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Everything posted by Samcoma

  1. LOL WTF with the banter thread.

  2. Hi :) Welcome to the muse board!

  3. Ohai welcum back Lol facebook



    OHAI rofl LOL night on facebook with henofagwit

    Jonathan Henstock at 23:55 on 11 May

    at least i dont look anything like this

    Samuel Alexander at 23:57 on 11 May

    No you're right, you look like a bellamy wannabe cock scraping douche fag.

    Jonathan Henstock at 23:59 on 11 May

    lmao, nice glasses sam.

    you posing fucking woman

    god help you if i see you at a gig.

    god fucking help you

    Samuel Alexander at 00:00 on 12 May

    What you gonna do, write me a stern letter complaining about how you're a whiny little bitch? Please you're not fit to scrape the cheese off of a homeless mans cock.

    Jonathan Henstock at 00:01 on 12 May

    lol look at yourself in that picture. Samuel Alexander at 00:03 on 12 May

    Please dear sir, note that you are a contrived little liar who has absolutely fuck all to threaten anyone with. Apart from your aids infested little ball sack. Jonathan Henstock at 00:06 on 12 May

    haha, internet hardman.

    i would actually knock you stone cold out.

    and regardless if i have a soldano or not.

    at least im not some fucking ugly smelly fuck who poses in sunglasses whilst indoors. Samuel Alexander at 00:08 on 12 May

    Read that back to yourself. Internet hard man? I'm not the one making petty little threats and wishing I was a rat nosed scrawny fuck. Oh wait you already are. You wanna fight? I'll put my cock in your hand.

    Jonathan Henstock at 00:14 on 12 May


    see the thing is samuel alexander.

    there not petty little threats, because i know exactly what you are.

    you can attempt to rip me all day, but just stop and


    Samuel Alexander at 00:19 on 12 May

    Look at your own picture. You pretend to be someone else. You know absolutely nothing. The reason you're so easy to rip at is because of this. I mean seriously do you think your shitty singing voice is going to get you anywhere? Or in a way for you to understand seeing as you're a dullard 'insert muse lyric here'. Jonathan Henstock at 00:22 on 12 May

    lmao. its guna get me ALOT futher than you

    you buy all this gear, and fucking sit at home

    least im playing to 600 people plus.

    with regards to pretending to be someone else. id stll rather pretend to be a fucking dying aids victim,.. before i looked liked this picture.

    at the end of the day sam, im playing to lots of people, getting paid decent money, have a really hot girlfriend and your just a little smelly geek, who gets off over guitars and your best friends a fucking american who you met on a forum.


    sit the fuck down

    Samuel Alexander at 00:30 on 12 May

    Fucking lol child. No I get all this gear because I can not only afford it but because I can use it in a gigging situation, recording situation or practice situation. What's really funny about you is you don't even realise the majority of the people you 'know' such as Jonneh who you went to college with apparently can't fucking stand you.


    Unlike you I don't have an obsession with making it in a shitty little band playing to 600 people as the second best act. And unlike you I don't have a short term plan for a music career. I can't wait for you realise that your little band isn't going anywhere? Where are all the reviews for your band? Where's the publicity. Where's the headlining slots? My best friends an American off a forum? No little one my best friend is a person I go out every weekend with on the wrecker.


    Now you pathetic chore of a person. Shut up and get a life because everything you say just makes you look stupider.

    Jonathan Henstock at 00:34 on 12 May

    i didnt go to college with jonneh, he added my msn and we happened to go to the same one, ive never met him.

    we have headlined manchester ritz, and theres loads of reviews on the net. unlike your gigs>? as ive not heard of fucking ONE of them

    your a shit player from what ive heard your record and i bet you cant sing for shit, your the ugliest person ever, who poses inside in sunglasses. and im sat here laughing so hard but i actually kinda feel sorry for you.


    regardless sam, what festival are you going to this year? you better get fucking preying im not there you little geek, play times over.... Read more


    good night

    Samuel Alexander at 00:40 on 12 May

    From what I've seen of your playing and singing it's safe to say you calling me shit is the pot calling the kettle black. You're a little boy, as you keep making clear with little chavy threats. I'm trying to give a crap about your little threats but I just can't seem to. Infact you know what, I've got tickets to the NIN gig at MEN I'll see you there.


