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Everything posted by deadstar78

  1. Hey how are you?? Sorry I haven't been around lately :p x

  2. Hey I haven't spoken to you in such a long time!!! How are things in your part of the world?? x

  3. Het I see that you have updated your album lol! With some nice pics of Dom!!! :p x

  4. I know how it feels like! It took me till my 5th draft to finally get 4000 characters and its so hard to get it all in and make it sound good! As for Unis I pretty much chose them from all the perspectuses I got sent! :) x What you wan2 do at uni?? xx

  5. Oh no woolworths is dead! R.I.P -

    I heard my friend works in one in Huntingdon and the sames happend!

    Soz to hear xx

  6. Hey ther has been quite a few good argentinian films on filmfour! Hows things been btw?? xx

  7. Hey! I've been real busy lately trying to sort out all my work for Uni lol! I found my old NME CD with a manics cover on it - umbrella lol!

  8. Hey I got your friend request! :) I love the film 2001: space odity! So what's your fav Muse track at the moment??:musesign:

  9. Ah seriously cool! I want to learn to play that on piano!!! Maybe you could teach me some day lol!

  10. Hey long time no speak! Hows things going??

  11. Yeah def! Muse is my life lol! I love writing but my passion is film making! My last film won a film festival and I got 200!!! I have a small production companies! :D x

  12. Yes they played at the V Festival when Muse did lol!

    I wish I was there lol!


    Is moscow good for shopping??


  13. Ha take it you read my "Matt Plea" lol! some people are so lucky to hace met Muse!!! Not fair

  14. Hey can't say its for want of trying lol! Would be very nice though to meet Muse one day either in peson or see them live! Some people aren't so lucky!

  15. Hey thanks! Whats your fav muse song at the min?? x

  16. Ha yeah one of my friends came round (whos kinda chavish) and i kept calling him it and he was like wtf?? Ha yeah baby supermassive musers! xx

  17. Ha are you a chav then lol! Er I have non idea what I am tbh lol! A weirdo i guess :p who likes MUSE xx

  18. Well my russian is a little rusty at the moment Я беру уроки, но я могу написать Кириллицу! x

  19. Hey I found another Muse fan who is yet to see them live! :musesign: You play the piano and the guitar too?? Perhaps you would liike to help me build my time machine so we could visit all the previous muse gigs?? xx

  20. Hey I'm def travelling before I go to uni! I want to see the world before I settle down! Hows things?? xx

  21. How cum you have made no friends yet?? You are a Muse fan I'll be your friend!!! :musesign: Вы очень симпатичны! x

  22. Hey sorry I didn't reply earlier! What do you have to do in this competetition?? xx

  23. Hey again hows things?? x

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