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Everything posted by tails

  1. lol nice! well at least you can have the house to yourself then for the weekend! hopefully they'll lighten up a bit after their special little weekend away hahahaha sorry i had to say it....


    umm i DO actually have someone to celebrate V-day with but idk if we will...we're doing long-distance right now so idk how easy it will be for either of us to go visit the other...but that is life i suppose! What about youuuuu!!!!???!

  2. Yeah hopefully they do! That happens with my parents sometimes. They would get mad and ground me for like a day, then get sick of me being home and be like alright do whatever you want :LOL: But yeah that's a bummer having to stay at home for the 4-day weekend....aww girl that royally sucks :(

  3. awww that sucks... :( how long did they say you'll be grounded for? And was the rave even fun? lol But yeah don't worry about me I'll survive! But I'll be looking forward to when you're ungrounded yaaaaaaay!

  4. Well I thought it was good! I listened in again this last Monday too, and I thoroughly enjoyed all the Muse that was played :happy: But I couldn't listen the entire time, especially for some reason the signal was really fuzzy, maybe because the weather was shitty over here? Idk...but I'm slowly but surely getting over the cold...lol thanks I'm so looking forward to being immune to THIS SPECIFIC COLD lol....epic moment in my life it will be!

  5. herroooo der! ugh yeah thanx a lot for sending your damn sickness over to me with teh mug! I KNEW you would try to destroy me somehow! lol nawwwww I'm just jokin I think I got sick from my family haha. The one week I spend there while my house-sitting family is back for a little break, and my mom and dad are both sick...so of COURSE as soon as I'm about ready to head back to the other house I start feeling like utter shit myself haha...ahh well, I'm feeling a little bit better:rolleyes: But thank ya, hopefully I'll be all well vewwwy soon!


    School's alright I suppose, for school haha...I'm so unmotivated to do anything though it's lame, I think this godawful winter is finally starting to get to me ahhh! And that means something for being a loyal MN resident my entire life! But yeah it's alright, I'm still thinking I'll probs go back to my other one next year, so that's a little bit of an upside to this whole situation, but overalls I'm doing okay:happy:


    lol no worries about long and pointless rants...those pretty much define my life lol I rant about pointless things when talking to you allllll the time haha I'm surprised you even get through my entire messages! But *high 5ive!* WAHEY! Well, regardless of when the weddings are I'm sure they'll be fun! I hope you don't start gettin it in your little terrorist mind of yours that YOU have to start getting married now too! That happened with my sister AHGJKHKGAKDG:mad:.....all her friends started getting married so she's like ZOMG I NEED MAWWIAGE! It's like just chiiilllll out! Your time will come young jedi:fear:lolwut


    lol yeaaas the R-ship's going well so far, long distance is laaaaaaaaaame, but whatever! what can ya do! hahaha I actually thought of the spongebob R-ship too! WAHEY! (x2!)


    But yeah, on to poster news! Thanks for doing that for me! And so quick too:happy: I'm very excited to see what it looks like! even though I technically DO know what it looks like...but I mean, yeah whatever DAMNIT! There I go again! But yes you make me happy:D WAHEY! (x3 muaha)


    lol yeah! dressing up randomly is the best! Halloween is so discriminative...only for kids my ass:indiff: haha but if you can find a pic of you, def. try to post in on here! it's just so much fun! I love making people laugh and whenever I dress up ridiculous I'm bound to get some laughs...plus, I feel like it always gives me an excuse to just act insane all day without many people giving me weird looks....well, I DO get lots of weird looks haha but it's mainly like "well....she IS in a parrot costume, I mean, what can you really expect...." haha YES


    Yeah you guys really are rubbing off on me! I think it's cool:happy: I feel like I'm really a Brit at heart hahaha, like my true self is British, or something.....haha IDK but all I know is you along with many of the others on here are fun to talk to and we all like MUSE so YEAH!:\mm/:


    lol sheet for a door....doesn't surprise me when we're talking about terrorists!:eek: ooooooooo! stereotypes! hahaha again, soz for the offensiveness....hope you dun get mad at me:supersad:


    Awww sorry you didn't get to enjoy the snow! lolsnowfail....Believe me, it's way overrated hahaha! I can't believe, 20 years? Really? Wow that's an epic moment for you guys! That's what we call a light flurry over here! hahaha But yeah It was actually 35-40 degrees here for the last couple of days, but now it's getting cold again:( i love minnesota, i love minnesota, i love minnesota..........blaaaaahhhhh


    lol oh yeah children cereal FTW! golden grahams are ace! lucky charms made me so hyper off of all the sugar i didn't even know what to do with maself hahaha. But thanks, I wish I wasn't allergic to almonds:( they're so delicious! But frosties are good too:happy: AND OMG HAHAHAHAHA is that seriously what a chav is? twat is the best word to describe that, do you know anyone personally who actually acts like that? god i didn't understand a word hes/she/it said! that's so hilarious!


