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Everything posted by denise3112

  1. Nice setlist at Montreux tonight! Never thought I'd hear some of these songs again. I'd say the crowd undemonstrative rather than unknowing... I was in the front third of standing, people near me had been following Muse (live) since Showbiz... but they were quietly appreciative rather than wild. No pushing and shoving like in the UK. The most obvious difference was that people weren't brain-dead falling down drunk, like they are at a UK gig. And very few phones and ipads stuck in the air blocking the view.
  2. hahaha thanks for posting. Like puppies, playfighting and tumbling over each other. So cute.
  3. Thanks guys, that's really helpful. So excited!
  4. Hiya! Do you know anything about the auditorium? Any good spots to stand?
  5. Matt: “I sort of wanted to write a song that summed up that feeling like you’ve been done over by people you’re supposed to trust. That’s kind of where the song’s coming from really.” Read more at http://www.mtv.co.uk/muse/news/muse-uprising-was-inspired-by-g20-protests#MOZOOp7APJc0GQEl.99 You can have a serious message under a camp delivery. What else does it tap into when we sing "they will not control us" "we will be victorious"? It is an anti-etablishment 'fuck them' song whether camped up or not. Although I agree w you that the referendum has been massively divisive. Wouldn't think Matt would add to that at Glasto.
  6. I seem to remember, from ages and ages ago, he talked about having some type of shelter/safe place that he'd stocked up w stuff to survive on. But it wasn't in LA it was in Devon (UK). Safer place for the apocalypse ???
  7. thanks, brightened my morning. I was there. TAB was such a bonus on this tour. Never thought I'd hear it live again, and it's one of my all-time top five. Love the minor keys, the key changes and the demonic build. Fab visuals, with the holographic flames shooting up from Matt
  8. HAHAHAHAHAHA :LOL: See 1.24 when Dom talks about "playing my instrument" Matt's and Chris's jaws drop and they exchange filthy looks and laughs. Poor Dom witters on all innocent Thanks so much for posting!
  9. Yes you are right about the tone of the gig. It fell short of the full concept thing... I think they compromised between popular and concept. Perhaps they lost their nerve, perhaps it was finances, dunno. Think the fillers eg JFK was an attempt to carry through the concept but def just worked out as fillers. Not seen anyone comment on the visuals for TAB mebbe I missed it, but it was awesome. The projected flames shooting up from him at the high spot. Wow. re your bad spot... this is the problem when they change a stage layout. Harder to predict where the bad/good spots are going to be. ps. Serpent Satellite Are you a very fast typer? :)
  10. Yes I know this. And I agree they are self-aware re the overblown nature of it. Fun and entertainment comes into it too! Doesn't stop the theme coming from a genuine political interest; I don't think Bellamy is cynical about it. Yes there is a contradictory element, of course, you are right. Sometimes people with left-wing viewpoints get rich. Many creative people draw inspiration from nasty world events; a few of them get rich. Although tbf the banker-bashing was done at a time when bankers caused hundreds of thousands of people to lose their homes, and caused a world-wide recession. Not something your average rich rock-star has done. And Drones comments on modern warfare. I think even rich people can reflect on that without being contradictory.
  11. Hmm. The big stuff wouldn't impress you then, if you focus on the 'personal relationship' theme of the songs. The staging would be pretty irrelevant to that. But it seems clear to me that the album is intended to be a concept album, and it repeatedly references the world stage and war. Bellamy is a thinker, well read, intelligent and curious. He's intense and has a political viewpoint. I don't think that he's insincere about it either. The production was ambitious and absolutely stunning.
  12. Yes. Your long post is very fair. It's fucking insane the negative vibe on here. It's a whinge-fest breeding on itself. It drives people away. People who might be interested to chat about a band they like.
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