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Status Updates posted by RenegadeOfFunk

  1. i hate it when people call muse a boy band! My friend was like, "but they're all boys, and they're in a band..." i'm like, "they're are rock trio, ROCK TRIOO!!" :LOL:

    erugh, Taylor Swift, i'm sick oh her bloody name.

    I'm all of a sudden hooked on Starlight, i mean i just can't stop listening to it! Which i guess isn't a bad things :happy: It's always the radio here, therefore must he turned up to almost max vol :p my brother's sick of hearing it! :chuckle:

  2. i just finished them today :D well, i have my biology module on friday, but that's it! I'm so glad they're over - just dreading getting the results now :LOL:

    and yeah, exams are just total bitches! I'm done till exams now where it's the big mocks... i'm so scared!

  3. I just had a total :eek::awesome: moment! :LOL: Brilliant <3


    oh, and Merry Christmas Lee! :D

  4. i know right! i feel sorry for the farmer who finds them :chuckle:


    oh, lovely! very lady like indeed! :LOL:


    :yesey: cause then their pincers get stuck in your skin, and that is a deffo no no.

  5. I know! I practically melted!




    Did you see him last night in that white suit?!



  6. I literally just got it! (before i read this, of course)


    I was playing RB, saw this symbol and actually said aloud "oooh that's what Stef's symbol is!" :rolleyes:


    my brother was like, "errm, who's Stef?" :LOL:



  7. i love your sig! :D


    but what's your icon? I don't recocgnise it from anywhere... :$

  8. I'm glad to hear :happy:

    oh, it was only FECKING AWESOME!! I got right on the bar slap bang in front of Bellamy - he was about 3 meters away, 3 METERS!! It was just so surreal... There stage performances really are every bit as awesome as people say. The set list wasn't too good, but i'm not exactly going to complain! We got the piano version of Cave :happy: It really was just amazing - i can't even think of words to describe it! I still can't believe it was them, you know, like really them, the were actually real... gah, i can't wait to see them again :D

    oh i just got back from seeing New Moon too! It was actually really very good!

  9. i'm seriously becoming addicted! :LOL:


    oooh talk eh - time for some msn spammage :awesome:


    I mean really - i right on the barrier infront of Bells. You couldn't have been any closer to him! :D Their stage design was surprising amazing - i really thought the pillar thing was going to be bad, but it actually worked really well :happy: I want to go see them again now :supersad:

  11. Just had to pop in and leave some appreciation for your sig :awesome:

    Monty Python FTW! :yesey:


  12. lmao :LOL:

    I love the smilies on here!

    :pirate::pope: <-- by far my fave! :D



    hows the english going?

  13. Marcus loves to chase them around the kitchen flaw :pussy:


    but what about them?

  14. Mattman Spiderdom and Ironchris to the rescuuuue!




    I'm exactly the same :) Yeah, i love doing stuff like that at 3am when i can't sleep :happy:


    one thing i hate about the board: when people gang up on you, and you dunna whats you've gone wrong that deserves a :facepalm:.... :confused::unsure:

  15. Meh, i think i did okay, but it's hard to tell - last time i thought i did fine and i came out with a C :( Guess i just have to wait til results day!


    oh no! What's up? I've been a little down too recently... i don't know what it is - it's like i have episode of depression and then i'm fine... it's really weird. Hope you're feeling better soon :)


    :LOL: Yeah, i went through that! I'm not on as much as i used to be. Mostly i don't have time, but loads of the people i normally chat to on here don't come on so much, so i kind of feel behind...


    I know, i'm really sorry about that! It was one of things where it was like "i need to reply, i need to reply, i NEED to reply, oh shit, more coursework :supersad:" It was nothing personal :kiss: And no worries, those Vanns really are awesome :yesey:


    :LOL: I would love to come over, trust me! Doubt i'll be over by September - i've still got two years of school yet! I'm hoping that if i get the uni course i want i'll be doing a couple of years over in San Diego, so fingers crossed :happy:

  16. Mel :happy:


    This is really random, but i really want to dye my hair, but i'm having the same worries as you (that i'll lose the natural highlights i already have and what not) so i was wandering if you were happy that you dyed yours, or if you regret it? No one seems to get quite why i'm worried, so i thought i'd ask you cause you've done it :)


    Sorry for the randomness :LOL: x

  17. mhm, makes total sense! I love it here :D


    I hope you get this before it's too late, but i'm gunna make my tag line "IronChris" and i thought it would be cool if you made your "MattMan" so we like, 'go' together?

    You can only do it on the 1st of the month, which is today. To do it, you go on your user CP and 'edit details'. if you had something else in mind, then i don't mind :)

  18. mine too! we just pissed around so much it was ace :D


    we met these girl on their silver and i was like "OMG you're not from Cornwall are you?!!"

    they said no and gave me a weird look :$

  19. mock? moi? The two words just don't go together!


    there, there tom *pats on back* :kiss:

  20. nawwh thanks you :kiss:


    and you see, it was pissing me off cause it wouldn't work - it just kept mangling up the paper. So i got all flustered and threw it at the wall (it was only a small thing) but some how, god knoes how, it ricocheted off the wall and out of the open window. It was unbelievable. I really don't know how it work. I've tried it since, when i've been bored, and never have i been able to get the angle right :(


    so yeah, that's how the stapler fell out of the window. hope you enjoyed the story :)

  21. nice to meet you too *shakes hand*


    :LOL: muse-ing ftw! i could waste days on here...


    and i'm good too ta :) just finished all my school exams :happy: except one important bio exam on friday which will determine my future :awesome: i'm trying not to think about it :$

    actually nah, it's not that major really, but it's my fist public exam that actually counts for something... kinda nervous tbh lol

  22. nice to meet you too \o


    Defiantly! When i heard Microphone Fiend riff at Wembley i went nuts! Then again with Maggie's Farm! And then of course will all the other ones the integrated too. That's what really got me into Muse - the fact that Dom is a heavy fan made me think they can't be that half bad haha



  23. no, it never gets you very far :p

    nah, it just "looks good". Like if you've done DOE it shows good organization skills and w/e, im not really sure lol and yeah it was actually really good fun thanks :D

    and i loved those!! i miss them so much :( gorge walking <3

    naah UK's not really that great. Just rains alot, and thats bout it! haha and i would love to come over there for uni - may be a poss :happy:

  24. oh aye, i think we have :)

    Well, am attempting to get all my DT coursework done whilst sorting out everything for muse on thursday! So hectic!


  25. oh deffo, spesh to piss off the folks too :LOL:

    eurgh, exams started two days ago and they are not going wellllll :( eh, it's this messageboard - biggest distraction EVER! haha

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