    Well....I am off to go nap and study for a test tomorrow...lamezors....but I'm sure we'll talk soon yes and I hope you're having a fantastic day/night! It's probably almost 11 for you over there! So you get your nice beauty rest ma deerz lol deeer:rudolph: *huggles*

  6. oh no! you MUST tell me what happened that got you grounded...aww that sucks Kylee, who knows when you'll be able to see this, but I hope you're not dying of boredom yet!:kiss: chat is no fun without you!

  7. tails

    yeah! and half german...actually it's my grandparents. one side is from the czech the other is from germany... so i guess it's not exaaaactly half, but i like to "round up" haha

  8. Morning? haha it's 7PM over here silly! And abandoning your child, I've never viewed the muse boards like that but that's an interesting comparison. Why didn't you like last week's show? It seemed to go along really smoothly and it was interesting. I completely agree with your views on George W. Bush/Barack Obama btw. But if you insist this week's show will be better, then I'll listen and make my own judgements haha. And I'm good, have a cold, but other than that I'm fine. Life's alright alllllll the way over here, how have you been lately?

  9. Oh I've been good minus the fact that I have a cold:( but it's winter in MN, people get colds is as common as snow falls over here...how have you been dear?

  10. I haven't told you this yet, but great job on the radio on Monday! I told you I would listen...and I loved the Minne'snow'ta shoutout! Although you did make it sound like I was in some foreign land all by myself haha...I guess that's sort of true...:$

  11. loving the red-haired matt av!

  12. I know it HAS been such a long time! We just have very busy lives outside of our Musedom (muse kingdom? not just dom...lol) You don't have to apologize for forgetting I exist lol no but seriously, you don't! It's been crazy for everyone lately so it's harder to keep in contact evvvvvvery day, but I must say it is good to hear from you:happy: I did miss your lesbian-terrorist-lolcats-esque rants:LOL:


    Anyways, I'm doing pretty well...except for at the moment I'm coming down with a bad cold:( I've had to miss 2 classes already today, but I'm going to try to make it to my third one of the day. AH I hate missing class, but sometimes you just can't help it...especially when it's been an average of about 5 fecking degrees Fahrenheit over here for the past 2 months! grr


    WHEW, that's good to hear about your computer...i mean terrible that that happened in the first place it really is, but at least you were able to get most of your shiz back WAHEY!!! (god haven't used that in a while!) And OMGZ your entire group of frennnz are getting mawwied to each otehrs?! that's pretty ironic it it is! haha but heeeeey now you get to get drunk, for free!!! lol that is strange though, it's not like people you know get engaged everyday, so to have 2 couples just be like OHP YEA we're getting MARRIED:D is quite odd innit?! AHAHA INNIT!


    Aww, posting that on muselive isn't sad...it's just smart and responsible! I've actually got several pics and things like that saved to me in my e-mail just in case something like that happens:rolleyes: we're just protective of our mooooooooze we are lol btw, you saw that vid teh kirk posted of dom bangin the sheep right? ahh now they're just messing with us:LOL: they KNOW we're bored, and the fact that that vid has had thousands of views and comments posted proves how sad and lonely we are without teh muse:supersad: maaaan this new album better be the best yet, and maybe i'll finally be able to go to a gig so i wont be a muselive virgin anymore! I dont wanna be the 40 year old muselive virgin!!!!!!


    And thaaaank you I am doing okay in school so far, but it's tough being here when I miss my friends back at my old school...I know i know, grass is always greener on the other side innit and i should just make up my fecking mind!:rolleyes: ugh, but yeah it's good to know i have the option of going back next fall, (granted i do well in my classes here, which i really have no reason NOT to lol...except for this being sick business is making me miss class which is NOT a good thing...idk why i keep capitalizing NOT...ahh man i'm so lame.....NOT!) anyways, so yeah school is school...and ohh this big R-ship looming overhead, haha nah don't ever worry about asking me anything personal, i like talking to youz about stuffs so yeah! well, the Rship's good so far, difficult because it's long distancey, but we're both doing alright for the most part!


