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Everything posted by Hat

  1. That's a very vague point, since Muse fans...no, PEOPLE, has always had disagreements and divided into sides of different opinions. This just proves that Muse has a more broad audience to please than they used to.
  2. Since you brought up "So what if you think someone's logic doesn't add up or their opinion doesn't make sense? " I'm guessing that is aimed at me among others. So I'll just defend myself a bit by saying that opinions are personal, yes. I don't yell at people for thinking differently. But when someone enters saying "you should stop saying things like that" and basically trying to say that you aren't welcome here if you have those opinions, then I expect that person to have some reason behind that statement
  3. The point was that since you haven't said anything close to "good point", that would mean that you disagree with all the points in the thread? Just because you don't agree doesn't mean it isn't a valid point.
  4. You have been doing it in this very discussion several times. You still haven't answered in what way you are being attacked because of your opinions, among a lot of other things that you never replied to.
  5. And if you seriously believe that a petition saying that 200 people on a board wants Muse to split would make them do it, you should probably consider how you even managed to make an account on your own. (Not "you" as in YOU, just to make that clear)
  6. It's common knowledge by now that as soon as Carrie doesn't have any more arguments on a subject, she just ignore it and moves on. I don't think I have ever seen here say "Okay, you have a point there" or "okay, I was wrong".
  7. Yes, absolutely. It's total nonsense that Muse would split up, even though I do agree that they should split up on their own call when they feel that they don't have anything new to give, instead of becoming one of those bands who just goes on repeat and plays their greatest hits and make shit music. But the point is that most of that thread WASN'T about Muse splitting up, it was just the same old complaining as always. The thread was actually just a place that gathered all the complainers. I actually think that thread was the best thing that ever happened to the board, since it kept all other threads clean from these same old arguments.
  8. There are two clear groups because either you are against something(anything), or you are for it. But that really doesn't mean anything at all. That can be said about any subject at all really.
  9. I love Muse's music, even though TR is their worst album since Showbiz(still good). I love what Muse has been doing live since the start up until the BH&R tour. But I don't like what Muse are doing live at the moment. That's the basics of my opinions.
  10. You don't remember that you insulted anyone, or that you complained about anyone else doing it? You insulted someone in that thread about Muse splitting up, and you "complained", where against it where Dee3Dee did the same. And to be honest, that thread was like what...60 pages? I followed the whole thread, and saw a total of maybe 10 posts that said that Muse should split up, the rest was just the same arguments as always, but that doesn't mean that they(me included, I was the top poster) wanted Muse to split up.
  11. Just as long as you remember that these groups have any clear lines. I can complain a lot, but I still defend Muse when I see some nonsense complains about things I don't agree with.
  12. Just because you don't agree doesn't mean you can skip arguments and reasoning and head straight for insults No wait, it does. As long as you yourself aren't complaining when others do it.
  13. Well, that's because of two things: 1. People are bored. 2. People have different tastes, therefore there will always be complains about SOMETHING. Maybe Muse suddenly starts to mix things up, plays both singles, rarities, rock songs and so on. But that doesn't mean that some guy won't come here and say "I don't like what they are doing". People need to stop seeing the complainers as a group. They are all individuals with different opinions.
  14. Well, still. I have never heard of anyone who loves todays Muse that disagrees with that things HAS been better. They just accept that "that was then, they aren't the same band now". Which is okay ofc, but it's still a matter of settling for less
  15. People need to understand. Just because you found out about the band from twilight doesn't mean that you are any less of a fan. Just because you like everything about Muse doesn't mean that you are blind and ignorant. Just because you complain doesn't mean you can't love Muse, and it doesn't make you any less of a fan.
  16. There I agree. This thread is way off topic. But what if I don't believe that Muse will magically just become a lot better than they are today? Sure you can be positive about the future, but my personal view is that they won't. I believe that they will be just as lazy on the next tour, new songs or not.
  17. You are basically saying that this is a place for people who like everything that Muse does. Guess what, you CAN be a fan and still dislike something about the band, And no, a lot of people don't have anything to say, so they don't post. Therefore the threads gets filled with negativity. What is your point?
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