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Everything posted by Hat

  1. There’s a difference between being objective and showing both sides as equal. If one side does something that is much worse, then it’s not the job of the media to make it “neutral” so both sides are presented as equally good or bad. It’s their job to try and show the truth, even if that makes one side out to be worse. I think that’s what funkadelic is getting at (correct me if I’m wrong though). I just woke up from a nap so I might be getting this all wrong.
  2. I think it’s mostly the rarity factor tbh. Also omg it’s Sade!
  3. People have seen the choices that we can vote for tonight, right? B&H vs CE Fury vs Futurism KoC vs SS Honestly those are board-tier choices. Seems like Muse are finally getting it.
  4. Like it's been said though, the selection doesn't seem to be based on any logic like that. There are songs missing that they play at every gig and know by heart, as well as really easy songs, meanwhile some of the more demanding stuff and songs they haven't played in decades are there.
  5. YES! Goddamn this has annoyed me for so long. People who are the first to believe every conspiracy theory. Everyone is out to get them, the government is controlling everything they do and the strings are being pulled by the Illuminati. But then someone suggests that hey, maybe the world is a white patriarchy and racism is institutionalized, and suddenly the previously vocal group goes "do you have any evidence to support that? That's like...serious accusations. Not everyone is out to get you you know...so anyway, as I was saying about the jews"
  6. Saw that ManiaMuse had posted and thought to myself “Wouldn’t surprise me if they only replied to Fabri’s post” and sure enough! But hey, I get it, the world is a much better place when you can just pretend that you’re the only one in it!
  7. You know that that question makes no sense, right? Not only does Matt acknowledge in the article that being rock musicians means having one foot in the past, but Muse have even tried to slightly move away from guitar-based rock and have been heavily criticized for it. Their last album was a deliberate attempt to go back to "the good old days", but other than that they're clearly trying to be a part of the guitar-less trend as much as they can get away with.
  8. If I'm gonna guess why it hasn't been performed (other than being a b-side that is rarely requested) I'd say the low notes in the verses. Honestly I don't think he could even do those A2s comfortably today, considering how much he struggled with Madness. But then again they're not super important, and there's really no technical reason to why they wouldn't be able to perform it, at least not vocally.
  9. Can I just say that you're the best new member this board has seen in like two years? And you've only posted like what, 10 posts?
  10. Starlight is probably an even better example than Invincible.
  11. The importance of the lyrics have clearly changed though, which should be obvious when you listen to interviews about lyrics more current than 2001... Go and listen to some interviews from 2015 and tell me if he had a clue or not. Not to mention that their importance to Matt is quite irrelevant anyway. The vocals are almost always placed in the middle and are supposed to cut through the other instruments. If they’re not in your face, then someone has severely fucked up when mixing (there are of course exceptions, but very rarely with Muse). How important the lyrics are to Matt doesn’t really matter when he’s singing “your aaaass belongs to meee nooow”, because it’s still in my face.
  12. I am definitely no authority on the matter, but here are my thoughts anyway. In the studio he's definitely gonna be more relaxed. It's very possible he could do the whole song in the original key all the way through, although I honestly kinda doubt it. If there's any song I wonder if Matt could ever sing properly, it's Madness. Especially considering how much he struggled with the song in a lower key even when they only had that one song to perform. I definitely don't think think it's a part of his range that he could access consistently either.
  13. And who am I to say that you should! But the problem is that it's not just a political debate that's supposed to be fun for everyone. Some people are actually affected by which policy the people in charge decide to go with. And while arguing on the internet won't help anyone, I am most certainly gonna say "fuck off" to anyone who stands behind these ideas that infringe on human rights in all but technicalities. I'm not gonna tell you to check your privilege, but you surely understand why not everyone will just be better off not caring about what certain politicians and voters stand for and what is said in the news.
  14. Nah that's mostly a very specific type of news, fair enough. But I was reacting to the examples like the boss not giving a shit about you being gay (I mean...as long as you don't try anything on him)
  15. There are definitely people gaining from creating this sensationalist climate where everything is an argument, but at the same time we're living in a time where people who have been marginalized for a very long time finally have an opportunity to say no. Yes it's difficult living in an age where everything is worthy of an outrage, but honestly it's been a long time coming. "Small" things like microaggressions are finally being addressed, and that WILL lead to constant callouts until we change our behaviour. Because the alternative is to stop making a big deal out of these things, and we will quickly fall back into objectification, ableism and whatnot without questioning it. And saying that it's a "difference of opinion on policy" is a nicer way of describing it than actually explaining what those policies are. Are those policies about infringing on the rights of marginalized groups? Are they about defunding planned parenthood? And are the opinions of the person voting actually WORSE than what can be described by the policies they stand behind? Should I just say "well agree to disagree, I won't let political policies stand in the way of our friendship" to someone who thinks that homosexual people should receive conversion therapy?
  16. I don’t get why it’s so difficult to understand that bad lyrics that are in your face can be an issue no matter how little you care about lyrics in general. Actually I’m pretty sure Tuck Norris understands this, he’s just pretending not to so his post seems more logical.
  17. I had that thought too but the selection still doesn't make sense. Doesn't explain why Fury, Agitated, KNIGHTS OF CYDONIA, Stockholm Syndrome etc are missing. Feels very random. Meanwhile Eternally Missed and Space Dementia are there.
  18. This is a very confusing post. People are more positive than you'd expect, but we're still too demanding. And if we don't like the band anymore we should leave, but we're all here because we like Muse. And like you say, we like some songs more than others. You realise that that includes disliking some songs? I love the majority of their output, but certainly not all of it. Still a fan.
  19. I’m drunk and I can still see you’re a talking nonsense. Matt literally talked about how things aren’t so bad if you just turn off the news, meaning Matt simply isn’t affected by everyday issues, which is because he’s rich. No one is saying he can’t have an opinion, but it becomes obvious he’s out of touch when he talks about working class and middle class issues as non-existent just because he doesn’t experince them.
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