    LOL i found out what was wrong with my camera....bad batteries lol epic facepalm for me:facepalm: but it's not entirely my fault! the box where we keep batteries had ONLY dead ones in it so how was i supposed to know!? I just figured it had died and went to hell with your laptop since technology IS lesbian...i really do hate it sometimes i really do...


    I know, i'm so proud of the name I came up with! And tank you i will let you know if i see anything i would die without lol. too bad that probably wont be for a while as i need to STOP spending my moneyz everywhere! (but that doesn't mean i wont still look around tee hee). Speaking of that, I still haven't gotten my poster in the mail yet! I MEAN WTF! I emailed him again last week saying that i understand/am sorry about his family and wife and stuff, and that there's really no rush, i just want to be kept in the loop with what's going on so i can have a rough estimate of when it'll arrive....no email back yet so idk what his deal is, but i'm saying if i don't get one back soon i'll have to report it to ebay. which i dont wanna do because iw ant my poster:( le sigh....


    OMG do you have pictures of yourself as 50 pence?! that's the best thing EVAR! I loved dressing up ridiculous for school. if you look through some of my pics on the book of faces i dressed up as a squirrel, a parrot, and an old lady...and that's only the start! but man i'm so glad you do that too hahahaha


    And thanks for loving my english poserness;) WAHEY! these boards are rubbing off on me haha, think if i started speaking like that to my family or something...they'd be like whaaaat the hell, what tv shows have you been watching?! haha naw just kidding, but some phrases are too fun NOT to say....like "proper fillintheblank" hahaha! INNIT!


    and wahey for the bafroom!!!! glad to hear you're not terrorist trash anymore! mywifey deserves doors on her bafroom:phu: lol and no worries on the neglect, i've been tres distracted too so it's not like you're all to blame. but i'm sure we'll talk again soon, and if not soon, it will be eventually! lol but good to hear you're doing well and i hope you're having a great old time with the snow that you've been getting over there!

    (ps. i'm allergic to honey nut cheerios:$ the almonds lol...but i do love the name still! on yeah, and chavs look like downright pricks they do!)


    Love you wifasarous wex:D (not cuz ur fat, or ancient or anything.....it's cuz it's a cute name!!! ah christ, foot in my mouth...every time.....)


  13. AHH LION KING! I love that movie! I'm so glad you do too, but honestly, who doesn't love those classic Disney movies? (Remember Mulan?!:p) haha that makes me want to watch it right now:happy:


    LoveActually is sooo funny, I've seen that movie too many times to count also. And it's funny because that guy Colin goes to like Madison or Milwaukee Wisconsin, which is Minnesota's cousin practically...and it's just funny how they portrayed the girls there. Like we're huge hicks and we all just sleep with everyone!:LOL: Oooh so you were born in Basildon but you don't live there anymore? How young were you when you moved?


    lol I haven't played aaaany video games in a while..I haven't had tiiiime:( I bet if I tried to play GH I wouldn't even pass on easy haha. I actually made it all the way through career mode on hard and was in the middle of making it through expert until I had to give it up for a while because school was starting and was taking of all of my fecking free time:mad: But I'll get my skills back someday! SOMEDAY!


    Oh that's right! Our professional Musing and bubbletea shop!!! Of course, those are like the on the absolute top of my priorities list haha! Well then, ice skating and snowboarding and skiing will just have to wait until that dream is fulfilled! haha (i better not hold my breath:rolleyes:)


    Si senorita! I only took 3 years of it, and haven't used it for the past 2 so I really have lost most of it unfortunately...but I'll be taking classes again probably next year or the year after, so I'll get back into the swing of it. It's not too hard to learn so re-learning it shouldn't be too bad!


    Hey, at least you aren't too far away from places where people actually speak French! It's all English and occasional Spanish over here alll the time...so boring....


    Yeah, I'd have to pay for Sirius too I believe...oh well, I find good bands and songs to listen to just from searching around on this forum! And from you as well! (PRESETS! ftw!) But yeah I've heard XFM plays a decent amount of Muse too...I wonder how easy it would be to listen to that...hmmm


    Well, I must go, I'm feeling a nap is about to happen haha! I'll talk to you soon I'm sure...We're actually communicating through facebook now too haha! Stay warm darling!:happy:

  14. OH HAI THAR:D Have you missed me at all? Many apologies for the uber late reply, school is kicking my ass/arse lately and I've just now had today to spend more than 5 minutes on le internet for funsies rather than work:indiff: SO yes we have much to catch up on I'm sure! I have updates on my problematique(;)) situations I was telling you before!


