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Everything posted by CarrieB

  1. I agree with Niall. It did seem blatant to me and I think it's a good thing that it's not tolerated on this board.
  2. Pathetic! I'm not too keen on the music from Adam Lambert from what I've seen of it, I haven't really looked into it too much I must admit. I didn't like his performance of Starlight and though his voice is nice in Soaked his performance to me appears a bit fake, it doesn't match the intimacy of Matt's performance. I get the impression that Adam uses his sexuality in the physical presentation of his performances but there's nothing wrong with that and it may just be who he is. So did Freddie Mercury incidentally. So do the Scissor Sisters. So do loads of straight performers. It may not be everyone's cup of tea though. Personally I like a lot of performers who happen to be gay, but I haven't warmed to Adam Lambert. Some of that maybe the overuse of his sexuality in performances when I don't find him attractive to look at, but I would say the same for a straight performer. Subtlety is so much better imo and sexier! What is pathetic though is to make negative judgements of someone just because of their sexuality which seems to be the case here. It's rife unfortunately.
  3. Matt's is more intimate which suits the song and his version appears to contain more genuine emotion. Adam's is indeed too polished and over the top. There's also a bit of emotive vocal in Matt's interpretation that Adam doesn't even attempt, don't know how to describe it, but the bit without words. I would imagine if the same poll was carried out on an Adam Lambert site the opposite result would be achieved though. Actually just adding, listening to Adam Lambert's version actually annoys me! He destroys it. It's not a fucking show tune. He seems to me to miss the point of the song entirely and just uses it to show off his vocal. I wonder what Matt thinks of Adam's version. Mind you, saying that, if Muse had recorded it officially, we don't know how close it would have been to the raw version.
  4. Well I had all the other albums before The Resistance, loved Muse on that basis before joining the board, and I really liked the Resistance when it first came out but I didn't realise it was my favourite (I have difficulty deciding a favourite) which now I think it is, well at this time, anyway. On joining the board I remember my favourite song at the time was Space Dementia so I'm, not coming from hearing The Resistance first and then going back to listen to their previous albums. I have also increased my love for Uprising and USoE as time has gone on, and I've always loved IBTY and Exogenesis and Resistance and Unnatural Selection. I don't know, the whole album just works on a lot of levels for me. I even don't mind Guiding Light though I would never list it as a favourite. As part of the journey through diversity the album offers, I think it works, and I like the lyrics, though I have to admit I do still sometimes wind up the window in the car when it comes on. That's my own stigma/embarrassment about the old cheesy glam rock thing though, it still touches me and even so I wouldn't assess the whole album based on one song.
  5. Well it's a thread for controversial opinions and that is my honest opinion. I decided to post it yesterday after watching Hullabullo and then listening to The Resistance and seeing Glastonbury on the TV later. The new stuff and the new performances (obviously containing some of the older songs) are the best.
  6. Thank you. They didn't like it too much did they?! lol! But yeah it would be good it it made people think about how it feels, just a little bit even.

  7. Thanks, there was a method in my madness! LOL! I doubt the penny will drop though. They just can't see it can they? I did honestly think that it wasn't very good though. I think some others who love Muse might look and think the same too.

  8. Oh sorry I haven't. I think it was in 2007 but I can't remember what publication, or anything much about it. I just remember that bit.

  9. I'm okay Julie, thank you . What about you?

  10. To be honest I'm slight too pissed to say too much constructive but yeah, exactly. There's nothing in your message that I would disagree with. :)

  11. You inspired me to re-read Farmer Duck! Still in my bookshelf from when my children were small! I'm such a hoarder! I never realised before but it's almost a Marxist revolution reinterpreted for two year olds! That's no comment on Matt's intelligence btw. Better put it back before my family think I've gone bonkers! Actually, I've mentioned before but the book I would like to recommend to Matt is The Crysalids by John Wyndham. It is one that I read at school and found quite inspirational, though I read a bit of it recently and found it a bit basic. It's just the theme I like though.
  12. Hiya


    Yes my megapost as been bubbling under the surface, unable to surface because it really is such a tricky subject. I mean are we really assessing Matt's mental health on line!? Jeez! So I steered away and made some effort to keep it light. But while pulling some huge weeds out of my drive this afternoon, I was sort of thinking about stuff, so I posted. He is quite inspirational I think, but I forgot to put that in there, as I had to go and pick my daughter up, so I added that in as that was actually quite important to the point of my post! lol!


