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Status Updates posted by MuseOnMyMind

  1. Hey Miss Blee, this question is a bit stupid but I really do not know- when you're on the board and post something, is there any way to know if someone quotes you/replies to your post? It's a bit difficult because I have to search the whole thread to find one conversation.

  2. Hey thanks for the friend request fellow American Muser ahha.

  3. Hey! Ahha that's fine, i'm so busy with school too- I go back tomorrow and wow, I still have 150 pages to read in the Iliad. Hence, I that is all I will be doing for the next twelve hours. I really shouldn't be on here. Exciting, huh? Hahha so you're going back soon too eh? What year are you?:]

  4. Hey! Hehhe np I am just starting to use this thing as much as my Youtube Page. Which is alot. ahhha. Top 10 favorite songs? Or 5. But whenever I am posed with the question of top 5 i am lost because i cannot put just 5 ahha.

  5. Hey! I see you are a member of the delightful Matt's Hair Appreciation Society like myself. I suppose that means we have a common interest ahhah.

  6. Hey! I'm Anna. Although you can probably tell that by my username. Ahha i'm working on getting it changed though it is so un-musey. But i'm good, actually supposed to be reading for school (the iliad. please.) but...i am clearly not. ahha we have school next week and i have three books to read. oh well. i always do that hahah:p. So whats up?

  7. Hey! Midwest. But I think I am alone in that. Hhahha I have yet to meet someone who knows what I am talking about when I say the name Matt Bellamy ahha. And you? :p

  8. Hhahha yes, I too am never getting anything done. Like now. I'm sposed to be doing homework and helping my sweet mother make dinner but alas, I am doing absolutely nothing. And yeah on here I don't have as close of friends, it's mostly just my Muse friends on youtube..but it's getting there ahha.

  9. hi! i know it's somewhat unlikely this will happen but i'd really like to change my name to something involving muse...it just seems kind of logical im not sure why i didnt do that before. would that be possible?

  10. Me too, I've got so much to do before school starts next week. Blahblahblah I don't really feel like going back but whatever I guess hhaha. I've been slightly anti-social this summer so I suppose it will be nice to actually see people that aren't my best friends...aahah. But yeah. I need to read all 365 pages of the Iliad in approximately 2 days. Yes fun, i know. Ahha when do you start back?

  11. My god. I opened up that background in the middle of Brit Lit class and practically fell off me seat. IT. IS BEAUTIFUL. iejiadfaldjfl I love it:] It is now the background on my school laptop! A nice unexpected surprise when in the unending monotony of class... But hm..what am I up to...our family friends are coming over tonight...I'm sposed to be doing my homework before they get here but quite obviously i am not..hahah. I got my lisensce last week (16! finally!) and all I want to do is DRIVE. I made an Anna's 16 Let's Party CD so yeah, turn that up extremely loud and just drive ehhhe. YOu have your lisensce yet?

  12. Okay. Your comment on the board. How you get off the forum and then your STILL distracted because your wondering about everyone STILL ON the forum? God, the same thing happens to me. Especially now after starting that thread in studyhall. Now I am getting even less done. Which I did not think possible. Until today. Ahha anyways I had to tell you because clearly we have the same um...predicament.

  13. Shocking. A MUSER FROM THE U.S. :] so rare! Hahha thanks for the friend request!

  14. Thanks! Matt with red hair. Really. Nothing is better. Hahha so what's up?

  15. um. GREAT IDEA FOR MUSE DAY. And P.S...did you do that to your own shoes with the Muse logo and such? It's fucking awesome. I'm going to get shoes right now at Target and do the exact same thing. ahhhaha

  16. Well fellow Muser basically I am in love with both your username and your avatar. That is all:]

  17. Well. I am in love with you avatar. I shall leave it at that ahha:]

  18. WHAT? you saw them. IN TEIGNMOUTH. My god man you're fucking lucky. I cannot believe you went to that! It looked so amazing I wish I could have been there!!!

  19. WHAT. Ahha the name alone makes it basically perfection. And ahha being a Freshman isn't that bad, I'm just going to be a Sophomore this year. You know how basically everyone just like hates the Freshman? And expects them to be awful? (At my school at least). Yes, well, all that dissent. I reveled in it. The low expectations. And then just being someone no one expected. Weird, but invigorating to me for some messed up reason ahha.

  20. Would this by chance be my friend OriginOfStarlight from YouTube? :DD

  21. Yeah that does kind of suck. At least you get to room together though ahha. So right now I am in studyhall again and the procter continues to stare at me..she is staring at me right now in fact...i am returning her stare whilst typing i think she finds this rather strange...she has just looked down and gone back to reading her book. she just stuck a pencil in her mouth..now she is chewing it half hazardly..gross...she is mad at me because me and my friends were just talking. i was crafting a beautiful background for my friends computer which involved matthew bellamy at v festival and my writing over the top with the words, "hey sexy." luckily thanks to me nearly the entire sophomore class knows who he is. mwahahaha. hm. she just turned the page in her book. the pencil is no longer in her mouth. she is now writing with the pencil. whats that you'd like a description of said procter? She is pale with blackrimmed glasses and has a rather severe haircut, somewhat like that of an untamed feline's. she is wearing an equally severe easter yellow sweater that is a bit saggy and her eyes are very slitty (like Voldemort's) and the only thing she uses them for is staring at unsuspecting students who are perusing muse forums instead of studying french. the end.

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