    I know last time you were saying your comp. kept crashing and shizz....I hope that's all better now! But I guess I'll be able to tell if it isn't if I don't get a reply back within the next month or so:LOL: But I am sooooosososososo sorry that all your stuff got lost:( Was/is there absolutely NO way to get any of it back? And AH i know what you mean about having everything in a precise order. I'm the exact way with all my Muse songs! I'm so sorry dear, that's heartbreaking! I wish I could make it all better but an e-kiss is all I can do:kiss:lufffffyou*hugs*


    Well, I've got my schooling situation as worked out as it can be right now. I've found out that if I DO want to go back to my old University/College next year, I can! So that's a relief. And I think I might do that, depending on how this semester goes at this college back home. I think maybe that's all the time I'll need to really get myself figured out and everything, because I honestly miss being with all my friends that I made at my old college, and didn't realize how good of friends they were until I left them. GAH don't you hate that?! It's like the grass is always greener on the other side ffs! :facepalm: Ohhhh and yes I am dating someone now haha. It was somewhat see-saw-like before, but we've finally decided to call ourselves "together" lol I feel like i'm 12 again having to explain this:rolleyes: But yeah, he goes to my old college too, so like I said before that's another little reason why I'd kind of wanna go back. But I know that he's still okay with me being at home because he was the one that initiated the relationship and said he wants it to work regardless of how far away I am....haha awww:happy: OKAY no more R-ship rambling I know that can make people sick! haha but I just thought I'd fill ya in with the details ya know INNIT! (hahaha am I using that right?)


    LOL I've only drank out of my mug once! I read that some people's are chipping/cracking so I'm a tad bit paranoid that if I use mine a lot that'll happen! So maybe I'll just pull it out for special occasions haha. AND my camera is fricking dying/dead!!!! So I need to get a new one:( So I have to say that no mug picture will be posted anytime soon.....GRRR I hate technology too, it's a right asshole it is:phu:


    And thanks for the offer of being my MuseMerch messenger!! haha It means a lot, I need to take a break from buying stuff for a while though...but as soon as I see something that I MUST HAVE OTHERWISE I'LL PEE MY PANTS I'll def. let ya know!


    OMG you passed out on the top of the stairs and didn't even get caught?!:LOL:Ah I could just picture that in my mind and god the funniest image ever! Awww Dalia you're hysterical!!!! LMAO


    The Bafroom should be done now innit?! omg I'm obsessed with innit now, and idk if I'm even using it right!...haha WAHEY! I'm such a English poser LOL


    Well, I best let you go before I make this into 2 POSTS AGAIN!:eek: ruh-roh....but no rush in getting back to me, I'm tres sorry for the late late late late reply again...I'm embarrassed at how bad of a wife I've been to you! But I still love you honey bunches of oats! (that's a yummy cereal over here in the US of A lol) I'll talk to you soon hopefully:srsb33f:lolwut



  15. Hello there! Oh good I'm glad your exams are all finished! Congratulations!!! (belated:rolleyes:) How do you think you did? AH I LOVE Bill Nighy:happy: He's such a good actor and I just think he's awesome! Oh and I love you even more for loving LoveActually...god is there enough love going around in this post?!:LOL:


    Ah, I'm boring too...especially now since school has started up for me again and it basically has taken over my life haha. That's not funny so I don't know why I typed "haha" after that! Anyways, no my friend has Wii Fit though and it's awesome! Although it tells you your weight and your 'fitness age' and I'm like ahhh I'd rather just not know! haha But it is fun to play! HOWS GH!?!?!:D


    I'd love to go to a real football match sometime! So i'm holding you to that promise! haha I've been to a DC United football/soccer game, but I don't really count that because it was in America. I know that sounds bad but I'm sure you'd agree with me haha. And snowboarding, skiing, ice skating I'm sure are such a blast. I've just never learned and I feel I'm too old to learn now:( I mean, I'm sure I could somewhat get the hang of it, but I'd still never feel confident to tell anyone "Yeah, I snowboard:cool:"


    Oooooh Spanish AS levels!? Good for you! Reading Spanish news...that's a good study trick, I should do that when I start taking Spanish again! Gracias seniorita! ;)


    Yeah I slowly started fading away from my local radio stations too. I just realized that I hated every song they were playing and so I just listen to my iPod and CDs whenever I'm in the car now, that way I can always listen to what I want:D At least you have a cool station like Radio 1 to listen to, If I wanted to ever hear Muse or any other decent band on the radio I'd have to subscribe to XFM or something like that, which I just don't feel like paying for!