    I do feel like there is a kind of constant suppression going on of any alternative way of thinking about things, and certainly, like you say, a blowing out of proportion and dismissal of any thinking that has any depth, which shows up in relation to attitudes towards Matt I think. In fact what I said is all intwined into what I'm studying too. I could have put references in! :LOL: But even that is feeling constricting to me. It's all quite hypocritical. I want to be inspired but so much of academia is caught up in the very things that that it is criticising, hierarchy and control! Like Weber said over-rationalisation and bureaucracy removes the magic. I think like Matt I want to read a few paragraphs and work the rest out myself! :LOL: It's probably just the adult version of my childhood fascination with Star Trek and The Faraway Tree! :LOL:


    Anyway as to Matt, looking at past interviews, it's difficult to untangle actually, what is meant, what is humour, what is journalistic sensationalism, what is of Matt's own making, and what is actually part of his personality/life experience, but he certainly comes over as perfectly fine to me now.:happy: He has said that stuff he has said has been twisted before. I take a lot of it with a pinch of salt but I also get a sense that there may have been an attempt to push a young man along a path which would satisfy the public desire for a tormented rock star and it's all power to him really that he didn't succumb to that. Did you read that interview when he keeps saying "it's not the time or the place" - that appears to me clear evidence that they were attempting to push him to talk about stuff that was beyond what he felt comfortable with. Made me think of Citizen Erased.


    Anyway I think Matt's not your average dude, but all the lovelier because of that, and I think he comes over as very sensible, at least nowadays, well apart from his constant baiting of Dom that is! :LOL:


    I'm okay. How are you?

  13. Hi Julie,


    Did I reply to you before? I thought I did, but maybe it got lost somewhere. I am confused about what you said about the tweeting musefans. Anyway it was funny what Matt did to Dom! He's such a sod :LOL: but I love him to bits anyway!


    Finally finished my exams, thank god, but I haven't quite realised it yet. Now I've got a bit of time off so I'm going to tackle my house and catch up with people I have been neglecting.


    Hope you have a good day.:)

  14. Oh something I didn't say is I got that 100 page NME special yesterday. It's good actually reading all the old interviews. More than I thought it would be. Don't know how much Muse will like it, having their past revisit them like that, but it's a nice memento. I'm just glad that I've read some of them in full,years later rather than at the time, though I still wish I'd been a fan back then.

  15. No it was bad! Honest! I just couldn't get into it. It was my fault really as I stayed up too late the night before and then felt too tired to focus. Still I should have enough from my coursework to get a pass anyway. I have another one tomorrow so have got to be good this evening. I have seen all the news. :) That Twilight article is just an exaggeration I'm sure. Just the idea of Matt being a huge Twilight fan is rather ridiculous. Anyway it didn't sound like he was from the interview yesterday. Take care. Hope you have a good day. I just popped on, saw the twitpics of poor Dom which for some reason weren't tweeted to my phone, going to have a quick look on here and then get back on with revision.

  16. PS I'm okay though I did crap today in an exam! oh well. Hope you're okay too.

  17. I'm not sure whether there has been one before. I'm sure there must be a good reason behind them not playing the songs.

  18. Well I don't know if she's a stalker or not Lauren, or whether her concerns are legit, but the mods have obviously seen the original post as they locked the thread. Seems a bit fishy that someone genuine would continue to post digs at Kate Hudson though.

  19. Hi


    She registered to post something on the Matt and Kate Hudson thread, so you can read it. I have since noticed a couple of catty remarks, following that, regarding Kate Hudson, and just saw her name post up on your thread on the list. I don't normally read it. And low and behold it was another remark about Kate Hudson! Its getting a bit much, particularly as every post she has done so far, which isn't many granted, is in relation to Kate Hudson.



  20. Oh yeah :LOL: would be great! Looking forward to that this evening anyway. :)

  21. If you want to go and do my exams for me, I'll pay your airfare! :LOL:

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