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Status Updates posted by Neil.

  1. Yah it's just the jack that's a bit dodgy. the right insulated DC jacks are fucking impossible to get over here. I'm still trying to source them easy enough. I just don't really have the drive to make them anymore. I'm sure it'll come back eventually, but that's what architecture will do to you.


    as for the guitar, I was going to order it, but then opted for a new camera instead. hahaha!

  2. i've completely, 100% lost the drive to make any pedals. My life is now architecture, and nothing else. I used to go home every weekend, now it's my 3rd weekend in a row at uni, and i wont get to go home for christmas hols till christmas eve. I've 2 things to make though. Finish De Stijl, and new supersecretninjaproject, called, "Today, I am a Lion." It's an OD, just 1 knob. I'm going to see how cheap and quick i can make it. If it sounds good, sell sell sell.

  3. i'm still getting used to it. It's really interesting how it behaves. It's so very very different depending on what's both before and after. So far, best blowing up is my amp on AC30TB setting with some buffer between the BU and the amp. Very fun, but trickier than i thought to use. I'm thinking it might be good in a stripped down board of Whammy > Blowing up > Muff > amp.

  4. nah i've to wait and see if i can afford it. if i do go, i'll need to go get my vaccine incase i come in contact with anyone from cork. ;)

  5. still dont know just yet. it's not raining here. must be a cork thing. ;)

  6. I'm not sure!! lol! Probably just to try to keep the peace in KnT, plus, i'm on the boards a lot.

  7. the same time as olly and niall. I think it'll be a year in august. Im mainly in KnT, so i'm not around banter as much as some of the other mods.

  8. i used to be trad3mark, then after i was made a mod, i changed it to Neil so people can get to know me a bit better. :)

  9. hahaha @ boo hiss! ;) I've no problem with main musers or musers from any part of the board for that matter. It's always nice to get to know people from other sections though. I'm probably not as well known as the other mods, cos i think they spend much more time in banter and main muse than i do.

  10. I became a mod the same time as Olly and Niall. Yeah i changed my username from trad3mark to Neil just so people know who i am. ;) i mainly lurk around Kit and Tab, and occasionally i pop up briefly in banter.

  11. probably just gonna be very smooth. the way the diodes are set up, it's soft clipping, so i can imagine it being creamier than the old old old ones. Tbh, since hearing this, it's tempting to get some GE's, possible the same as the ones in their Germanium OD, and see what i can muster up.

  12. HAI! Did you see there's a GERMANUIM Big Muff in the pipeworx from EHX? WANT WANT WANT!

  13. i thought it was someone like jonneh. It was definitely someone who was previously banned.

  14. Neil.

    olol! just realised your birthday is the same of mine! GO ON THE 26TH!!

  15. depends like. Get everything EXCEPT the valves from bitzbox and you'll be ok. There's a good few sites for valves. http://www.hotrox.co.uk have a great selection, and shippings quite good. If you go for cheap, standard versions of the tubes, you can pick them up for less than £10. so i'd estimate the cost at <£20.

  16. managed to get the VC vero onto 11 x 9 (holes) vero. lots of jumpers, and possibly a little cramped, but 11x9 is pretty small tbh.

  17. tbh, it looks like it's warmoth or gtfo. Although, you and i both know how good warmoth do work. they quoted me something like $400. It's steep, but at the same time, cnc routed......


    I'm still investigating, so i'll let you know if i hear anything.

  18. on


    win posts are win

  19. ololol. potatocaster!


    no real news on it. im up to by eyes with college at the mo, so it's on hold at the mo.

  20. just saw your finished product of the glitter manson remake thing. Incredible work there! You should send that in an email off to hugh manson and ask him for a job ;)


    keep up the good work. I'm hugely impressed.

  21. at least it wont be as bent as muselive. nothing will ever be that bent

  22. ololol! i wonder if sams ban was a permaban

  23. bshuker too!? ololol! i thought it was just sam and toff. hopefuly sams wont be permaban. what was bshukers for?

  24. ololol! everyone's getting bann'dd!!!

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