    I'd never heard of eggheads before until I saw that on youtube! But I just lol'd so much at it...Radiohead, lol:LOL:



    alright I'll stop yelling at you now, lol talk to you soon love!

  16. Hello hello hello! How's revising going? I'm afraid I still wont be on here much, I'm rather stressed at the moment with figuring out school....literally, one extra year in high school would be better than all this confusion and unsure-ness I have about all this college shite! bollocks bollocks bollocks....(haha I sound like a proper English person right now don't I?) I think all you UK Musers are rubbing off on me:LOL:


    So what is new with you miss Jess? kicking butt and taking names on Guitar Hero yet? lol I've been playing the wii over break, it's so addicting...but all I have is the Wii sports still. But I don't care. I'm determined to get my wii fitness age as low as it can go!! WAHEY!


    And yes! Seriously! if you're EVER going to or even through Minnesota you should definitely let me know! It would be so awesome to meet you in real life! I don't know how slim the chances are of you coming here anytime, but I just wanted to let you know...my door is always open to any Muser I meet:D There are a lot of things to do in MN if it's the right season haha. Like, since it's winter everyone goes sledding, skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, snowmobiling, ice fishing...etc etc etc. But in the summer you can do things like go out to the beach (which are lakes, not oceans haha) and basically just frolic around outside. Also, like I mentioned before, bonfires are a huge hit in the summer!:happy: Then there's the other basic stuff like shopping, going to movies, concerts, you know!


    I honestly try to never listen to the radio unless I HAVE to:mad: I always keep my car stocked with CD's so I usually have something that I'm in the mood for, but on those rare occasions when I don't feel like listening to anything, I turn the radio on and flip through all the stations until I find something I can at least somewhat bear....BLAH the pop stations are the worst though. I usually land on classic rock or the hard rock stations, unless Nickelback comes on! ARGH!


    I agree, I like Muse's popularity level. They're big enough to get the big gigs and have cool merchandise and stuff out there, but not so huge that you're reading about them all over every tabloid, they get paparazzi stalking their every move, and they're overplayed on the radio so much that no one likes them anymore:LOL: Coldplay was bound to be big, they're music is just so easily liked. With Muse, they have such a different sound that you really have to have a special ear/mind to appreciate them, IMO...not saying that they're music is "over some people's heads" but I think you just have to be a certain person to like them, where as Coldplay's sound is more what people are used to hearing, so they just like it automatically.


    Oh wow, what a rant I just had about Muse/Coldplay! hahaha I'm sorry about that, and sorry if that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever!


    Oh those clips:LOL::LOL:

    I found this one yesterday and posted it in a thread, which was probably unnecessary but I LOL'd way too much at it thanks to our messageboards ongoing inside joke:


    sorry, that's random. but I just thought of it hahaha!


    Okay, I"m out for now darling, I'll talk to you soon...but apologies in advance again if It's a while before I get back to you. I'll go into more detail about my school/personal life drama later, but it's late and I must go to sleepy sleep! NIGHT:kiss:

  17. ZOMG I made that in one post!





  18. Hello darling! Thank you for being so patient with me..these last few days have been another whirlwind of insanity:rolleyes: I'm dealing with quite the dilemma so I hope you don't mind that I unload all of my thoughts onto you! Although you shouldn't, because we're married, and that's what married couples do....RIGHT?! lol


    SO, you know how I've transferred from my one college to this other one after the first semester, so I've started taking classes at this new college in my hometown, and I think they'll be okay and everything, but I'm thinking about trying to transfer back to my first school again next semester now. lol I know, I'm back and forth and back and forth, but I think I've almost taken a step back at coming back home and going to school here. And I already sort of miss my old college and new friends that I had made up there. Plus, I mainly wanted to come back to figure out what it was I wanted to major in while saving money, but I think I have a better idea...(health sciences btw) and the money thing, well...everyone's in the garbage with money right now anyways so I figure why not join:LOL::rolleyes: Plus, I've somewhat started dating a guy that I had met at my old school, and he really wants to try and make this work even though we're pretty much starting out long distance...which I find really sweet. And not that I would ever go to a school because of a guy, but that's just another little factor that I have in the back of my mind. Plus, I like this house sitting job because it allows me to have some freedom while still making money and going to school, but once it's done I would be back home and I don't think I could do that for an entire year! So yeah, I'm just really stressed out right now because I'm planning on going back to my old school to meet with a counselor sometime next week to see how easy it would be for me to get back in next semester (although I know it'll be hard because it's a pretty demanding school and there are always a lot of people that want to go there) but I'm hoping I'll have somewhat of an advantage since I had been there for a semester already, and got a good GPA (3.1 woo hoo!) And I'm not just taking a semester off, I'm still going to school so the classes I'm taking now should be able to transfer back over. WHEW, I'm sorry for all this rambling, I just needed to get that out. And again, sorry if it doesn't make sense but I just typed as soon as a thought came into mind and have no desire to go re-read all the incoherence I just typed:LOL: So I'll have to apologize yet again If I seem to disappear for days at a time. I'm just hoping that when I meet with a counselor next week things will go good and they'll be able to at least give me some sort of hope at coming back next year. God I feel like such an unstable mess:rolleyes: I wish they prepared us more for college in high school so I at least knew WTF I was doing! Transfer Transfer Transfer.....


