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Status Updates posted by IndigoListener

  1. Feel better. Have cake.<33333



  2. you were killed!??!!!!??? *cry*

  3. Awww thank you for the Halloween present, my love! *kisses*

  4. I rented you a clown for your birthday.



  5. Im cold. Can I light you on fire and put you in my furnace?

  6. I sneeze on you. Now you have my germs. *ah-chooo!* :p

  7. It's freezing here. Come over and keep me warm. *chatters teeth together*

    I miss you! Hope you are having a good day at school. Call me when you get home my sweet. :)

  8. Why thank you my dear. lol You find the strangest things sexual in nature. :p

  9. Hello. Hope you are well. :)

  10. I'm well thank you. I hope life is well for you!

  11. I'm well thank you. I hope life is good for you!

  12. I'm well thank you. I hope life is good for you!

  13. Hello fellow muser :)

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