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Status Updates posted by rainingradioheads

  1. I dunno, just music. :p


    (I've done stupid things like this before, asked Jo to teach me French. :awesome:)

  2. CHRIS.


    Recommend me music.

  3. I have time right now. :LOL:

  4. I'll get looking if you need me to.

  5. How's Uprising going? I know, that one kind of sunk to the bottom, but I keep trying to put synth in (and manage to screw up everytime. :LOL:) and I have my vocals done so...

  6. :LOL: I still need what's almost finished. I mean I know Eurasia, but anything else...
  7. I need a better use of my free time. :LOL:

  8. I converted the file to a MIDI, oh my god, it sounds brilliant.


    Better than in the software.



  9. Well, Tux Guitar is basically this software where you put in parts of music and then they blend together and make a song.


    It's like Guitar Pro or Power Tab, you can find things like it on ultimate-guitar.com. Tux Guitar is the free version of those softwares, and it recognizes those files.



  10. Well with Cross-Pollination, not only do I have to worry about the strings, but also the constant change in tempo in the beginning. It will be a really huge project.

  11. I'm covering The Resistance in full in Tux Guitar (a music software).


    I've already done UD! :p

  12. Kirby quick!


    I'm covering The Resistance in full in Tux Guitar (yes, this is what I do out of boredom), and I don't know what song to do next. I've got UD, Overture, Redemption. I really don't want to have to do Cross Pollination at the moment. :LOL: Ideas?

  13. It's simply beautiful. The best Muse have ever done.

  14. As you can see, I am REALLY REALLY BORED. :stunned:


    Naww, I love fonts too. :happy:

  15. Tofuuu. :happy:


    That font you said you liked last night (the one on the tumblr, I think it was you, it might have been Katie). It looks like it's called Lithos, I did a font identifier test on it.


    In case you cared. :p

  16. WHAT is with your name.

  17. Nah, you're fine. I dunno, I felt like doing something entertaining and at the time that was arguing.

  18. I already said you want to join, just pop in. :happy:

  19. http://board.muse.mu/group.php?groupid=450


    Our drummer is Calliope, and she's got quite a bit uploaded, but I'm sure you can do something. :happy:

  20. Ohai.


    http://bit.ly/dAtwtj <- That's the RbS solo.




    1. Obviously, you hold out the notes on the bottom (the DUHHHHH bits) because you're using a pedal...well I hope you're using a pedal...but ANYWAYS don't be fooled! My music program won't let me put notes in like that. I would rather have scanned it, but because I dunno how to do that, I'm not.


    2. It looks REALLY messy. If you have any questions, I have the actual sheet music in front of me so...:LOL:


    3. You don't HAVE to use this. If you don't like it, just go back to the one in the Absolution book. If you are using this already then...well WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!?!


    4. I'm being fairly weird. Just ignore me.


    5. Enjoy.

  21. Go ask! We need moar drummers.

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