    ANYWAYS, how are you doing?! Hopefully you're life isn't as backwards and traumatic as mine is right now:LOL: I STILL haven't had a chance to take a picture of the mug..I've left it at home loltardfail....but I will soon! Even though you know what it looks like lol. But my mom loves the fact that I've made a friend "all the way over in the UK!" haha "how did you do that?!" "the MUSE forums!" ".....hmmmm ohhh....*pause* okay well that's interesting!" lol but she also loves that you were nice enough to buy/send the mug and everything! She greatly appreciates it and like I've said many times already, I do too:D BEST TERRORIST EVAR!!!!!!!!!


    Aww, that drama with your sister and the alcohol/meds concoction...:( That's so scary! It's really scary how dangerous mixing those 2 things can be and not many people realize it at all. I'll never do that again that's for sure. But it wasn't even my choice to mix the 2. I was sick but hadn't taken my meds all day (codeine it was) but went out and drank that night. Then I came home and passed out, only to have my mom wake me up and force the codeine down my throat! I woke up thankfully, and read the codeine bottle by my bed and it said: WARNING! DO NOT MIX WITH ALCOHOL and blah blah blah because you could ultimately DIE! I was like:eek: my mom almost involuntarily killed me!!! So yeah, I can at least somewhat relate to that instance...although I don't think my mom knows to this day about what could've happened!


    Has the status on your bafroom changed yet? I hope you at least have a door now?!:LOL: oh terrorist trash...hahahaha! But that's definitely gotta start getting annoying...I mean you could have a house with absolutely NO DOORS or anything, but you STILL have doors on the bafroom....you just do lol. At least on the bright side, it should look exquisite when it's all complete! I mean, everyone knows the only proper way to pee is when you feel like you're sitting on a throne in the middle of a great castle! BAHAHAHA! Where is my jester!:joker:the joker will do....lol close enough.....


    Okay, well I'm sorry to relieve my big load of problems on you, It just felt good to type that out haha but I must go now, it's about 11:30 and I need to get mai byootie rest fore tomozz:kiss: lol no jk but i DO need to get a good night sleep for classes...not quite the same thing eh? AH fuck it all hahahaha I hope you are sleeping like a little angel right now, my little terrorist angel hahaha god okay I'm done, GOODNIGHT! WUV YOUZ:D


    ho! BAHA!

  19. HELLO MY DEAR!:kiss:

    I'm sorry I must be brief, class for me started today and so I've been tres busy (does that make sense? I've never said 'tres' anything before lol...look at the influence you have on me awwwww) ANYWAYS! I would just like to inform you that I GOT MY MUG TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:DWOOHOOOO!!!!:party::joker::viking::cabasa: And I must compliment your excellent wrapping jobx3 which made it hard for me to open but definitely increased the anticipation of opening le packaging and freeing my mug from it's styrofoam slumber lol. AAAANNDDD! Thank you so much for the cute card!:kiss: (omg there I go kissing you TWICE in one post...i'm so lesbian right now:rolleyes:) The card made my day more than the mug did I have to admit! And I knew you'd add in that sticker....hmph... haha just kidding, it was very nice of you to do all this, as I've said many many times before! I'll get to taking a picture of it soon, because I know you must miss it already lol but I must be off now, school calls.....blah....I'll be back as soon as I can to spam your message space with mixed love and bickering like an old married couple! Hope you're having a Musetastic day!!! <3

  20. I KNOW! All the new smileys are awesome, and the joker smiley is way badass! I'm confused on where the viking one came from haha but oh well, it's still cool anyways!




