd you get your name anyhows...? :confused:

  2. I luv OTT... and randomness too...

  3. I know i know im messin... :p


    Liked your profile btw, it made me lol... You went a bit ott on some bits though... :p:LOL:

  4. Thanks... I feel so special now... :p


    Why you reading my profile anyways...? :stunned::p

  5. Shame you couldnt come to England... :(


    I get into trouble a lot at school... Im naughty arent i...? :p


    I absolutely luv cold weather... Can i come live with you...? :p


    Global affairs... idk 2bh... I hate sexism though, does that count...? :stunned:


    Id luv to see you in skinny jeans, i bet you'd look gorgeous in them... :p


    Dont like jeans myself, i just think they are too plain and uncomfortable... I really like to show off, so i wear lots of flashy stuff with nice designs on... And i wear lots of baggy pants too... :D


    My friends say i look like a cross between an emo and a chav... :stunned:


    I dont want to come across badly here, but are you really skinny, a bit skinny, normal or like overweight...? Im guessing since you like skinny jeans you are quite skinny, but feel free to prove me wrong if you want... :p


    I am male, were you thinking that already...? But i like more girly stuff than boy stuff 2bh but not in like a gay way though, though i am basically a girl to most of my friends...


    They say thats what they like about me, my refusal to fit into any categories, etc...


    Im also bi... Does any of this put you off...? :p


    Im into girls more than boys though...


    What do you think of me now..? :p


    And what are you like...?

  6. Thanks... I feel so special now... :D


    World interests... what do you mean by that...? Like global affairs...?


    What am I like... erm, im really sarcastic most of the time and am hardly ever serious... I luv randomness as well :p I luv laughing, flirting, arguing about stuff (but you can call them "discussions" if you prefer) and chatting, mostly about random and pointless crap... :p


    My closest friends live close by (i live in the north west of england), but i know a lot of people all over the world...


    In my free time i go out with friends (mostly shopping or to their houses) and late at night i go on the forums...


    But enough about me, i want to get to know you... :happy:

  7. Nice... :p


    Im guessing your from America then...


    What part...? Dont worry, im not a peado...


    I know i would say that if i was but i am really serious...


    I absolutely LUV Belgian chocolate btw... :p


    But i have this weird thing where i feel guilty if i ever have anything fattening because i really dont like fat...

  8. Cool, i like you already... :p


    But you happened to pick me, so it must be fate... :D


    I really like random, your message is pretty psychedelic with all the funky colours... :cool:


    So, continuing with randomness... Do you like chocolate or cheese better...? :p

  9. Piano, and im learning bass.



  10. Hiya!!!


    If you dont mind me asking, who are you and why did you add me...? :stunned:


    Cool name btw... :p


    Cya :kiss:

  11. Hiya Liz!!!


    Just wanna say thanks again for adding me! :happy:


    Your so much fun (and naughty :p)!


    :kiss: You are the bestest!!! :kiss:


    Im really bored atm without you... :(


    And they locked the petition thread Liz!!!


    What thread do we flirt in now...? :p


    :kiss: Cya l8r :kiss:


    And save me some cookies and OJ...!!!

  12. Hiya




    And why havent i got one...? and heitmo wants one too...

  13. hiya...


    i is bored...

  14. Oh right. Soz about that. Didn't mean to put it like that... =(

  15. Your point is...?

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