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Status Updates posted by zoe

  1. SOUNDS LIKE FUN!!!!!!!!!!




    well like i said all ive got on today is work but then i might do some shopping later :D


    all depends how i feel, wannna go to HMV later for the new 3 doors down stuff but apart from that nope nothing negative............



    INFACT i might watch transformers again! lol

  2. zoe

    yes lets end that part there lol


    hahahahah :LOL:


    im pretty sure thank you!!


    watch your mouth david or ill come to cardiff to purposely shhhlllaaaappp you!!


    heheh :LOL:

  3. yeah im working on the last one now :(


    shameful reaallyy i plan to kill frank off in this one just to stop myself writing another one about him lol :D


    but thats just the way it goes




    you doin much today??




  5. i did :D


    maybe im just scarily obsessed!! hahahahahaha

  6. zoe



    yeah FOR DEFO davey!! :stunned:


    yeah....... all the time :rolleyes:


    im sureeeeeeeeee lolol


    i has an achey back.....and head.......and eerything else lol :LOL:

  7. zoe

    hey hun :D


    long time no speak!!


    how are ya??



  8. well i went to a lesbian engagement party on saturday :D


    then i spent all day yesturday babysitting and watching any film with my future hubby

    shia lebeouf in it lolz




    sooooo today its back to work!!


    gotta get another 3 chapters done today!




  9. zoe

    yep i do :(


    shame really........i shoulda invited youu!


    you coulda been my plus one lolz


    i mean you only being like 20 minutes away!!




    i was fine yesturday but im feeling all achey and stuff today :(



  10. zoe



    it was.....different lolz


    got a new gay best mate called dom! lolz


    sooo was good!


    how was your weekend babes!??





    i love him.......point blank.....full stop!! lolz



    hands off missy....hes minnne



  12. zoe

    i went to a lesbian engagement party!! yup yup :yessy:

    was fun fun!!


    my pics are up.....go have a looksey


    hehe xxxxx

  13. yes.....same!!


    i stayed up most of the weekend watching films with shia lebouef in them!! (i love him)


    LOLZ xx

  14. zoe



    yeah im great fankies chick!! :happy: you???



  15. its ok hun!!


    just put some new ones up from saturday!! :LOL:


    was a rough night!!!


    hahahahah :happy:


    you have a good weekend?? xxxxx

  16. zoe



    (ello) xx

  17. THANK you for my piccy comments!! :happy: xx

  18. zoe

    hey :happy:

    you okay hun?? x

  19. no not yet but the final copies are back!!!! whoooooooooooo


    the front cover is gorgeous!!


    so ya know im happy!! lolz


    you had a good weekend babes??



  20. zoe

    awwwwwww fanks babes!!!

  21. yeah hun :D


    make sure you keep in touch!!


    or ill come and whack you with my sweepin brush lolz xxxxx

  22. zoe

    LOLZ :D


    you aint been on chat for ages missy!!


    get back on there!! :D

  23. they are actually up :D


  24. zoe

    yeah im not toooooo bad :D


    just a bit bored :D

    dressed up as a goth queen for chldren in need today :D lolz

  25. these things cant be helped darling..........when your as classy as me lololol :D



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