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Status Updates posted by SuperGinge

  1. Ooooh sounds fun!

    My teacher has written my reference now so HOPEFULLY it will be sent off sometime this week! :awesome:

    Aww, don't worry about it! You'll be fine! :D

  2. Aww cool, I was close to there! I was in standing, on the left hand side close to Matt :D

  3. :LOL: It would have been funny if you did :p

    Where abouts were you?

  4. :LOL: did you actually ask people? :p
  5. aww awesome! Good luck with Cambridge! What're you applying to do there?

    Thank youuu :D

    Yeah, I am...but just think, everyone will be in the same boat! :)


  6. eeeeee wasn't it amazing! Did you have a good time?

  7. :happy:

    It was amazziinggg! :D:D



    I will be dancing for two at Muse today. :kiss:

    *licks kandice's face*

    Have a fantastic birthday. <3


  10. Ooooh cool! Don't worry Sam! I'm sure Bristol will get in touch soon! Is Bristol your first choice then?

    I can't wait! :happy: I still don't know which my first choice University is though. At the moment I think it's either Chester or Southampton Solent...


  11. :LOL: Well i'm in no rush, I just want it off before the end of November! :D

    My teacher said she will write it this weekend, then type it into the Ucas form, then as soon as i've paid it will be sent off :D eeeeeee I can't wait!

    How long did it take Unis to offer you places?

  12. Awww, give it time! I'm sure they'll get back to you!

    I sent it through to my head of year yesterday, she's just gotta write my reference then i'm sending it off!

    It's getting all exciting now! :happy:

  13. Ooooh, I might have made BCU up then.....it may have been UCE that I was thinking about, god knows...i'm knackered. :LOL:

    That's okay Sam! Like I said, if you need to know anything else just ask. :D

    Oh you'd be surprised! Us Midlanders are rather proud of Stratford! :D You can do a Shakespeare tour, like...see where he lived and stuff, it's so awesome! :happy:

  14. Ooooh nice one! Which one, BCU or Aston?

    Hmm, well it is pretty nice yeah, there are some areas I wouldn't recommend going on the outskirts of Brum though, i.e Alum Rock, it's quite violent down there, but it's the same in every big city though.

    The shopping is pretty nice, the Bullring is pretty awesome, and it has a mahoosive Selfridges, with a Krispy Kreme area on the bottom floor! There's also a big waterstones right next to the big HMV on the street just outside the Bullring, can't remember what street but it's not that hard to spot :LOL:. Urmmm, theres also a little street that you go down when you come out of the side entrance of the Bullring/Selfridges, and there's a church there, and if you head past that it takes you to the indoor market, which is pretty good for some bargains, although I don't visit there very often it's always nice to check out. Oooooh, and theres also a comic store somewhere! It's a bit of a walk though. I'll figure out where it is and get back to you on that if you want, along with an awesome vintage clothes shop as well!

    There is always some form of gig at either the NIA, NEC (or LG Arena as it's now known) and the O2 Academy. The O2 and NIA are within walking distance of the city centre and i'm about 90% certain you can get a bus to the NEC.

    You're also pretty close to Stratford upon Avon as well. I think you can get a train there, and it's obviously fantastic for the theatre. They always have street performers and there's a little river you can take rowing boats on, it's sooo pretty. :happy:

    Then there's Solihull, which is pretty close to Birmingham as well, and it has a nice shopping centre there as well, I can't remember exactly what it's called though.

    And then there's obviously Tamworth, which is like 15 minutes north of Birmingham on the train, and it's made of awesome because I live there! :awesome: Haha, I kid, but yeah, Tamworth's pretty okay, just your generic Market town really. :LOL:

    I think that's everything though....if you need to know anything else, just ask. :)


  15. Sammmm, I saw your post on YMT asking about Birmingham. I live near there and visit pretty regularly, what do you need to know? :)

  16. eeeee glad you had fun! :happy: xxxxxxx

  17. Your avatar is so hypnotic.

  18. :LOL: aww that's awesome! I'm never in anyone's dreams! :happy:
  19. No wayyy! I was in a dream! DREAM HANNAH. :awesome:

    What happened? :happy:


  20. Haha it's so awesome! It's got little poems in it. :happy:

  21. Yes yes yessss!




  22. Hooorayyy! I'm gonna get an A now! :happy:

    I bought a Tim Burton book today. :awesome:

  23. :happy:

    Come do my work for me pleaseee?

  24. Krissss, we haven't spoke on here in a whilleeee. :happy:

    Aww no :( i'm already cold. :'(

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