    Oh my god! Your NYE sounds so interesting! haha and good choice on taking the meds. And double good choice on taking the meds and NOT drinking. I have indeed done that before too and the results are....well.......i think you know what's coming........:vomit:EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!


    ANd I'm glad you told those bastards to fuck off and die hahaha people that think they can do that deserve to be punched right in the nuts! Over and over and over again!! WAHEY!!!!!!!!


    :LOL:"the funniest shower ever on New Years Day":LOL: Oh jeeze...I bet you just loved the fact that there was no door! I bet you'll keep your bafroom like that for forever now.....you dirty Muser.....


    My New Years was good:happy: Usually all mine in the past have sucked and been completely miserable. Like, I'm either a sober driver, the weather is too shitty to even go OUT anywhere, there's been tons and tons of drama/crying girls, people are making out/throwing up everywhere, etc....but this year I actually got to hang out with friends that I really want to hang out with and who wanted to hang out with me too. And no one was out of control drunk and no one was doing any PDA...it was so chill and everyone got to drink and have a good time because we all just hung out in one of my friends apartments. Oh wow I just realized how much I rambled on about that haha I'm sorry.....!


    And I love you like a fat kid loves cake<3 hahaha

    youz ma ho 4 lyfe

    your jokefail made me :LOL:/:facepalm: but mostly:LOL:<3


    ANd NO the posts will never end! muahahahaha!

    just kidding, you can end them if you want to...but our marriage will die with it!!!:eek: (ooooooh ultimatum;)) hahahaha sorry i'm done being weird now, I'll talk to ya later wife/ho!


  21. :LOL:

    I'm sorry for being such a bad wife! Please don't cheat on me!!!!:( Glad you're feeling better though, I was so damn annoyed of waking up in the middle of the night to you coughing and sneezing your damn lungs out:indiff: I should get the bed quarantined or something.....hahaha just kidding! I'm glad we kissed and made up too:kiss:


    Oh yes, the new place is very cool:happy: I'm liking the freedom and isolation a lot actually. Plus it's really nice and convenient to just go back home for a couple hours if I feel like it/get bored. But the house is so pretty it gives me added pressure to keep it immaculate lol


    YES! I'm not sure if it came in the mail yet today, but I know it shall be soon and that makes me very excited!!!:D and i doubt anyone in my family would want to put their mitts on it anyways haha. They'll be like EWWW MUUUUSE! lol jokes


    Yeah I've actually done that before too haha. I've had a stuffy nose/cough before and drank a bit of booze and felt all cleared up! It only lasted for a while though hahaha then my night took a turn for the worse....which can only be described with this smiley::vomit:


    hahaha well lucky for you they don't monitor your online activities otherwise we'd both be in jail by now! nawww just kidding, I bet only you would be:LOL: lol looooove yooooou:D


    I finally got an e-mail back from the seller! I feel kind of bad, because I sent 2 within like 3 days of each other....but he sent me one back and apologized for not being as on top of things. He explained something how his wife has been really sick with some brain tumor? IDK I didn't even want to ask about it because either it's true and really sad, or it's just a very bold lie. lol But anyways, he said he'd send it on it's way to my abode within a couple days and he apologized many times. So hopefully I'll see that soon as well! (And I hope his wife does get better, if she is indeed sick)


    lol thank you, thank you...*bows* It has become a good thread to vent about Twilight now too which is good...because the old one got locked:LOL: but god I hope there are more of those with each movie that comes out because that was the best Twilight-related thing I have EVER read!


    lol how do YOU know that I'm not an Arab:phu: haha no just kidding, but yeah I laughed when I saw that too actually...I don't know how one can't laugh at it, it was so out of nowhere hahaha. But that's good that you can laugh at yourself too, that's one of the things I'm proud of too. Because it's one thing to always laugh at other people, but if you can point the finger at yourself and be like wow....i'm retarded, then you've got a great sense of humor! IMO at least....:rolleyes:


    I know, I think I overdosed on WAHEY hahaha! But yes, that site makes me LOL so much. Always puts me in a good mood knowing that I'm not the only dumbass in the world hahaha


    Jake and I aren't fat we're just big boned!!:phu:hmph!


    Well thanks for being willing to ship me over to you during Muse gigs if we had been married before haha. It means a lot:happy: And I feel honored to be your second option after TEH STEPHANIE MEYERZ lolfail

  22. Hello dear!:happy: Sorry for the late reply again, I haven't been spending as much time on here as usual and it completely slipped my mind that you wrote to me a few days ago! Many apologies:(


    Oh don't think anything happened on New Years because it didn't! haha but I just was able to actually have a good time with friends that I really wanted to hang out with instead of sober drive people around, deal with drama, people throwing up/hooking up everywhere....etc. So that's why I enjoyed my New Years lol.


