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Everything posted by denise3112

  1. Avialability is both pre-condition and risk factor, how could it be otherwise, and I didn't say it wasn't. And whatever class you are, stress and long/erratic hours become risk factors. Whether performing and touring is stressful compared with other jobs what do I know? I'm just guessing it ranks high on the stressometer.
  2. Kasabian is a fantastic live band. Tom Meighan is a natural front-man and performer in a way that I don't think Bellamy is or can be. He swaggers all over the place and really works the crowd. I always come away from a Kasabian gig drenched in sweat. But then that's Tom's only role on stage, singing and swagger. And he ambles around the back or goes off when Serge wants to sing and get a share of the limelight. Different set up from Muse altogether.
  3. Nope. Been registered for ages but Glasto deleted a bunch of registrations. They sent an e-mail asking me to re-register which went into my junk-mail. Re-registered but no luck in the in the resale. Have a slim chance through someone who works there, but I'm not v hopeful. Will be the first year not gone for ages
  4. Yes sometimes people die. But musicians die younger. "Rock stars really do die young: study finds musicians die 25 years younger than average person" http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/australiaandthepacific/australia/11192839/Rock-stars-really-do-die-young-study-finds-musicians-die-25-years-younger-than-average-person.html That's fine, you go see him, it's a personal preference thing after all. Me though, if I had to go see him I'd pay MORE for him to sing LESS.
  5. Exactly, you make my point. Prince died, prematurely. With a known painkiller problem. As did Michael Jackson. And the number of performers who died from overdoses/suicide are too numerous to list here
  6. And they are performing so that's full on nerves and stress at least to begin with, full on concentration (And Matt has double role of guitar, singing). In terms of mental effort alone it must be like sitting an exam.
  7. hahaha I'd forgotten about this! Thanks for the reminder guys. A 5 minute brightspot in my day. The link's here:
  8. Much more interesting if you choose how the gigs worked personally, for you, imo. Not sure you can ever detach it really anyway. Setlist builds into that but is only a part. eg Thurs at the O2 was prob the most special of the O2 run for me... was with my teenage son, he went mental for AP and Assassin with me, was impressed by the high-tech visuals... we had a great bonding Whereas Leeds... yes it had OoS played in full yippee, but it was pissing it down and the crowd was miserable as fuck as I recall, therefore good on paper but didn't work great on the day.
  9. Fair enough. It's very funny how he is not a band member and so just half his body was allowed to be on the stage in the gigs. Never know whether to be sorry for him or think wow! lucky him.
  10. Haha Thanks for this, love the fanboy/girling! Note Matt, Chris and Dom all gave you fistbumps, but Morgan just stalked past! Probably sulking from being stuck down that pit on the stage for the whole gig!
  11. It's just my opinion. I don't like DI, think it's a dirge except for the ending. I didn't think it went down well at Brighton last year either, def not compared to the other stuff they played at that gig (imho!) And it's been played at every gig on this tour, like meh Madness. Two dead spots for me. Would have liked Revolt or Defector, think either of them would be better live. But we all have our own preferences.
  12. Well I don't suppose we'll know for another three years. Unless they do a stadium tour of 'Drones' as well, which would seem excessive after all these arena gigs, and too late anyway. So they'll have to write and produce another album before we'll see them again. Yikes!
  13. Isn't 'Drones' Muse doing just that? There was a twilight surge of fans about 6 or more years ago at the UK gigs, mostly teenage girls often dressed up in highheels, but I wonder if a lot of them have drifted off now. The crowds this week have been noticeably loads older with perhaps a new contingent of young lads added in. And Muse doing Download festival last year clearly fulfils their claim to be a heavy rock band. But yes, there should always be equal treatment for your money, for sure.
  14. haha. I love Drones, play the album from start to finish, but I skip DI and Mercy. Re the US, have you read this old interview? Mebbe there is a different attitude Muse-US http://www.nme.com/filmandtv/news/muse-we-sold-our-soul-to-twilight/179492
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