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Status Updates posted by naget4music

  1. haha. Took me awhile to work that one out.

  2. Awww lovely what did I do? Thank you! :kiss::awesome:

  3. Sorry, I should have replied. Yup downloaded it. Still waiting on everyone else's video to compile. But it'll be in there. Thank-you :). Lol at your lol at the end :chuckle:

  4. It is slightly concerning....

  5. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww



    I know why you're not talking to me...

  7. I used to have a best mate who ALWAYS let me down. Now she's just a good friend. But now I have another best mate who is a bit unreliable....but I just don't expect too much from her and our relationship is fine :happy:

    Anyway. Stop being a music snob :phu: pub music has created some amazing music. Creedence is my favourite pub music. And with twisted sister I was just watching the terrible acting on the video clip. Otherwise do not like it :LOL:

  8. WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE (your pants)



  9. Hmm, because you feel obligated? That's why I invite these always no goers. But I never rely on them.

    It was Bow River-Cold Chisel. :happy:. Then twisted sister-we're not going to take it. Weird as fuck.

    Oh booooyyy. I don't like it. :( blank

  10. teh fuck are ou awaasdf for

  11. Ahhh shit. With those type of friends I just never make plans with just them :LOL:

    You are a cool cat. I'm listening to pub music. :happy:

    oh and what happened to your av?

  12. Oh the old ditcheroonie. I hate UNRELIABILITY! I've got to do some uni work. But I feel like getting internet drunk too :LOL:

    Jazz? :chuckle:

  13. But you replied straight away! Drinking alone, listening to some relazing old tunes. OH NO WAIT YOU'RE BROWSING THE INTERNET :LOL:

  14. You weren't drunk? Why does it take you so long to reply to these things? :LOL:

  15. For I am already dead


  16. My name is Alecia, I was murdered by a serial killer. He chopped off my hands and threw them in the sea. Send this message to 10 people or TONIGHT you will find my long lost hands crawling through your window finding their way around my neck


  17. Haaahaha. What the hell Sean? I just got that WHAM message :LOL:

  18. everywhere you go always take the weather with you with you

  19. but it wont wake me up olololo

  20. Lol embarassment for you. I noticed his dripping panties post lololol

  21. actually this friday one is online YUSSSSSS

    HI JON

  22. So do I! :LOL: Toooo many times

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