    YAY for Christmas being done! Hey, If I had GH I would be playing it all day too so don't even feel bad about that. Have you been able to play on career mode yet and get more songs?


    I know what you mean, I love seeing my extended family at times but I can't do it for more than a couple days at a time. It's just nice to see them every once in a while, not every day:LOL:


    Yeah I definitely want to keep my eyes open for when they'd tour around the midwest again. They're songs would be so awesome to see live and be able to dance to! But I can understand your grandma's reasoning lol. Buses at nighttime are kind of shady....


    How is revising going? Don't forget if you feel like getting someone to fail your tests for you, I'm your girl:D hahaha


    If you ever get a chance to come back to the US sometime, you should definitely go to Minnesota lol. It's not quite as exciting as other states like New York, Florida, California, or whatever. But I still like it! Plus, I live here so you know...it's gotta be somewhat cool right?:p


    Yeah, your top 40 isn't too much different than ours I guess...mainstream (and I know Muse is more mainstream now too, but it's not like they're 'top 40 mainstream') in general is just blah to me. I like music with substance and uniqueness and everything on the top 40 list is just the same recycled pop-rock beat and boring 12 year old lyrics! I like real music!!!


    :LOL:I love when there are shows and movies that I can watch and be like "omg....that's my family exactly!" Plus, whenever it's around Christmastime makes it that much funnier/better because everyone's around and always in a good mood and is capable of laughing at themselves rather than just being like...."yeah, whatever that's not our family." lol I'm not sure if this last paragraph made any sense either, sorry!


    Again, sorry for getting back to you way late! If you're busy too don't feel rushed to reply...I know you've got school to deal and worry with also. (And I know you're having trouble pulling yourself away from Guitar Hero;)) lol but I'll talk to you soon I am sure!


  23. Okay! I'm back and my laptop is plugged in and charging! Now to finish where I left off.....


    I'm definitely happy to bear the burden of telling and laughing at offensive and inappropriate jokes lol. I feel that the people without ANY sense of humor must live a pretty depressing and boring and extremely lame life, so I'm glad to be overthetop with my own sense of humor! And I'm glad you're the same way...it makes life so much more interesting!


    The 'bugger off' will come when you least expect it! Or maybe when you most expect it...idk yet haha:LOL: I'm very very sneaky sir:ninja:


    lol what a great oxymoron! "peaceful terrorist" *high 5* All this pwnage and FTW is making me think of this hilarious website that's dedicated to FAIL. It's called failblog.org you would get a huge kick out of it! it's just http://www.failblog.org I'm pretty sure. DO IT! JUST DO IT! WAHEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!!!! (I bet you were just waiting until that would find its way into this post muahahahaha)


    lol puppy dreams are so funny....I'm living at the other house right now so I've been missing my dog's puppy dreams, but sure enough these 2 other dogs have puppy dreams too....AND they snore hahahaha it is le hilarious:D oh, and my dog is too chubby to ever win a gold medal in a doggy marathon...even in his dreams:rolleyes:lol


    AWWWW you've been to all the recent great Muse gigs:( I'm very happy for you to have been able to be at all of those but I can't help but be extremely jealous:mad: I still love you though, but I know that this will affect our relationship greatly.....no matter what gig of theirs I'll be able to see over here, they'll never compare to the UK ones trufax......ohh well....such is the life of an American Muser:rolleyes:


    :eek:OMGZ you mistooks me forz my IDOL STEPHENIE MEYERZ!?!?!?!?! I IZ SO HONORD!! (/sarcasm.....goes outside to shoot self)


    All jokes aside now, I'm glad you offered to order and send the mug to me because I wouldn't have met such a great friend/wife otherwise:D And I believe our epic novel-like posts express that perfectly lol.


    So regardless of your illness, did you have a good New Years? Is 2009 treating you well so far? I hope so, I'm having a great time so that's good:happy:. Like I said before, I'm happy that all the business of the holidays is starting to end so I can finally stop and think for a while. lol and are your parents letting you off bedrest finally?! I feel like I've asked this millions of times but it's because I care:kiss: COOOL I just noticed after posting that kissy smiley that we have new smilies! Awesome:viking: haha well I will cut this off now...I hope you're having a great day/new year and I'll talk to you soon eh?!


    Love, Stephanie Meyer (:eek:)


    PS-I love being your ho:pimp: haha



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