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Status Updates posted by IndigoListener

  1. WOW thanks for the valentine's day picture! HOW DID YOU KNOW I wanted that?

  2. Happy Valentine's day my love!




  3. Walki'n down town with your pants on the ground!

  4. Hello.

    How is life treating you?

  5. Ezra,


    You look like a fool with your pants on the ground!

  6. We should rally for best muse couple next year! :D

  7. CONGRATULATIONS my sexy man! I knew it all along of course! *smothers you with kisses*

  8. merry christmas my sweet! i love you!

  9. Dancing Pedro is getting so excited about your visit on New Years!


  10. Merry Christmas penish! I miss talking with you! Hope your new years goes well!

  11. Um.... does a headache constitute a face biting? I have a headache at the moment.... :p

  12. OMG! Thanks Pau!! I love the cupcakes... :kiss:

  13. Hey James! I'm great. :) It's good to hear from you. How are you doing these days?

  14. SO... will you still be Marcella16... or shall we call you Marcella17 now?? :p

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