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Status Updates posted by zoe

  1. you orite hun?? xxxx

  2. just extremely drunk lastnight!!

    :S never ever ever am i drinking again!!!!!!!

  3. hmmmmmmmm maybe!! lolz

    but then again im hungover :'(

    so maybe not!!

  4. yum yum yum yum :D!!!!!!!!!



    cant wait till friday babes!!


    2 days wooo hoooo!!!!!!!! ;) xoxx

  6. ello again!! (: xx

  7. zoe

    well what do we have here??


    davey davey davey





  8. heyya hunni :D x

  9. hello sexy minx ;) x

  10. HEY DARLIN ;)


    hows youuuu ??


    where have you been hiding havent spoken to you in ages!! lolz :D



  11. im good thanks chick!!

    pretty much the same.....slightly hungover :D

    but good all the same!! x

  12. well thats good then :happy:

    ive not been up to much hunni :D


    how about you?? x

  13. awww thanks hun :D

    favour returned



  14. zoe

    hey baybeeeeeeeee :D

    not too much up with me........still marrying people on the board lolz

    you?? x

  15. zoe

    its ok i forgive you lol :D


    your alright though yeah??


    awwwww same here im stuck down with loads of coursework and stuff!!








  16. i added you babes =]

    hope you dont mind lolz x

  17. hahaha im good thanks!!

    oh maaaan the goth queen look.....not good!!


    well christmas is stressing me right out lol so.......... no no at the mo lol



  18. hey!!

    im zoee


    nice to meet ya hun xx

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