    You keep proving that you are a living cliche. It's painful to think that if you have children they'll be as stupid as you are.

    Jonathan Henstock at 00:42 on 12 May

    lmao really? im going to that.

    ill probably be wtih matt from industry.

    fucking dare to come into my eyeline..

    i cant wait Samuel Alexander at 00:43 on 12 May

    I'll be the one looking down on you with pitty. As will everyone else be when I eat your balls off with some soup and a bread roll. Jonathan Henstock at 00:47 on 12 May

    game on my friend.

    are you meeting matt from industry there?

    oh wait is this like one of those IM GOING TO MARLAY PARK LOL things and you wont fucking show up

    little ugly cunt you are mate. Samuel Alexander at 00:49 on 12 May

    My passport was out of date when I was going to Marlay park. And yeah I'll come down just to see you back down like a giant little pussy. And unlike you I won't need all my mates to back me up as I kick the shit out of you. I'll trashing your fucking lights.


    Troll bait much.


    Jonathan Henstock at 00:51 on 12 May

    lmao, ill be with my girlfriend.

    i so cant wait for this though.

    get in touch with matt, as ill be with him.

    im going to bed now, this was fun for abit.

    now its just repeative

    cya at nin sammy boy

    Samuel Alexander at 00:52 on 12 May

    C'ya at Nin bebs it was fun while it lasted. :)

  4. Very tempted to pop down that night and blow all my molah! Only 7 days away from now FUCK YEAH
  5. So I was heading up the old dusty trail, and I thought 'WHY NOT DO SOMETHING BLUESY' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwPGk1Vjdk0&feature=channel_page No where near finished, and since I can't record by any other means meh.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aR8NRSYYkpc&feature=channel_page Got bored today and thought I'd record something that I'm working on with a song writer. It's a lol heh.
  7. Haha yeah they're very pricey! I'd probably get one if I were earning $1,000,000,000 a year haha

  8. It's a very expensive motorave custom, http://board.muse.mu/showthread.php?t=56266 :D Found out about that a long time ago haha.

  9. Still working on it :( Should be shipped out by the 10th though apparently.

  10. Hey mate, just got back from Brighton today, my mates amp needs a bit of a fix up he says as the speaker output socket doesn't work. If I can get him to fix it, you still interested?

  11. No prob! I'm getting my tickets on payday and I've got at least 5 people who are coming along!
  12. You guys need to send me more promo CD's and posters and send me info about glastonbudget. I've stirred quite an interest up here and if I can I may be able to get your CD played in a local nightclub!
  13. Crap man completely forgot! I'll get it off him today for you.

  14. Hey man hows the workshop build going?

  15. Where I'm going to stay they're pretty tight on noise so I might not be able to take anything but a pod or something.


    Did find out something cool from the head of the guitar department though, I could take my rack gear/pedalz into their studios and live. That'd be pretty cool live :D

  16. Awesome! Yeah I'm doing the same course, and I'm moving in with random people there in shared housing. Bimm sort it all out which should save some time. :happy: Dunno whether or not to take an amp with me though...

  17. Hey man! Which course did you get onto in BIMM? I'm on the diploma starting on the 28th September and I'm moving down there soon. :D

  18. Yep you can! :D I took a CD with me that had the SS backing track, scales wise I played a few arpeggios and a few simple pentatonics. Play what every you really know like the back off your hand, not what's just beyond you if you know what I mean? I was gonna do a DT song for my audition but I thought meh I don't know it inside and out and I haven't gigged it, I'll just play something easy. They're just looking at your timing etc so they can effectively build the course around you. :happy:

  19. It was pretty simple, you go in and have a nice calm chat for a little while and they basically ask you a few questions about why you want to go there, and they try and find out how committed to it you'll be. Then you have your actual audition, and I choose to play something gay and simple that I knew inside out to a backing track... Stockholm syndrome. :LOL: But yeah they're really nice about it, and for the improv they just throw a few chords at you to use and improv around. No pressure at all about it, but it's a lot more nerve racking before hand though. Have a few drinks before hand. :p

  20. Fuck yeah! :D Did you? Only problem for me right now is accommodation. :(

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