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Status Updates posted by naget4music

  1. Lame' Stop having a life

    Oh I think you do. I've just showing you sammy and sean for now. The rest depends on your verdict :p



  2. Shit you took awhile to reply. Would you like to see it?

  3. O trumpets? Loool

  4. I had to include it. At the start you'd had a real yukky shot?

  5. Yep...but I'm only showing you sair and sean for the moment. so shhh

  6. Hey woman I have a video of you miming to girl and the robot at my disposal....

  7. You kinda go crazy at the end. So does Sair, but you more so. And there are clips of Sean sitting in his chair drinking canadian club. olol

  8. I have finally gotten angryless enough to compile that video of you and sair doing girl and the robot. It is lol.

  9. But Kittehs don't share, so they certainly won't share their biscuits with you! Poor engrand....Nah I just said what I put in the spoiler :p

  10. Omg your picture ^ olol


    and here for you




  11. OMG YOU'RE RALPH-LLAMA or something. From tumblr right??

  12. u r allowed to talk to me

  13. omg ego come back!! :supersad:

  14. Mwahahahaha you have to wait }:D

    Also your info is amazing. :LOL:

  15. Hey mr. You have a birthday video coming up. But you can't see it until your birthday in April -evil-




  17. I meant to say this AGES ago. But I got sidetracked with nothing :indiff:. Anyway. THANKYOU FOR THE CARD. I OPENED IT AND THERE WAS AN EXPLOSION OF GLITTER AND IT MADE ME VERRY HAPPY :happy:

  18. I meant to reply to that ages ago but got side tracked. Oh my drawing could have been a lot better but I didn't think it through :chuckle:....and I never got your card :supersad:

  19. Sammy...I am struggling to navigate your new fb page :'(

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